86 personal questions (meant to be 100 but had to chop a few)

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    • 86 personal questions (meant to be 100 but had to chop a few)

      1. where r u At home
      2.y r you doing this survey Boredom
      3. would u rather b doin anythin else right now? Not really
      4. r u listenin 2 music? if so what Akala - Shakespeare
      5. what music is ur fave? R&B/Hip-Hop/Club/Dance
      6. do u prefer lyrics, beats or bass? Tune/Lyrics
      7. download music or buy? Download it
      8. use limewire or any other downloading device? Yes
      9. what couldnt u do with out? computer/ipod/phone
      10. who couldnt u do without? My friends/family
      11. how many times a month do u go shopping? A lot
      12. do u get paid monthy or weekly? Weekly
      13. do u ave a job u enjoy? Not really
      14. do u spend all ur money at once or save it? I save pretty well
      15. do u go 2 parties or clubs alot? I go to parties, not really clubs
      16. do u go out every weekend? Most weekends
      17. what is ur favourite club? Don't have one
      18. do u go out with a big group or small group? Depends
      19. how many close friends do you have? A fair amount
      20. do u have a large group of people you know? Yes
      21. do you think you are sociable or quiet? A mixture of both
      22. when you are at a club/party what are u most likely 2 b doing? Chatting and drinking
      23. do you drink alot when you go out? Sometimes
      24. do u smoke? Yes but not excessively
      25. do u do drugs? Only weed
      26. have u ever done drugs? As above
      27. would u ever try drugs? Yes
      28. ever had a fight? No
      29. ever had a fight with a friend? Not a proper one
      30. how many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? 4 proper ones
      31. have you had a serious relationship? Yes, only one really
      32. how many serious relationships do u think most people have? Depends on the person. Anything from 1-10
      33. where do u usually go when u are with ur boyfriend/girlfriend? We hang out with the same crowd so wherever they go
      34. do you prefer to be on your own or with other people aswell when with your boyfriend/girlfriend? Both
      35. how long do u wait until you have sex when in a relationship? However long I want to. Not long now though.
      36. how long do u think u should wait? If it's your first time then a fair while but now I'd say about a week.
      37. have you kissed some1 u didnt know? Eugh yes
      38. had sex with someone you didnt know? As above, seriously wish I hadn't.
      39. what do you do most when your being sexual with your partner? Have sex and kiss
      40. what do you look for in a boy/girl? Too much to explain
      41. would you go out with some1 who has been in prison? Depends what they were in prison for
      42. been in trouble with police before? Again, depends what for
      43. would you carry on going out with some1 if you found out they cheated? No
      44. would you go out with some1 u know has cheated on other people? Probably not unless I was convinced they'd reformed.
      45. do u think people can change? Rarely, yes.
      46. has anyone rang you today? who? My best friend
      47. has anyone text you? who? Another close friend
      48. how many people have you slept with? 3
      49. when did you lose your virginity? When I was 14
      50. do you regret anything? Yes but it doesn't affect me anymore
      51. do you think you are good looking? Ish
      52. do u think you get on well with others? Most of the time yes
      53. would you be honest with someone you didnt like or be 2 faced? Honest mostly
      54. do you bitch about other people? Yes
      55. have you had sex without contraception before? Yes
      56. have you ever been pregnant? No but I've had a scare
      57. have you had an abortion? No
      58. would you have a baby now? No way
      59. on average how much money do you spend on a night out? Not that much, just enough for a couple of bottles of something and a bus fare
      60. what does most of it go on? Explained above
      61.when you go shopping what do u usually buy? Clothes/Bags/DVDs/Video Games (yes I'm a bit sad that way)
      62. do you have a lot of clothes? Not an excessive amount
      63. a lot of shoes? Probably a little more than average
      64. do you buy the same kind of clothes or different? Different
      65. do you buy a lot of skin/body products? No not really
      66. do u buy a lot of makeup/perfume? Only mascara, powder, eyeliner and armani code.
      67. do you buy a lot of jewelry? Only necklaces and earrings
      68. if you had to live with only 3 items what would you chose? My phone, computer and straighteners
      69. do you own an ipod? Yes
      70. which one is it? Nano 2nd Generation
      71. how many songs do you have on it? About 300, I need a bigger one desperately
      72. what phone do you have? Samsung G600
      73. do you have any piercings/tattoos? Just ear piercings
      74. if so where are they? Said above
      75. why did you get them? Because I wanted to wear earrings
      76. do you want anymore? I'm considering a tattoo
      77. if you havent got any are you planning to? ----
      78. what dont your parents know about you? That I smoke weed. Or smoke at all actually.
      79. what dont your friends know about you? Just a few crushes I'd never admit to.
      80. what doesnt your boyfriend/girlfriend know about you? A lot of things
      81. do u think you are easy to read? Pretty much
      82. do you lie alot? Only occasionally, I'm pretty honest
      83. do you get easily offended? Sometimes
      84. when something bad happens how do you cope? do you talk about it or bottle it up? Depends what, I do both quite a lot
      85. if you talk about it who do you talk to? My best friend
      86. if you bottle it up, why? Because I'm scared what the person I tell will think of me
    • Re: 86 personal questions (meant to be 100 but had to chop a few)

