I am SO unhappy and lonely

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    • I am SO unhappy and lonely

      Hey there I am new around here. My name is Kay and I'm 16 and I live in Portugal.

      I was feelings really lonely, as most part of the time, so I decided to find some forum to talk to someone hopping that I would find some kindhearted people who will be willing to listen me. I think I am depressed. I have been thinking about all the causes of my depression and I think it is because I don't have any friends and it mostly my fault. I just don't fit in. I like books and I like talking about political issues, movies, basically I like having intelligent and intellectual type of conversations and I just can't talk about shallow things most of the time like most the girls of my age do. I'm also quite the sentimenta-romantical type so it makes things even worse because I feel things much more intensely than most of the people. I also don't know how to talk to people, sadly most of the people seems to ignore me when I start to talk about anything so right now I avoid to talk to anyone. I also have self-esteem and self-love issues, I am ashamed to admit but most of the time I don't like my body nor my face. If someone has ever gone through somethings similar to my situation or just wants to give a loving word feel free to do it I would appreciate that very much.

      Peace&Love <3
    • Re: I am SO unhappy and lonely

      First off, welcome. Forums are excellent places to find freinds, I would know. I wish you luck in finding good freidnds whoose interests are similar to yours. I know what its like to be interested in reading and politics- it certainly doesn't succeed in making a lot of freinds. If you ever wanna chat, feel free to look me up on AIM. I will talk to literally anyone, minus Hilary Clinton.
      It is a sad day when an innocent nation's flag is decried as hate speech.

      If I say it, I believe it. Most of the time, anyway. :lol:
    • Re: I am SO unhappy and lonely

      hey feel free to be loved here, you wont feel lonely, and neither unhappy in this forum, here we all care about you and we consider us your friends soo if you consider us the same you will get along really good here, and if you need anytinhg or just wanna talk feel free to send me a pm ok?? cya
      [FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="2"][RIGHT]everyone laughs at me like if i give a fuck what they think...
    • Re: I am SO unhappy and lonely

      Kay wrote:

      Hey there I am new around here. My name is Kay and I'm 16 and I live in Portugal.

      I was feelings really lonely, as most part of the time, so I decided to find some forum to talk to someone hopping that I would find some kindhearted people who will be willing to listen me. I think I am depressed. I have been thinking about all the causes of my depression and I think it is because I don't have any friends and it mostly my fault. I just don't fit in. I like books and I like talking about political issues, movies, basically I like having intelligent and intellectual type of conversations and I just can't talk about shallow things most of the time like most the girls of my age do. I'm also quite the sentimenta-romantical type so it makes things even worse because I feel things much more intensely than most of the people. I also don't know how to talk to people, sadly most of the people seems to ignore me when I start to talk about anything so right now I avoid to talk to anyone. I also have self-esteem and self-love issues, I am ashamed to admit but most of the time I don't like my body nor my face. If someone has ever gone through somethings similar to my situation or just wants to give a loving word feel free to do it I would appreciate that very much.

      Peace&Love <3

      Hi, Kay. My heart goes out to you. I have always had exactly the same problem, and only recently is it getting a little better--and that only because I've found people somewhat like me. I love to talk about intellectual things so if you're lonely I am here (sorry, though, I don't have chat. But you can PM or e-mail me anytime.)
      And your very flesh shall be a great poem.
      -Walt Whitman
    • Re: I am SO unhappy and lonely

      Thank you so much guys for your kind words, you are all great! :)

      It's so nice to know that I am welcome here since that doesn't happen "out there". I hope so much people here are not into drugs, bulling each other and taking pleasure in hurting other people. lol
    • Re: I am SO unhappy and lonely

      Kay wrote:

      Thank you so much guys for your kind words, you are all great! :)

      It's so nice to know that I am welcome here since that doesn't happen "out there". I hope so much people here are not into drugs, bulling each other and taking pleasure in hurting other people. lol

      lol no i dont think so..
      there r really nice ppl in this forum
      if u d like to i would love to talk :):):)
      u have to think positive there must be ppl who care about u
      and u could make friends here.. :)
      if u d like to , pm me to talk :)
      [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]butterfly_sophie :eek: :rolleyes:[/COLOR]

    • Re: I am SO unhappy and lonely

      Hi, Kay, it's lin from the U.S. I think you just described me, the whole sentimental romantic, the intellect. I find few people willing to talk about the things I want to talk about either. Most of my friends want to talk about their silly things or act wild and crazy, which I'm not. Granted, I am a pretty fun person too in my own way. I have friends that I can relate to that I would like to get closer to instead of the ones I have now. I know where you're comming from though, I felt so depressed today and lonely. I think we just have to find our click. There are other people like us.