WTF should i do...

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    • WTF should i do...

      Not to seem like im bitchin about things an shit.. but how come EVERY Girl i like and date turn out to be Straight up Bitchs... i mean i kno that there are good ones out there but WTF thier all takin which fuckin sucks... seriously i aint no bad guy.. im nice, i try to be sweet when i can.. and i dont cheat im actually faithful to the girls i date.. about 3 months ago me and my girlfriend broke up.. i thought she was "the one" ya kno.. we were supposed to get married at the end of this year and she left me for some fuckin idiot she meet at a friends house... and we were together for almost 2 yrs... but when we broke up it was like my life was turned upside down... i lost my job right after the break up happened.. i got heavy into drugs.. not coke or anything hard just weed and ALOT of alcohol to try to take the edge off and not feel the pain of everything that was happening around me at the time.... but now ive cleaned myself up and come to terms with my loss and that i deserved better than what she was.. cuz to be striaght up she was a bbitch to me nothing i did was EVER good enough 4 her.... and i have another job and back on my feet doing good for a change but dating is goin all fucked up... any advice from anyone??? anything would sorry for the long post jus had to explain what the fuck is goin on....
    • Re: WTF should i do...

      Simshady27534 wrote:

      but now ive cleaned myself up and come to terms with my loss and that i deserved better than what she was.

      Way to hit the target, that's nice to hear. Honestly you were right, you deserve better than someone who would do that to you. Lets knock things down a notch though? People in every day situations can be serious idiots are just plane ignorant, they're not hard to find. You need to take things a little slower, don't try to dive into things. If you're forcing yourself to look for this 'amazing' relationship, it's going to be a lot harder to find.

      Basically, when you're getting to know someone that you might be attracted too, be sure you get to really know them, not the idea of them or the idea you want them to be for that matter. Don't take the lead and dive right into things, they have to meet you half way first, once this happens you really decide from there on out. If the people you meet aren't willing to meet half way and show an effort, they're usually not worth dealing with.

      Hope things work out for you.