      1. where r u In my bedroom
      2.y r you doing this survey No idea..
      3. would u rather b doin anythin else right now? Not really
      4. r u listenin 2 music? if so what DJ Ironik - Stay With Me
      5. what music is ur fave? Latin American ;)
      6. do u prefer lyrics, beats or bass? Lyrics or beats
      7. download music or buy? Download it
      8. use limewire or any other downloading device? Yes
      9. what couldnt u do with out? Laptop, phone or books
      10. who couldnt u do without? Family, pets or friends
      11. how many times a month do u go shopping? More than once a week
      12. do u get paid monthy or weekly? Weekly
      13. do u ave a job u enjoy? Yeh my paper round hah
      14. do u spend all ur money at once or save it? Save sometimes
      15. do u go 2 parties or clubs alot? Parties, not clubs
      16. do u go out every weekend? Yes
      17. what is ur favourite club? Don't have one
      18. do u go out with a big group or small group? Any
      19. how many close friends do you have? Quite a lot
      20. do u have a large group of people you know? Yes
      21. do you think you are sociable or quiet? Both really
      22. when you are at a club/party what are u most likely 2 b doing? Chatting and dancing
      23. do you drink alot when you go out? No
      24. do u smoke? No way
      25. do u do drugs? No
      26. have u ever done drugs? No
      27. would u ever try drugs? Never
      28. ever had a fight? Yes
      29. ever had a fight with a friend? Not a proper one
      30. how many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? Only a few
      31. have you had a serious relationship? No but feel as if Im about to get into one
      32. how many serious relationships do u think most people have? Probably about 5 in their lives
      33. where do u usually go when u are with ur boyfriend/girlfriend? Cinema, shopping, eachovers houses etc
      34. do you prefer to be on your own or with other people aswell when with your boyfriend/girlfriend? Don't really care.. probably on our own
      35. how long do u wait until you have sex when in a relationship? Till the time is right. Not yet obv.
      36. how long do u think u should wait? A few months, maybe even a year or so
      37. have you kissed some1 u didnt know? No
      38. had sex with someone you didnt know? No haha
      39. what do you do most when your being sexual with your partner? Kiss
      40. what do you look for in a boy/girl? Good personality but also good looks
      41. would you go out with some1 who has been in prison? Not unless they were innocent
      42. been in trouble with police before? Dunno
      43. would you carry on going out with some1 if you found out they cheated? No
      44. would you go out with some1 u know has cheated on other people? I'd wait ages first to see if they had changed
      45. do u think people can change? Yes, of course
      46. has anyone rang you today? who? Noo :(
      47. has anyone text you? who? Jenny (best friend)
      48. how many people have you slept with? 0 =S
      49. when did you lose your virginity? Never
      50. do you regret anything? Loads but would never go back
      51. do you think you are good looking? Nah
      52. do u think you get on well with others? Depends, mostly
      53. would you be honest with someone you didnt like or be 2 faced? Honest probably
      54. do you bitch about other people? Yes
      55. have you had sex without contraception before? No
      56. have you ever been pregnant? No
      57. have you had an abortion? No
      58. would you have a baby now? No haha!
      59. on average how much money do you spend on a night out? About £10-£20
      60. what does most of it go on? Transport and where ever we are going
      61.when you go shopping what do u usually buy? Clothes, accessories, essentials
      62. do you have a lot of clothes? Enough to fill 2 wardrobes lol
      63. a lot of shoes? Kinda yes
      64. do you buy the same kind of clothes or different? Different
      65. do you buy a lot of skin/body products? Yep
      66. do u buy a lot of makeup/perfume? Yeh but don't run out quickly
      67. do you buy a lot of jewelry? Normally ask for birthdays
      68. if you had to live with only 3 items what would you chose? Shower, hair brush and clothes lol
      69. do you own an ipod? Yes
      70. which one is it? Nano but getting a touch next month
      71. how many songs do you have on it? Dunno loads
      72. what phone do you have? Nokia N95
      73. do you have any piercings/tattoos? Yes
      74. if so where are they? Ears pierced
      75. why did you get them? Because I like earrings lol
      76. do you want anymore? No
      77. if you havent got any are you planning to? ...
      78. what dont your parents know about you? Who I fancy at the moment
      79. what dont your friends know about you? Just some thigns I keep to myself
      80. what doesnt your boyfriend/girlfriend know about you? Haven't got one so can't say
      81. do u think you are easy to read? No, not really
      82. do you lie alot? Not about big things
      83. do you get easily offended? Yes quite a lot
      84. when something bad happens how do you cope? do you talk about it or bottle it up? Normally talk to my mum about it
      85. if you talk about it who do you talk to? Mum =l or best friend
      86. if you bottle it up, why? In embarrassed maybe or scared
      [SIZE="2"][CENTER][FONT="Arial Narrow"]@craneyy
      [COLOR="Red"]♥[/COLOR]animals, rap music, nights out[COLOR="Red"]♥[/COLOR][/CENTER][/FONT][/SIZE]
    • Re: 86 personal questions (meant to be 100 but had to chop a few)

      1. Where are you?
      - At Home.
      2.Why are you doing this survey?
      - Nothing better to do at the moment.
      3. Would you rather be doing something else?

