A Story

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    • Re: A Story

      asoiafdude wrote:

      Cirrax Lankart wrote:

      just because I like other guys doesnt make me any less of a man. lol. I'm not effeminate, at least, not often. hehe. I'm a rocker, I love concerts, and going out with mates and doing everything other guys do. I just dont date girls. :)

      I was referring to the popular view of homosexuals, and how many men view them as girly and unmanly, I didn't actually mean to say you ARE effeminate. :p

      lol, my best mate is effeminate. ^^ he's pretty cool. I can be some times, but not often. :)
      [SIZE=2]Gay and looking for a friend? Hell, any sexuality is welcome. PM ME FRIENDS VERY WELCOME! hehe[/SIZE]

      Reliving life as I should. :)
    • Elektrobank wrote:

      well cade is mod, he has been around the same time as you sort of.

      heh, well I'd be really honoured...but I kinda have no idea how to become one. ^^


      I met this guy on a dating site, richie, things were going well, we arranged a meeting and we really liked each other. but I kept thinkins "something will happen, something will go wrong".

      I kept my thoughts to myself and didnt give up...we were going to meet up...but...LMFAO! I WAS RIGHT! he called it off saying he had found someone else.

      just my luck. XDDD

      the irony is amazing. ^^

      well, time to move on. :)
      [SIZE=2]Gay and looking for a friend? Hell, any sexuality is welcome. PM ME FRIENDS VERY WELCOME! hehe[/SIZE]

      Reliving life as I should. :)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Matt: Merged Double Post ().

    • Re: A Story

      there is only one thing you need to realise...

      pain never lasts forever, it wont kill you to shed a few tears every now and then, and dispite how hopeless life may seem...the world will not stop for your whoes. so why should you?

      its not about not being hurt by what happens...its about not letting it beat you.
      [SIZE=2]Gay and looking for a friend? Hell, any sexuality is welcome. PM ME FRIENDS VERY WELCOME! hehe[/SIZE]

      Reliving life as I should. :)
    • Re: A Story

      hmmm well i've definitely shed a few tears (well, more than just a few) and i know i just need to get over my past and shite...but its hard to do. its been a few weeks and people are telling me to move on and stuff but i still feel like this and i dont know if its bad that i still feel like this or if its okay that i still cry almost every night and stuff...

      but i shall not complain anymore in your thread, sorry 'bout that

      and thanks =]
    • Re: A Story

      THC wrote:

      hmmm well i've definitely shed a few tears (well, more than just a few) and i know i just need to get over my past and shite...but its hard to do. its been a few weeks and people are telling me to move on and stuff but i still feel like this and i dont know if its bad that i still feel like this or if its okay that i still cry almost every night and stuff...

      but i shall not complain anymore in your thread, sorry 'bout that

      and thanks =]

      no by all means, complain. :)

      I dont mind.

      and your friends...are giving you the wrong advice.

      I am not over any of the things that happen to me.

      its not about forgetting about them, them no longer affecting you...its about accepting that whats happened...has happened. and to make sure it doesnt happen again.

      to forget...is to be ignorent. to remember...is to be prepared.

      accept what has happened to you, and if something happens, just be glad it wasnt as worse as what you've been through before, and if it is worse...well, surviving it means you can survive the lesser things.
      [SIZE=2]Gay and looking for a friend? Hell, any sexuality is welcome. PM ME FRIENDS VERY WELCOME! hehe[/SIZE]

      Reliving life as I should. :)
    • yeah this was pretty much the worst i have been through...but im afraid that its going to make me a different person that i dont want to be. i dont really know how to explain it...but i just feel kindof like that person that climbed to the top of the mountain, only to find that the mountain wasnt real, and fell down through empty space...and im still falling. i just dont know what will happen when i finally hit the ground and start again.

      did that make any sense?
    • THC wrote:

      yeah this was pretty much the worst i have been through...but im afraid that its going to make me a different person that i dont want to be. i dont really know how to explain it...but i just feel kindof like that person that climbed to the top of the mountain, only to find that the mountain wasnt real, and fell down through empty space...and im still falling. i just dont know what will happen when i finally hit the ground and start again.

      did that make any sense?

      yes. it did.

      listen, you have to stop being afraid of being different. hang onto your morals and your affirmations and no matter how much your afraid of changing, you will always be you.

      just dont let go of what you believe in.

      maybe I should turn my life into a book? it would certainly have its fill of drama. ^^

      well, me and Kyle (my ex-fiance as you know) obviously still talk as I have mentioned before. he was able to love me again but we decided to only stay friends despite the love we still shared.

      last night that was shattered when he told me he doesn't love me anymore.

      I swear...sometimes it feels as tho god hates me.

      I have forced myself to be strong against so much in my life, and its like fate is testing that strength by battering it with as much heartache as possible.

      I dont know what to do anymore.
      [SIZE=2]Gay and looking for a friend? Hell, any sexuality is welcome. PM ME FRIENDS VERY WELCOME! hehe[/SIZE]

      Reliving life as I should. :)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Matt: Merged Double Post ().

    • Re: A Story

      Cirrax Lankart wrote:

      I'd rather not have to be this strong.

      I know what you mean :(

      im obviously not as strong as you but i have taken it upon myself to help a few of my friends with problems...and at first it was fine, but then i began to develop my own problems and everything started to get to me and its so hard...i cant even imagine how you manage to get through all of this.

      but this strength you have is as much a blessing as a curse...just try to embrace and realize both, and keep going.

      and if i was that Kyle, i would NEVER stop loving you ;)
    • Re: A Story

      DontBother wrote:

      I honestly don't know what to say.

      I'm really impressed by what's happened to you, and how you've pulled through it.

      I honestly don't know what to write, but I feel this post deserves a reply.

      Word. Now, a message to the original poster.

      I can relate to some of what happend to you. The bullying, the sexuality, the difficulties with parents [ a little]. One of my parents is terminally ill. You sure have had it hard. You presneted your story very well., not all people can manage to do that which is why I think they sound like atention seeking sometimes.

      If I could talk to you [the original poster] in an instant messenger that would be great.
      compromise (noun): A mutual agreement whereby you don't actually get what you wanted, but at least get the satisfaction of knowing that the other fucker isn't going to get what he wanted either.
    • Re: A Story

      Now I have also been around and seen some major losers complaining about their life and how aparantly bad it is. So I decided to tell you a story. the story of my life.

      this is the only part of the post i disagree with. yuor post got major credit mate but that statement above lost a lot of it too. sorry, don't try and invalidate other people, just concentrate on yourself.
      compromise (noun): A mutual agreement whereby you don't actually get what you wanted, but at least get the satisfaction of knowing that the other fucker isn't going to get what he wanted either.
    • Re: A Story

      r7363629js8290 wrote:

      this is the only part of the post i disagree with. yuor post got major credit mate but that statement above lost a lot of it too. sorry, don't try and invalidate other people, just concentrate on yourself.

      I was refering to some people that have said they wanted to die and have tried for several years. the attemntion seekers. if they really wanted to kill themselves, they'd have done it first time.

      the losers are the ones that dont ask for help but would rather you just pity them.

      sorry for saying that...but its true.
      [SIZE=2]Gay and looking for a friend? Hell, any sexuality is welcome. PM ME FRIENDS VERY WELCOME! hehe[/SIZE]

      Reliving life as I should. :)