How to sabotage dad's relationship.

    • How to sabotage dad's relationship.

      First let me do a quick once over on my life. my parents married at 17 and 20 when my mom was pregnant with me. they divorced a year later. i lived with my mom for 13 years and a year ago decided to move in with my dad. Everything is going great with me and my dad but his live in girlfriend... oh god.. she is so jelious that we are both home all day in the summer (my dad teaches outboard repair at a charter school). She thinks we sit around all day, but we are actually working doing side jobs. She is such a bitch.... its almost like she PMS' all month long!! she doesnt appreciate anything. Nomatter what we're doing, she finds somthing wrong with it. We went out to lunch today (me and my dad) and she saw the leftovers in the fridge and said "why do you guys go out to lunch every day? you dont have the money to do that" now who is that bitch to tell my father how to spend his money.:mad:

      Anyway, i just need some ideas on how to make her life hell or ultimatly destroying their relationship. Keep in mind my dad really doesnt care, he keeps her around as a piece of meat to sleep with.

      She has a 110 gallon saltwater fish tank with a lot of expensive fish in there, and i want to start by sabotaging that, somehow.:lol:
    • Re: How to sabotage dad's relationship.

      First, don't take it out on the fish...
      Well, you can try telling your dad about it.
      Or you can try messing stuff up, (secretly of course)
      Like if there going to sleep together, just about when they go to sleep, pour water on there bed. And if you have a sibling, blame them... :wink:
      That is a how-to guide.
      Hope it helps.
      (Formerly Timmarus)
    • Re: How to sabotage dad's relationship. could start out by talking to your father about her attitude. If that does nothing then there's nothing you can do about it. Trying to ruin their relationship could push your father to hating you. Although he's your father, a parent disliking their kid still is possible. You could lose him over that. Obviously you care about him if you want to get this woman out of their lives, so I know you don't want to lose him.
    • Re: How to sabotage dad's relationship.

      I don't think you are in any position to ruin their relationship. He's your dad and he's a grown man and the choice genuinely falls on him and his girlfriend to make. If he had a problem with her, then their relationship would've been over with already. You do have a say in their relationship, but really - it's not up to you to make that decision as much as you'd like to, it's up to them. So all you really can do is just put up with her and hope she changes her attitude or reconcile with her.
      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]
    • Re: How to sabotage dad's relationship.

      If your father didn't love this women - he wouldn't be with her.

      Who are you to mess around with other peoples relationships, it seems she's not the only jelous one.

      The first thing you need to do is accept you might not always agree with your fathers girlfriend, the second thing is either start trying to get along with her or just ignore her.

    • Re: How to sabotage dad's relationship.

      Doughnut wrote:

      If your father didn't love this women - he wouldn't be with her.

      Who are you to mess around with other peoples relationships, it seems she's not the only jelous one.

      The first thing you need to do is accept you might not always agree with your fathers girlfriend, the second thing is either start trying to get along with her or just ignore her.


      armyforthebroken wrote:

      I don't think you are in any position to ruin their relationship. He's your dad and he's a grown man and the choice genuinely falls on him and his girlfriend to make. If he had a problem with her, then their relationship would've been over with already. You do have a say in their relationship, but really - it's not up to you to make that decision as much as you'd like to, it's up to them. So all you really can do is just put up with her and hope she changes her attitude or reconcile with her.

      She shouldn't have to live with someone she doesn't like.
      Would you guys want to live with someone you hate?
      Nobody wants to be with someone they hate, let alone LIVE with them!
      If she wants to sabotage her father's relationship with her dad and her dad's... shall I say, EVIL girlfriend. Who are you to say not to?
      (Formerly Timmarus)
    • Re: How to sabotage dad's relationship.

      It's been said before. If your dad didn't want her, or was bothered by her as much as you are, he would have left her by now. Obviously, he is happy with her, so just let him be happy.
      [CENTER]To the dumb question, 'Why me?' the cosmos barely bothers to return the reply, 'Why not?[/CENTER]
    • Re: How to sabotage dad's relationship.

      Timmarus wrote:

      She shouldn't have to live with someone she doesn't like.
      Would you guys want to live with someone you hate?
      Nobody wants to be with someone they hate, let alone LIVE with them!
      If she wants to sabotage her father's relationship with her dad and her dad's... shall I say, EVIL girlfriend. Who are you to say not to?

      Yeah, that's true, but she shouldn't be selfish either. I understand if you don't want to live with someone you don't like, but think about other people in the house. It's not always about her as it is other people. She needs to consider other people's feelings and she needs to make a decision based on that. I'm merely pointing out there that she isn't in any position to ruin their relationship. It's not her relationship to begin with, it's her dad's and his girlfriend's.

      I mean, sometimes I don't like my brother, but I put up with him. Sometimes, I don't like my mom's friends she always brings over but I put up with them. It's not always about me, I always think about my mom's feelings and the other members of the household. I like to think of myself as a self-less person.

      Also, it's been said so many times before. If her dad didn't like his girlfriend, I'm pretty sure they'd already been broken up by now. It'll be ridiculous to keep someone around unless it's for other purposes only.
      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]
    • Re: How to sabotage dad's relationship.

      Put a bunch of small dry towels, ten bottles of whiskey, and a large tank of gasoline around your dads bed while he sleeps then throw a molotov cocktail onto the glass of the fish tank, and watch the fireworks. After a few seconds grab an extinguisher and extinguish the flames and when him and his new friend wake up, it will look like he did it.

      Sabotage complete.
    • Re: How to sabotage dad's relationship.

      Uhm, idk what people are telling you, but have a talk w/ your dad. Tell him how you feel about her. And you know he likes her, make it seem like you know shes ok for him, but you just want to express your feelings about her.

      Really want to get her? Do everything she says perfectly, and do more then she asks, do everything. When she tells you to do something, its already done. Will get her more then anything else. Your dad will notice that everything being done, and she isnt doing any of it. And you keep one step ahead of her, be as nice as you can to her, pretend she is your real mom, and be the perfect son. She will get angry, and then talk to your dad about it ;)