      - Yeahh.
      4. Are you listening to music if so what?
      - Yes, "Today" by the Fully Down.
      5. What music is your favorite?

      - I like 80's rock.
      6. Do you prefer lyrics, tunes, or bass?

      - I think all three together make a song.
      7. Download music or buy it?
      - Download it. It's more convenient.
      8. Use limewire or any other downloading device?

      - Yes, but I am about to uninstall it soon.
      9. What couldn't you do without?
      - Computer, My twilight books, and my bed.
      10. Who couldn't you do without?

      - A few special people, and family.
      11. How many times a month do you go shopping?

      - I haven't been shopping for two months now, personally.
      12. Do you get paid monthly or weekly?

      - Weekly.
      13. Do you have a job you enjoy?
      - I don't enjoy working, getting up early, NO I hate my job, but it's the green.
      14. Do you spend your money all at once or save?

      - Haha, definitely save. You should see my stash.
      15. Do you go to parties or clubs a lot?

      - Nahh.
      16. Do you go out every weekend?

      - If I am in the mood, I go out. If no, I don't.
      17. What's your favorite club?

      - *shrugs* I don't go clubbing yet.
      18. Do you go out with small groups or big groups?

      - Small groups.
      19. How many close friends do you have?

      - The perfect amount.
      20. Do you have a large group of people you know?

      - I mean I know a lot of people, yes, but I only hang out with my close few.
      21. Do you think you are sociable or outgoing?

      - Depends on the situation.
      22. When you are out partying what are you most likely to be doing?

      - IF I was, probably just talking to people, drinking, having fun.
      23. Do you drink a lot when you go out?

      - I don't go out and party drink.
      24. Do you smoke?
      25. Do you do drugs?

      - Besides cigarettes and alchohal, nope.
      26. Have you ever done drugs?
      -Same as above.
      27. Would you ever try drugs?

      - I've been offered weed, but I would probably turn it down.
      28. Ever been in a fight?
      - Haha, the kicking, screaming, hitting kind? Yeah with my sister.
      29. Ever had a fight with a friend?
      - Not a physical one, but we've been in plenty of fights.
      30. How many boyfriends have you had?

      - Two that were unofficial. Guys in Kansas suck though so you couldn't blame me.
      31. Have you had a serious relationship?

      - No, I never wanted one.
      32. How many serious relationships do you think people have?

      - Depends on the person.
      33. Where do you usually go with your boyfriend?

      - I don't have a boyfriend to go anywhere with, and happy with that.
      34. Do you prefer to be alone with your boyfriend or with other people?

      - Blah blah blah who cares?
      35. How long do you wait to have sex in a relationship?
      - Whenever both parties feel comfortable.
      36. How long do you think you should wait?

      - I don't know.
      37. Have you ever kissed someone you didn't know?
      - Nope.
      38. Had sex with someone you didn't know?

      - Haha I haven't even had sex with someone I DO know.
      39. What do you do most sexually with your partner?

      - Blah Blah Blah.
      40. What do you look for in a guy?
      - Someone who is laid back, and who can balance our differences.
      41. Would you go out with someone who has been in prison?

      - I am all for second chances so probably, yes.
      42. Been in trouble with the police before?

      - Not me.
      43. Would you carry on with someone if you knew they cheated?

      - I mean I would probably hear my partner out, but cheating is the ultimate disrespect.
      44. Would you go out with someone who cheated on other people?

      - Well maybe. People can always change.
      45. Do you think people can change?

      - If someone truly wanted to be a better person I think they could.
      46. Has anyone called you today?

      - Not today.
      47. Has anyone texted you?

      - Marty.
      48. How many people have you slept with?

      - Oh I've slept with a lot of people. XD
      49. When did you lose your virginity?

      - My V card is still in tact.
      50. Do you regret anything?

      - In my past, yes I do.
      51. Do you think you are good looking?

      - I don't think I am ugly, but I am not the most beautiful girl in the world either.
      52. Do you think you get along well with others?

      - If people play nice, then I will too.
      53. Would you be honest with someone you didn't like or be two-faced?

      - I usually am a pretty up front person, but sometimes I can get along with someone I dislike. I wouldn't call it being two-faced.
      54. Do you bitch about other people?
      - If I said no, I would be lying.
      55. Have you had sex without conception before?
      - I have never HAD sex.
      56. Have you ever been pregnant?
      - Yeah and I was going to name it Shaniquah... no I haven't.
      57. Have you ever had an abortion?

      - Haven't needed to.
      58. Would you have a baby now?
      - Body wise, I think I can handle it. Mental wise, I can't be a mother, period.
      59. On average how much money do you spend on a night out?

      - Well I am not really a glam go out and look hot girl. I chill at people's houses for free.
      61. When you go shopping what do you usually buy?
      - Food, Clothes, DVD's, Music.
      62. Do you have a lot of clothes?

      - I have just the right amount needed.
      63. A lot of shoes?
      - Yeahh from what I have gained over the years. I only wear like two pairs though.
      64. Do you buy the same clothes or different?

