My boyfriends mom hates me?

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    • My boyfriends mom hates me?

      I have been dating my boyfriend for two years. He is 19 turning 20 & I am 16.
      Yes, I know, there is an age difference whatever.

      By now I would assume that everything would be okay, but it seems that she is just getting more hostile towards me. She constatly tells him that I am going to leave him & call the police (he would automatically be put in jail since in NY our relationship is super illegal.) Just today she told him, "Amanda is going to brake your heart. You don't need her."

      She also continues to make rude comments while im in the house! Not to mention her weird inputs about our physical relationship.

      I can't get in to deep about my current life @ home, but we are planning to move out as soon as we have 10,000 between the both of us, as I am annexing my parents currently.

      How can I get her to accept that I am not going to brake his heart?
      He is a good guy & doesn't deserve that, & I deff. wouldn't be the one to do so.
    • Re: My boyfriends mom hates me?

      "I can't get in to deep about my current life @ home, but we are planning to move out as soon as we have 10,000 between the both of us, as I am annexing my parents currently." Sorry, but I don't think any relationship is more important than your parents while still in your teen years. Are you willing to throw away everything just for him? She's just looking out for you, probably knowing the guy you're with is up to no good. Keep your relationship with your parents strong, you'll need their help regardless in life. Eventually you're going to break up with this guy.
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    • Re: My boyfriends mom hates me?

      theres no way you can prove you're not going to break his heart. i have the same age difference between me and my boyfriend.(im 16 he's 19) parents can be tough. why don't you have him over your house instead of going over his house? and when you go over his house act like nothing's going on and say hi to his mom right when you see her:) that will throw her off
    • Re: My boyfriends mom hates me?

      Amalovee wrote:

      I have been dating my boyfriend for two years. He is 19 turning 20 & I am 16.
      Yes, I know, there is an age difference whatever.

      By now I would assume that everything would be okay, but it seems that she is just getting more hostile towards me. She constatly tells him that I am going to leave him & call the police (he would automatically be put in jail since in NY our relationship is super illegal.) Just today she told him, "Amanda is going to brake your heart. You don't need her."

      She also continues to make rude comments while im in the house! Not to mention her weird inputs about our physical relationship.

      I can't get in to deep about my current life @ home, but we are planning to move out as soon as we have 10,000 between the both of us, as I am annexing my parents currently.

      How can I get her to accept that I am not going to brake his heart?
      He is a good guy & doesn't deserve that, & I deff. wouldn't be the one to do so.

      in my opinion i would be the same way as the parents. the age difference is too much and you always have that leverage over him if he ever wants to break up with you. You would be able to blackmale him to stay with you
    • Re: My boyfriends mom hates me?

      Amanda, you need to be able to talk to his mother. Not just you, but you and your boyfriend should. Even if you don't think it'd make much of a difference, it might work and she'll be able to listen. There's no harm in trying.

      You need to understand her point of view. I don't think she hates you, I just think that she has a problem with you breaking her son's heart and being able to have the advantage to tell the authorities about him if something goes wrong, because of the age difference. She's concerned is what she is, but maybe you did something wrong and she's taking it out on you, who knows? If you want to know, talk to her and find out.

      With certain people, you can't really expect them to accept you for the way you are or your relationships. It'd take a lot of persuading with the right choice of words in order to have her accept your relationship with her son. Tell her the truth about how you feel that you are trustworthy and you wouldn't break her son's heart. It will take time and patience, but you can do it.

      Good luck!
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