does he like me????

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    • Re: does he like me????

      preppylexie wrote:

      we have known each other ever since elementary. he would always tease me & stuff, he would remember things we talked about ( then & now), his friends would even tell me he liked me. um...he would ALWAYS chase me in a game or like red rover he would ALWAYS pick me to run over to his side. now we see each other everyday and things r going back to how it used to be in elementary ( we're now in the 9th grd) he still teases me about the same stuff & some new.. he still brings up things from elementary....he smiles at me...compliments me... everytime he saids hi to me he touches me on my shoulder?! he said hi to my mom when he sees her

      You know, in elementary school, it sounds as though he does like you. I never found the nerve to be that revealing.

      You know it all deppens on the dude. If he's always happy, a smile from him wouldn't be unusual. If he's the gloomy/mysterious type (like me), a smile is rare =). I would only smile and mean it to the person I like. E.G-A girl.

      As far as compliment goes, if it becomes more serious (Your shirt, then your smile, then your eyes..) you will know how he feels for you =p.

      Touching? Not sure about this one. I don't have the nerve to touch a girl (anywhere) until I know she likes me. Your call on this one.

      hi to mom? Once again your call, he could be friendly.
    • Re: does he like me????

      SeriousTeenProblems wrote:

      He could like you, or he could be a serial killer looking for another victim. That or he wants to sleep with you really really badly.

      Come on! Have some respect for her! The girl is having serious feelings.

      Now, lexie, I have never had a girlfriend. Not yet. But what I have had are crushes and some of them big crushes. And what I also have is one of the more empathetic natures I know and my friends know. I am the guy who has no experience yet gives good advice to everyone. That's me.
      But, as I said, I have no experience so maybe that could just be the wrong piece of advice.

      Now, knowing how a boy's mind runs, he does like you. He is afraid that you don't. Yet he might think he does. You see, we get lots of intuition as well. Just we never trust it so many times we don't use it. His intuition, his gut is telling him to go forward yet he fears rejection just the same.
      Now, people are saying to move in immediately. I think you should at least spend some days just becoming more intimate. Only after you feel you are intimate enough should you take the step. Don't take the step when you are not ready. Don't live a life on hunches and impulses. It screws you. It really does.

      When you are ready and when you feel that he is available, when it is the right time, go up to him. Don't make it too late but certainly not too soon or it could ruin things.

      Either way though, I feel you are in for one heck of a man and he for one heck of a woman and you two will be a great couple.
    • Re: does he like me????

      MattosdaCosta wrote:

      Come on! Have some respect for her! The girl is having serious feelings.

      Now, lexie, I have never had a girlfriend. Not yet. But what I have had are crushes and some of them big crushes. And what I also have is one of the more empathetic natures I know and my friends know. I am the guy who has no experience yet gives good advice to everyone. That's me.
      But, as I said, I have no experience so maybe that could just be the wrong piece of advice.

      Now, knowing how a boy's mind runs, he does like you. He is afraid that you don't. Yet he might think he does. You see, we get lots of intuition as well. Just we never trust it so many times we don't use it. His intuition, his gut is telling him to go forward yet he fears rejection just the same.
      Now, people are saying to move in immediately. I think you should at least spend some days just becoming more intimate. Only after you feel you are intimate enough should you take the step. Don't take the step when you are not ready. Don't live a life on hunches and impulses. It screws you. It really does.

      When you are ready and when you feel that he is available, when it is the right time, go up to him. Don't make it too late but certainly not too soon or it could ruin things.

      Either way though, I feel you are in for one heck of a man and he for one heck of a woman and you two will be a great couple.

      wow that is soooo sweet!!!!
    • Re: does he like me????

      Chances are, he likes you and since you like him, it's good! :D Now, it's how you're going to bring up the courage to tell him. Any body language helps at this point and occasional flirting also helps. Or probably casually talk about relationships and see if he says anything about that.

      EDIT: He's probably thinking the same thing you are thinking. He's probably asking if you like him and he's probably afraid that you might not like him. Ease his mind and yours and tell him that you do, when you're ready to. Hang out with him and see if you can reach past that "friendship zone" and just take it slow and steady. Don't rush into anything you're not ready to.
      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]
    • Re: does he like me????

      Confidence is always a great asset i've thought. But if you think of him as a friend just ask yourself if it is worth sacrificing what you have with him now for a chance of a closer relationship. There is several things you can do, like if you can trust a friend, get them to watch him as you walk to the front of the class to... i don't know, put paper in the bin... 9 times out of 10 if he is transfixed on you, he's interested in a deeper relationship. Seeing as you are hinting that he is quite shy in the fact that he hasn't made a move more than complimenting you, silly things like if he looks away when you make eye contact is a dead give away i've thought. I am no expert in this area and aren't going to claim i am but from what you've told us i would say he's thought about this as much as you have if not more.
    • Re: does he like me????

      Im pretty sure he likes you. And to ease into the "more than friends" situation, the next few times you hang out alone with him, start to playfully touch him... Ima pretty roughplay type of person, so i would probably tackle him on the bed or something... buts its up to you to do whatever you want. I just think getting more intimate [touching is probably the fastest/easiest way] while you are alone with him will give you clearer signs if he likes you. If he does he'll go along with it. If he doest like the playful touch [nott heavy petting or anything, lol] then he'll probably be a bit more stiff.

      That's what ive learned from past experiences, but every guy is different.