      - Eh, I am pretty plain jane. Black, Gray, White tank tops and jeans.
      65. Do you buy a lot of skin care/body products?

      - Not really. I have neutrogena face wash though.
      66. Do you buy a lot of make up/perfume?

      - Not really. Whatever my mom picks up at the drug store.
      67. Do you buy a lot of jewelry?
      - Besides earrings and my choker, I hate jewelry.
      68. If you could only live with three items what would you choose?

      - Hmm. My bed, Computer, Refridgerator.
      69. Do you own an IPOD?

      - Yeah and it's annoyingly hot pink.
      70. Which one is it?

      - Some pink nano.
      71. How many songs do you have on it?

      - A little over 500 I think.
      72. What phone do you have?

      - Motorolla Razor.
      73. Do you have any piercings/tattoos?
      - Yes to the peircings, no tattoos.
      74. If so where are they?
      -I have six ear piercings and I had my lip and nose peirced but they closed up.
      75. Why did you get them?

      - Because I thought they would look cool.
      76. Do you want anymore?

      - I want a few tattoos, yes.
      77. If you haven't gotten any, would you consider?

      - Uhm same question as the one above.
      78. What don't your parents know about you?

      - That I need a vibrater... nuff said.
      79. What don't your friends know about you?

      - Some friends know more than others do.
      80. What doesn't your boyfriend know about you?

      - I don't have a 'significant' other, but if I did I would be upfront and honest.
      81. Do you think you are pretty easy to read?

      - No I am a pretty difficult person actually.
      82. Do you lie alot?

      - Nah not really.
      83. Do you get easily offended?

      - Some days I am more sensative than others, but it depends on what was said.
      84. When something bad happens, how do you cope?

      - By trying to get advice out of alomst anybody.
      85. If you talk about it who do you talk with?
      - A few special people.
      86. If you bottle it up, why?
      - I usually don't, but if so it's because I am embarassed.
    • Re: 86 personal questions (meant to be 100 but had to chop a few)

      1. where r u home
      2.y r you doing this survey Bored
      3. would u rather b doin anythin else right now? yep
      4. r u listenin 2 music? if so what Addicted- saving abel
      5. what music is ur fave? R&B/Hip-Hop/Rock
      6. do u prefer lyrics, beats or bass? lyrics, bass
      7. download music or buy? Download
      8. use limewire or any other downloading device? Yes
      9. what couldnt u do with out? computer/ipod/phone
      10. who couldnt u do without? My boyfriend/friends/family
      11. how many times a month do u go shopping? a few
      12. do u get paid monthy or weekly? dont workk
      13. do u ave a job u enjoy? No dont have one
      14. do u spend all ur money at once or save it? I save / spend
      15. do u go 2 parties or clubs alot? nah
      16. do u go out every weekend? yeah
      17. what is ur favourite club? no
      18. do u go out with a big group or small group? Depends
      19. how many close friends do you have? good amount
      20. do u have a large group of people you know? Ya
      21. do you think you are sociable or quiet? mixture
      22. when you are at a club/party what are u most likely 2 b doing? drinking
      23. do you drink alot when you go out? Sometimes
      24. do u smoke? Yes
      25. do u do drugs? maryjane
      26. have u ever done drugs? above
      27. would u ever try drugs? ya
      28. ever had a fight? No
      29. ever had a fight with a friend? No
      30. how many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? ???
      31. have you had a serious relationship? Ya a few
      32. how many serious relationships do u think most people have? no idea?
      33. where do u usually go when u are with ur boyfriend/girlfriend? his house/mine. drive places, go out/out to eat shopping ect.
      34. do you prefer to be on your own or with other people aswell when with your boyfriend/girlfriend? on own
      35. how long do u wait until you have sex when in a relationship? However long I want to.
      36. how long do u think u should wait? Idk?!
      37. have you kissed some1 u didnt know? I guess u could say that
      38. had sex with someone you didnt know? Basically
      39. what do you do most when your being sexual with your partner? everything
      40. what do you look for in a boy/girl? Everything
      41. would you go out with some1 who has been in prison? Depends on the person
      42. been in trouble with police before? depends
      43. would you carry on going out with some1 if you found out they cheated? possibly
      44. would you go out with some1 u know has cheated on other people? Idk
      45. do u think people can change? Yeah, i can
      46. has anyone rang you today? who? Not yet
      47. has anyone text you? who? Not yet
      48. how many people have you slept with? 5 or more.
      49. when did you lose your virginity? When I was 13
      50. do you regret anything? Yes but it doesn't affect me anymore
      51. do you think you are good looking? I guess soo
      52. do u think you get on well with others? Yes
      53. would you be honest with someone you didnt like or be 2 faced? Depends
      54. do you bitch about other people? At times if i feel like it
      55. have you had sex without contraception before? Ya
      56. have you ever been pregnant? No
      57. have you had an abortion? No
      58. would you have a baby now? No
      59. on average how much money do you spend on a night out? Maybe 50?
      60. what does most of it go on? Out to eat, Gas, Shopping maybe?
      61.when you go shopping what do u usually buy? Clothes/ food/ accesories
      62. do you have a lot of clothes? Yes
      63. a lot of shoes? Kinda
      64. do you buy the same kind of clothes or different? Depends
      65. do you buy a lot of skin/body products? No
      66. do u buy a lot of makeup/perfume? Yes
      67. do you buy a lot of jewelry? Ehhh
      68. if you had to live with only 3 items what would you chose? phone, ring, ?money?
      69. do you own an ipod? Yes
      70. which one is it? No idea..movie one
      71. how many songs do you have on it? Allllloooottt
      72. what phone do you have? The V
      73. do you have any piercings/tattoos? ears
      74. if so where are they? Said above
      75. why did you get them? Because
      76. do you want anymore? Tongue? Bellybutton?
      77. if you havent got any are you planning to? ..
      78. what dont your parents know about you? Idk idc
      79. what dont your friends know about you? No idea
      80. what doesnt your boyfriend/girlfriend know about you? A few things
      81. do u think you are easy to read? Ya Kinda
      82. do you lie alot? No?
      83. do you get easily offended? Sometimes
      84. when something bad happens how do you cope? do you talk about it or bottle it up? Depends what
      85. if you talk about it who do you talk to? My best friend/Boyfriend
      86. if you bottle it up, why? Because im not ready to talk yet
    • Re: 86 personal questions (meant to be 100 but had to chop a few)

