Am I obsessed with my friend??

    • Am I obsessed with my friend??

      i had a really huge fight with my best friend who I have known for 6 years and she ended our friendship for 3 days and i thought we would never talk ever again. She means so much to me, especially since I dont have many other close friends. We fight a lot because I'm one of those people who worry too much, and I'm always worried about losing her and being left with nobody else who I can feel close to. Her other friends (who hate me) say I'm obsessed with her :( because I keep getting upset with her for small things and threatening to kill myself when we fight and she says she wont be my friend anymore.

      Because of this really huge fight that I was having with my best friend, I wrote her an email saying sorry and explaining everything and telling her how i felt. The email was really long, I just pasted the whole thing into Microsoft word, and did a word count and it has 4721 words, (6 pages).

      Do I sound like I'm too obsessed with my friend to write that much for one person? :confused: I don't even write that much for school essays.
    • Re: Am I obsessed with my friend??

      Firstly, i understand that position. i become scared of losing close people, it does not mean you're obsessed with her at all. you're probably just afraid of losing her, that much that you think you're obsessed with her. i tend to cling on to close friends, probably cause i have never had many myself.

      try and explain this, a close friend will listen to you.
      but anyway, being clingy is normal because you have never had many close friends , have you?
      i hope you and your friend sort things out.
    • Re: Am I obsessed with my friend??

      No I have never had many close friends... this was the only close friend ive met that had actually treated me like a true friend, which is why she means so much to me.

      And I found out she thought I was obsessed all along but never told me, so part of that long email was to try and explain to her how I dont think im obsessed, but she took 3 days to reply and finally she said she would believe me. But i dont know if shes just lieing to avoid hurting my feelings
    • Re: Am I obsessed with my friend??

      It sounds like you have a really good friend. Try not to smother her. Sometimes when we get scared about losing someone we actually do things that push them away. Also, you should never threaten to kill yourself. If you genuinely would consider killing yourself over the loss of a friend you should seek professional help (talk to a school councilor for local resources). If you were just being melodramatic you should realize that comments like that can kill a friendship. So, my advice is back off just a little bit and try to find a couple friends in a different circle/setting. Good luck!