My frnz's father died!

    • Re: My frnz's father died!

      It's almost a year after this thread and that means it's going to be the 1st year death anniversary of his dad. If she had moved on, the death anniversary wouldn't hurt much but would commemorate the life of his dad. If she still is hurting by the lost of her dad then his death anniversary will give her more pain. Stay with her on this day.
    • Re: My frnz's father died!

      Ahwwww....I'm so sorry ... I know how she feels ... My best friend mom got killed on the beach :S:S:S ... And i really know her mom I go to her house like every day ... And she does to... She was a close friend of my mom ... My friend talked to the principal of the school .. and she didnt do her exams like for a month .. And then in the summer she did them... Hope she feels better :(
    • Re: My frnz's father died!

      I know exactly how your friend feels. My dad passed away 4 days before my sixteenth birthday(which was 8 days ago) and my exams are this week. Im swamped and I feel so crappy on the inside I don't know what to do. My friends don't know how to act and are too nervous of offending me to treat me like they used to. I can act happy, in fact i can even be happy until i realize ne more thing i'm not gonna get to do with me day... then life comes crashes down on me. You posted this a while ago, is your friend doing all right now?