      1. where r u : at home
      2.y r you doing this survey : nothing better to do
      3. would u rather b doin anythin else right now? : yep id like to get out of the house
      4. r u listenin 2 music? if so what : none
      5. what music is ur fave? : umm a mixed depends on my mood
      6. do u prefer lyrics, beats or bass? :lyrics
      7. download music or buy? : download
      8. use limewire or any other downloading device? : yup
      9. what couldnt u do with out? : my phone
      10. who couldnt u do without? friends/boyfriend
      11. how many times a month do u go shopping? : every two weekish
      12. do u get paid monthy or weekly? money off my mum+dad weekly
      13. do u ave a job u enjoy? npe
      14. do u spend all ur money at once or save it? : i save a fair bit
      15. do u go 2 parties or clubs alot? : partys mainly
      16. do u go out every weekend? yup
      17. what is ur favourite club? if i had to chose it would be liqwid
      18. do u go out with a big group or small group? depends who im with
      19. how many close friends do you have? 10ish
      20. do u have a large group of people you know? a fair lot
      21. do you think you are sociable or quiet? i can be both
      22. when you are at a club/party what are u most likely 2 b doing? : dpends whos there and how much im willin to embares myslef :L
      23. do you drink alot when you go out? not as much anymre
      24. do u smoke? nope
      25. do u do drugs? nope
      26. have u ever done drugs? nope
      27. would u ever try drugs? nope
      28. ever had a fight? not a full on one
      29. ever had a fight with a friend? : not a big one
      30. how many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? a few on and off ones about 4 proper ones
      31. have you had a serious relationship? yup
      32. how many serious relationships do u think most people have? : duno
      33. where do u usually go when u are with ur boyfriend/girlfriend? : town? cinimas?my house?
      34. do you prefer to be on your own or with other people aswell when with your boyfriend/girlfriend? : depends
      35. how long do u wait until you have sex when in a relationship? untill were both ready
      36. how long do u think u should wait? depends
      37. have you kissed some1 u didnt know? nope
      38. had sex with someone you didnt know? nope
      39. what do you do most when your being sexual with your partner?
      40. what do you look for in a boy/girl? :
      41. would you go out with some1 who has been in prison? umm depends
      42. been in trouble with police before? yup but umm depends
      43. would you carry on going out with some1 if you found out they cheated? : maybe
      44. would you go out with some1 u know has cheated on other people? maybe yea
      45. do u think people can change? : somtimes
      46. has anyone rang you today? who? nope :(
      47. has anyone text you? who? umm yup matt (boyfriend) at like 1am
      48. how many people have you slept with? one
      49. when did you lose your virginity?
      50. do you regret anything? : i think everybody dos at some point
      51. do you think you are good looking? :S
      52. do u think you get on well with others? i hope so
      53. would you be honest with someone you didnt like or be 2 faced? yup
      54. do you bitch about other people? nope
      55. have you had sex without contraception before? nope
      56. have you ever been pregnant? nope
      57. have you had an abortion? nope
      58. would you have a baby now? never
      59. on average how much money do you spend on a night out? not much
      60. what does most of it go on? i get other people to buy stuff :L
      61.when you go shopping what do u usually buy? not much
      62. do you have a lot of clothes? not realy
      63. a lot of shoes? umm nope i need more!
      64. do you buy the same kind of clothes or different? depends
      65. do you buy a lot of skin/body products? nope
      66. do u buy a lot of makeup/perfume? perfume-people do say i have a lot
      67. do you buy a lot of jewelry? nope
      68. if you had to live with only 3 items what would you chose? my phone,strighteners, umm dave :D
      69. do you own an ipod? yes but its broken
      70. which one is it? a big one :L
      71. how many songs do you have on it? 500?
      72. what phone do you have? LITTLE NOKIA ONE
      73. do you have any piercings/tattoos? EARS
      74. if so where are they? ABOVE
      75. why did you get them? becuse i wanted to wear earings
      76. do you want anymore? nope
      77. if you havent got any are you planning to? nope
      78. what dont your parents know about you? a lot tbh
      79. what dont your friends know about you? ^^
      80. what doesnt your boyfriend/girlfriend know about you? hes the person that knows me the best but a few things im not ready to tell
      81. do u think you are easy to read? not at all
      82. do you lie alot? depends who too
      83. do you get easily offended? : yup
      84. when something bad happens how do you cope? do you talk about it or bottle it up? bottle it up
      85. if you talk about it who do you talk to? matt or my best friends
      86. if you bottle it up, why? never been that open
    • Re: 86 personal questions (meant to be 100 but had to chop a few)

