My plethora of poetry

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    • My plethora of poetry

      the waves and i can identify.
      they are crashing, as i am to the shore of my sorrows.
      the white tips are the pressure points,
      my ghostly fingertips that are reaching for anything
      to hold on to now that you're gone.
      eagerly they do so try to reach for
      lost messages that flow into my mouth
      and get swallowed in the aching tide
      that pulsate with every surge of sadness.
      i let go of all that consumes
      let it slip from my waving hand
      and leave it with the sand.
      and leave it with the sand.


      it is an attempt in vain: i have learned to perfect the pain.
      anger sparks from the mouth in a sickly red hue,
      but deeper in the blood runs blue.
      i watch the black movement with envious eyes of lime,
      the tragic teenagers of the time.
      i run away to the shade in which all colors fade
      for those content, the rainbow above acts as an alcove.
      i am in no way worth the stay
      for the duplicity in this treacherous city
      so the shadows take me silent
      and the boiling blood turns violent.


      the sun settled sweetly where trees could make their shade
      while leaves were content in their constant state of jade
      the wild flowers waved and stretched towards the sky
      synchronized swaying with flutters of the butterfly
      clouds shifted into shapes across the delicate blue
      and i gazed from fragile fields wishing i could change too.

      oh a sudden shrill warning from the clouds moving out
      the chilly of the air came and blew blades about
      as a phantom came round to turn them orange and crimson
      leaves wondered in the whistling wind where it had been
      then swirled low in a circle to whisper what they knew
      and i gazed from crunchy turf wishing i could change too.

      so a pure blanket tucked the foliage into a sleep
      where the nightmare of negatives began to creep
      the trees bereft of greenery, then scarce, then shrouded
      felt eves drop so low that the perky petals pouted
      ominous sky cried frozen tears for dark days anew
      and i gazed from its kerchief wishing i could change too.

      the shy sun magnified to thaw the frozen stasis
      so that the detectives could work on their cases
      bees worked busily and found flowers in their beds
      rising from the sheets of soil with sleepy heads
      and the world melted in minutes for the frozen few
      and i gazed from the blossoms wishing i could change too.

      i was interrupted by that of a brilliant flame
      so i turned to the smiling sun who looked the same
      but he had cleverly hidden behind ashen skies
      while the vulnerable canopy gurgled goodbyes
      before my eyes explosions of all i ever knew
      and i gazed from the wasteland wishing to make it through.


      it was curiously bizarre
      what id heard from afar
      he chewed the orange in the sky
      then slurped the water dry
      and slept to the sound
      upon investigation i saw
      her swinging on a chocolate bar
      sipping the last milk from a straw
      she took a crayon to draw
      and dreamt of the world.
      the crowd was suddenly in awe
      of what appeared to be a flaw
      but soon helped fill in the sky
      to let the airplanes fly
      and i awoke in wonder.


      oh the slowing day is dreary not!
      claims the tired trail of blue
      chimes in are the sickened clouds
      parting for the shining crew
      she shudders at navy closing in
      its battleground the spot she lay
      heart already a sinking anchor
      lowering into a queasy bay
      the wind slapping at her cheeks
      chasing darkness off at a run
      says shes not tailing the tired trail
      but her eyes sink with the sun.


      the coast is clear
      the crime scene out at sea
      you stated your case
      of what has become of me.
      let them know i wandered in the waves
      as riches poured a golden rain
      i stole the sunlight from its stay
      and washed away the pain.
      tell the police to make haste
      im getting away with gold
      i'll pack it up and ship it
      until the proof is sold.
      maybe i'll give it to the boy
      who bears his heart as a shield
      or the girl with repeating scars
      that were unable to be healed.
      but now i see the shore
      inviting me to its home
      remainder of sun is sinking under
      to where the horizon roams
      i have nothing left to take
      no need to fret so
      the evidence is in my smile -
      you must let me go.


      empty-eyed upon the streets
      where the sights were never few
      the skyscrapers swayed in me
      a vision of reaching blue
      traffic tangled to the tune
      of mechanical melodies clashing
      but screaming sirens pierced through
      a rhymic red in perilous flashing
      passersby marched in monotone
      chore lists chiming in their heads
      as windshield wipers waved, unnoticed
      to the steady stream of dread
      too soon the city sounds slowed
      the skyscrapers swam in black
      yet my blind eyes believed somehow
      city didnt really lack
      somewhere off, a frosted glow
      icing of an ordinary night
      i took my lead under its warmth
      and surrendered to the modern fight.


      there are wrinkles i cannot smooth
      stretching out comfortably in the sky
      and sitting under your smiling eye
      as soon as they swell in sight
      they leave in a sudden scene
      the curtain coming across to the night
      or anger rising in a bitter fight
      they may be obscured and forgotten by a few
      but the inevitable return is all you knew
    • Re: My plethora of poetry

      your poetry is so beautiful. i really really love it. my favorite line is "the sun settled sweetly where trees could make their shade
      while leaves were content in their constant state of jade". I'm a writing major, and poetry is my concentration, if you'd ever like some critique.
      How Does it Taste?
      Check out my blog about my Irish Catholic family! There's sex, drugs, lesbians and even murder!