      1. where r u In front of the computer
      2.y r you doing this survey boredddddddd
      3. would u rather b doin anythin else right now? yeah
      4. r u listenin 2 music? if so what Goin down on it - Hot Action Cop
      5. what music is ur fave? Rock
      6. do u prefer lyrics, beats or bass? Tune/Lyrics
      7. download music or buy? Buy/Download
      8. use limewire or any other downloading device? sometimes
      9. what couldnt u do with out? computer/ipod/phone
      10. who couldnt u do without? Friends
      11. how many times a month do u go shopping? idk not to much
      12. do u get paid monthy or weekly? contract
      13. do u ave a job u enjoy? i did
      14. do u spend all ur money at once or save it? ehhh spend half save half
      15. do u go 2 parties or clubs alot? partiess
      16. do u go out every weekend? almost all weekends
      17. what is ur favourite club? no clubs round her
      18. do u go out with a big group or small group? both
      19. how many close friends do you have? a good number
      20. do u have a large group of people you know? Yes
      21. do you think you are sociable or quiet? bothish
      22. when you are at a club/party what are u most likely 2 b doing? talking and prob drinkin
      23. do you drink alot when you go out? eh
      24. do u smoke? yeah but im not addicted
      25. do u do drugs? weed
      26. have u ever done drugs? yup
      27. would u ever try drugs? yup
      28. ever had a fight? yup
      29. ever had a fight with a friend? yup
      30. how many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? more then 5
      31. have you had a serious relationship? 2
      32. how many serious relationships do u think most people have? Depends on the person. Anything from 1-10
      33. where do u usually go when u are with ur boyfriend/girlfriend? My house, the beach, take a walk, movies
      34. do you prefer to be on your own or with other people aswell when with your boyfriend/girlfriend? eh alone
      35. how long do u wait until you have sex when in a relationship? Untill we both feel comfertable i would say
      36. how long do u think u should wait? Long enough
      37. have you kissed some1 u didnt know? yesh
      38. had sex with someone you didnt know? no lol
      39. what do you do most when your being sexual with your partner? Kiss all over
      40. what do you look for in a boy/girl? idk ask me
      41. would you go out with some1 who has been in prison? idk
      42. been in trouble with police before? idkk
      43. would you carry on going out with some1 if you found out they cheated? eh, idk it matters on who they are
      44. would you go out with some1 u know has cheated on other people? Prob if they had a reason.
      45. do u think people can change? yeah, i give it to em
      46. has anyone rang you today? who? idk my x, at 12:05, midnight
      47. has anyone text you? who? idk a few people
      48. how many people have you slept with? none
      49. when did you lose your virginity? not yeet
      50. do you regret anything? idk
      51. do you think you are good looking? i guess
      52. do u think you get on well with others? usually
      53. would you be honest with someone you didnt like or be 2 faced? Honest mostly
      54. do you bitch about other people? Yes
      55. have you had sex without contraception before? nope
      56. have you ever been pregnant? nawp
      57. have you had an abortion? No
      58. would you have a baby now? No way
      59. on average how much money do you spend on a night out? enough
      60. what does most of it go on? stuff
      61.when you go shopping what do u usually buy? Clothes
      62. do you have a lot of clothes? nope
      63. a lot of shoes? idk not really a few, a lot of sports stuff
      64. do you buy the same kind of clothes or different? idk diff
      65. do you buy a lot of skin/body products? No not really
      66. do u buy a lot of makeup/perfume? nope.
      67. do you buy a lot of jewelry? nope
      68. if you had to live with only 3 items what would you chose? My phone, computer and ipood
      69. do you own an ipood? Yes
      70. which one is it? Nano 3rd gen? newest one, and 60G Video
      71. how many songs do you have on it? 2000+
      72. what phone do you have? Sony Ericson w300i
      73. do you have any piercings/tattoos? none
      74. if so where are they? none
      75. why did you get them? i didnt
      76. do you want anymore? nope
      77. if you havent got any are you planning to? nope
      78. what dont your parents know about you? That i smoke, drink, party
      79. what dont your friends know about you? idk really close ones? They usally know it all.
      80. what doesnt your boyfriend/girlfriend know about you? my x? idk were best friends
      81. do u think you are easy to read? Idk i can ghost it mutha fucka.
      82. do you lie alot? When its needed, but only to my parents
      83. do you get easily offended? Not usually
      84. when something bad happens how do you cope? do you talk about it or bottle it up? Cope
      85. if you talk about it who do you talk to? Friends i trust
      86. if you bottle it up, why? idk, dont usually
      Reply With Quote
    • Re: 86 personal questions (meant to be 100 but had to chop a few)

      1. where r u bedroom
      2.y r you doing this survey nothing better to do
      3. would u rather b doin anythin else right now? nah i'm having a pj day
      4. r u listenin 2 music? if so what yes. Oasis - Wonderwall
      5. what music is ur fave? rock/ indie
      6. do u prefer lyrics, beats or bass? Lyrics
      7. download music or buy? Download it
      8. use limewire or any other downloading device? Yes
      9. what couldnt u do with out? mobile, laptop, music
      10. who couldnt u do without? my best friends and some of my family
      11. how many times a month do u go shopping? lots
      12. do u get paid monthy or weekly? out of work atm :(
      13. do u ave a job u enjoy? ^^no
      14. do u spend all ur money at once or save it? Spend
      15. do u go 2 parties or clubs alot? Parties a lot, clubsa ren't really my scene
      16. do u go out every weekend? Yes
      17. what is ur favourite club? Don't know
      18. do u go out with a big group or small group? It varies
      19. how many close friends do you have? A few very close friends, a lot of quite close friends
      20. do u have a large group of people you know? Yes
      21. do you think you are sociable or quiet? sociable but far from centre of attention thing
      22. when you are at a club/party what are u most likely 2 b doing? mingling, drinking, dancing, whatever
      23. do you drink alot when you go out? Not enough to get completely drunk
      24. do u smoke? No. eugh
      25. do u do drugs? No
      26. have u ever done drugs? No
      27. would u ever try drugs? can't rule it out but prolly not
      28. ever had a fight? Yes
      29. ever had a fight with a friend? yep
      30. how many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? Only one proper one
      31. have you had a serious relationship? yeah i guess
      32. how many serious relationships do u think most people have? I dunno, 4?
      33. where do u usually go when u are with ur boyfriend/girlfriend? Cinema, his place, my place, restaurant, shopping...
      34. do you prefer to be on your own or with other people aswell when with your boyfriend/girlfriend? On our own
      35. how long do u wait until you have sex when in a relationship? Till I'm ready.
      36. how long do u think u should wait? As long as it takes, at least a couple of months
      37. have you kissed some1 u didnt know? No
      38. had sex with someone you didnt know? No
      39. what do you do most when your being sexual with your partner? Kiss
      40. what do you look for in a boy/girl? Funny, respectful, kind, hott
      41. would you go out with some1 who has been in prison? No probably not
      42. been in trouble with police before? no
      43. would you carry on going out with some1 if you found out they cheated? It depends on the situation, but prolly not
      44. would you go out with some1 u know has cheated on other people? I don't know. depends if he'd change. Everyone's allowed one mistake, right?
      45. do u think people can change? Yes, of course
      46. has anyone rang you today? who? No
      47. has anyone text you? who? Yes. Laura
      48. how many people have you slept with? none
      49. when did you lose your virginity? i haven't yet
      50. do you regret anything? yes
      51. do you think you are good looking? no
      52. do u think you get on well with others? yes
      53. would you be honest with someone you didnt like or be 2 faced? Honest
      54. do you bitch about other people? Yes
      55. have you had sex without contraception before? No
      56. have you ever been pregnant? No
      57. have you had an abortion? No. never will.
      58. would you have a baby now? No
      59. on average how much money do you spend on a night out? About £20
      60. what does most of it go on? Taxi, drink, entrance etc
      61.when you go shopping what do u usually buy? Clothes, food
      62. do you have a lot of clothes? no
      63. a lot of shoes? no
      64. do you buy the same kind of clothes or different? Different
      65. do you buy a lot of skin/body products? Yep
      66. do u buy a lot of makeup/perfume? Yeah quite a lot
      67. do you buy a lot of jewelry? Not really. usually get as presents
      68. if you had to live with only 3 items what would you chose? apart from food and water? phone, mp3 player, bed
      69. do you own an ipod? Yes
      70. which one is it? Nano
      71. how many songs do you have on it? it's full so ~ 2000
      72. what phone do you have? Samsung Gsomething
      73. do you have any piercings/tattoos? Yes
      74. if so where are they? Ears pierced
      75. why did you get them? so i could wear earrings
      76. do you want anymore? Not really. want a wee tattoo on wrist/ behing ear maybe
      77. if you havent got any are you planning to? .dunno yet
      78. what dont your parents know about you? Anything about my love life, anything about me
      79. what dont your friends know about you? I don't really let all of my crazy out in front of them
      80. what doesnt your boyfriend/girlfriend know about you? Haven't got one so can't say
      81. do u think you are easy to read? no
      82. do you lie alot? No
      83. do you get easily offended? Yes but i don't show it
      84. when something bad happens how do you cope? do you talk about it or bottle it up? Bottle it up, talk sometimes but it depends what it is
      85. if you talk about it who do you talk to? friends, but I'm the one everyone talks to about their problems and I can't really talk to myself
      86. if you bottle it up, why? Embarrassed, don't want to open up or be vulnerable i suppose
    • Re: 86 personal questions (meant to be 100 but had to chop a few)

      1. where r u At home
      2.y r you doing this survey Boredom
      3. would u rather b doin anythin else right now? probably
      4. r u listenin 2 music? if so what nope
      5. what music is ur fave? metal
      6. do u prefer lyrics, beats or bass? lyrics and bass
      7. download music or buy? Download
      8. use limewire or any other downloading device? Yes
      9. what couldnt u do with out? idk really...maybe the computer.
      10. who couldnt u do without? My friends and my girlfriend
      11. how many times a month do u go shopping? not much
      12. do u get paid monthy or weekly? Weekly
      13. do u ave a job u enjoy? mostly
      14. do u spend all ur money at once or save it? depends
      15. do u go 2 parties or clubs alot? depends..in the summer and around holidays. other then that no.
      16. do u go out every weekend? almost every
      17. what is ur favourite club?
      18. do u go out with a big group or small group? usually small..depends
      19. how many close friends do you have? a few
      20. do u have a large group of people you know? Yes
      21. do you think you are sociable or quiet? depends on my mood and who im around
      22. when you are at a club/party what are u most likely 2 b doing? sittin around..talking...eating..ha...not much else
      23. do you drink alot when you go out? not really
      24. do u smoke? not really
      25. do u do drugs? no
      26. have u ever done drugs? no
      27. would u ever try drugs? probably
      28. ever had a fight? ya
      29. ever had a fight with a friend? not like a fist fight
      30. how many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? 2 real ones...or 3...define real
      31. have you had a serious relationship? just my current one
      32. how many serious relationships do u think most people have? depends
      33. where do u usually go when u are with ur boyfriend/girlfriend? depends...movies, barnes and noble, the mall, blueclaws stadium [we live right by it], theme parks, and just hangin at home or with friends
      34. do you prefer to be on your own or with other people aswell when with your boyfriend/girlfriend? alone with my girlfriend..
      35. how long do u wait until you have sex when in a relationship? ha..depends..usually im waitin for her.
      36. how long do u think u should wait? well i waited a month this time...that was our first..
      37. have you kissed some1 u didnt know? nope
      38. had sex with someone you didnt know? nope
      39. what do you do most when your being sexual with your partner? ha...we tickle each other a lot. and pull each others clothes off. and kiss of course.
      40. what do you look for in a boy/girl? idk..a lot. just a cute and funny personality, not like slutty and stuck up. kinda goofy i guess, me and my girlfriend act like little kids sometimes.
      41. would you go out with some1 who has been in prison? Depends
      42. been in trouble with police before? not really
      43. would you carry on going out with some1 if you found out they cheated? depends...i think id be less angry if it was someone i didnt know
      44. would you go out with some1 u know has cheated on other people? probably wouldnt make a difference
      45. do u think people can change? depends
      46. has anyone rang you today? who? parents...band people
      47. has anyone text you? who? my angel...and a dude i havent talked to in a while
      48. how many people have you slept with? 1
      49. when did you lose your virginity? 15
      50. do you regret anything? parts of how it went, and other thigns.
      51. do you think you are good looking? kinda...
      52. do u think you get on well with others? depends
      53. would you be honest with someone you didnt like or be 2 faced? if i dont like you you'll know about it
      54. do you bitch about other people? Yes
      55. have you had sex without contraception before? no
      56. have you ever been pregnant? considering i dont have a uterus, no
      57. have you had an abortion? no
      58. would you have a baby now? No way
      59. on average how much money do you spend on a night out? depends...probably like 5-20 on food, which depends, and more if like we go to the movies or do other stuff
      60. what does most of it go on? depends on wat we do
      61.when you go shopping what do u usually buy? idk
      62. do you have a lot of clothes? Not really
      63. a lot of shoes? no
      64. do you buy the same kind of clothes or different? depends
      65. do you buy a lot of skin/body products? Not really
      66. do u buy a lot of makeup/perfume? no
      67. do you buy a lot of jewelry? i just have my watch
      68. if you had to live with only 3 items what would you chose? computer i guess, phone, and idk wat else...
      69. do you own an ipod? i used too...i got dunked in a pool..
      70. which one is it? the new nano
      71. how many songs do you have on it? 200
      72. what phone do you have? sony w580
      73. do you have any piercings/tattoos? no
      74. if so where are they? no
      75. why did you get them? no
      76. do you want anymore? possibly
      77. if you havent got any are you planning to? possibly
      78. what dont your parents know about you? that i fuck my girlfriend. and basically everything. i think its funny.
      79. what dont your friends know about you? a bunch of stuff...my friends generally know a hell of a lot more then my parents
      80. what doesnt your boyfriend/girlfriend know about you? a few things...not much probably, if she asks id tell her just about anything.
      81. do u think you are easy to read? not particularly
      82. do you lie alot? yes. ha.
      83. do you get easily offended? Sometimes
      84. when something bad happens how do you cope? do you talk about it or bottle it up? depends...sometimes i keep it to myself, sometimes i tell people, and sometimes both
      85. if you talk about it who do you talk to? my girlfriend..and like 1 or 2 of my friends.
      86. if you bottle it up, why? y not?