Society & Sexuality

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    • Society & Sexuality

      Okay so everyone here pretty much has a similar idea of "gay" and "straight" and that straight is normal and gay isn't. But this is mostly because of the society we grew up in, and religious influences on each individual. So what if you didn't have preconceived notions of gay and straight? Would you still think that gay is abnormal or wrong? I want some honest opinions on sexuality and on why we think the way we do about gay and straight.
    • Re: Society & Sexuality

      I think that being gay is "normal" - in the way that it's natural for a person to be gay - it's their choice. Being gay isn't normal in the numbers sense, but its increasing in that field fast because society is (thankfully) changing and ppl are free to experiment. Bisexuality is becoming more common too because ppl can experiment more. I know, here in Ireland, I and a few other gay/bi friends get a lot of hassle because of their sexuality to this day, so it's not gone yet :(
      But I'm gay and think its perfectly all right for two girls/guys to have sex.
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    • Re: Society & Sexuality

      Thanks for the positive responses so far :).

      As for me, its kinda hard to tell what I personally think because my whole family is christian, so i grew up being told that gay is bad and unnatural. But i do think that all sexualities should be accepted, because who people choose to sleep with is their business. I think that no one should be afraid of their sexuality or feel bad about it- that only causes depression, etc.
    • Re: Society & Sexuality

      I don't have anything against homsexual people, but I do think that homosexuality is something that is a bit wrong, not anything wrong to be it, but somewhere it isn't as it should be.

      I still think that sex is just for making babies and those babies won't come if you do it with the same sex right? I think that's what sex is meant for from the beginning, to make babies, but people use it to make love, and I will sure also use it to make love.

      And I think that homosexuals have right to merry eachother.

      But is there any sexuality that is classified as a disease?

      I think that many views on homosexuality is maybe like racism, some people are raised with hating it.

      But because I love somebody it doesn't always mean I want to have sex with them right? I say I love my father, but I don't want to have sex with my father, I love my mother, but I don't want to have sex with her.
    • Re: Society & Sexuality

      mvp23_08 wrote:

      being gay isn't normal and its stupid god created man and woman to be together not man and man and woman and woman to be together.

      I oppose the Adam and Eve story for 2 reasons.

      The Jews 1st wrote 1st Genesis, which talked about the world being created in 7 days (6, and God resting on the 7th). And that was based off the Egypt calendar, as some of the Jews were in Egypt. 1 particular pharoah believed in an omnipotent God, so not all of them were into Egyptian gods.

      In any event, the Jews lived in Israel, and liked it as their own land. Then, around 600 B.C., some guy named Nebuchadnezzar kicked the Jews out of Israel. Basically he conquered them.

      Then, some centuries later, a Cyrus the Great helped saved the Jews and gave them back their land. The Jews were very grateful for that, and then, continued to write Genesis.

      This time, they wrote the Adam and Eve story, symbolizing the 1st Jews. Then, the Garden of Eden was symbolism for Israel, the land that they wanted.

      This was for them to justify why they felt they should live in Israel and not get kicked out.

      But you know, Christians don't know how to interpret the Old Testament as to what the Jews wrote, so they take it literally as to the Adam and Eve story really being true.

      I don't actually oppose Jews living in Israel, why can't they have their own country? The French have France. The Chinese have China. Why can't the Jews have their own country?

      This is what happens when you have idiots like Nebuchadnezzar that try to conquer them. A lot of history has to do with the strong conquering the weak.

      I mean, saying the Jews don't deserve Israel is like saying the Germans don't deserve Germany or that the Japanese don't deserve Japan.

      Every ethnicity has the same equal priviledge of living in their country.

      That was the 1st reason I don't believe the Adam and Eve story.

      Here's the 2nd.

      The 2nd is a scientific basis. The problem with the Adam and Eve story is that they claim it happened 6,000 years ago. If that were true, then how do you explain how Black people, White people, Asian people, Hispanic people, Indic people, Middle Eastern people, etc., come about?

      Wouldn't Cain and Abel and Seth be the same race/ethnicity? Then wouldn't the whole world be 1 same race?

      So I can see how your narrow mind works.

      mvp23_08 wrote:

      something is wrong with this society and those who are have a chemical imbalance in their brain

      There is no "right and wrong" morality in science. If there are different chemicals in the brain, then they are different.

      But you probably base your logic on "majority vs. minority." Sigh.
      Nice guys talk because they have something to say; pick-up artists talk because they have to say something.
    • Re: Society & Sexuality

      joemoe93 wrote:

      As for me, its kinda hard to tell what I personally think because my whole family is christian, so i grew up being told that gay is bad and unnatural.

      And your "Christian" family will probably base it to some verse in the Old Testament of the Bible that goes something like "If a man sleeps with another man like a man does with a woman, for both of them should be put to death, for they have forfeited their lives."

      And yet the Bible doesn't talk about what it means when a woman sleeps with another woman.

      Now get this.

      The Jews that wrote that book personally thought homosexuality was wrong. Big deal.

      But you know what? According to my Dad, the Jews in recent years came out that they no longer thought homosexuality was wrong. So now they are open to it.

      The Christians and Muslims, of course, won't change.

      Yes, this contradicts what the Jews believes 2,000 years ago, but they evolved and moved on and changed.

      But I guess Christians will still interpret the Old Testament literally, so oh well..
      Nice guys talk because they have something to say; pick-up artists talk because they have to say something.
    • Re: Society & Sexuality

      joemoe93 wrote:

      Yeah i never understood why christianity is about compassion yet according to the bible death was the answer to anything that wasn't resolved with the good ol' eye-for-an-eye.

      That's because the pinnacle of Christianity revolves around the New Testament - not the Bible. What you're talking about is the Old Testament.

      As far as I know, when the Christians stole the Old Testament from the Jews, they weren't okay with it then just as much as they're not okay with it today.
      Nice guys talk because they have something to say; pick-up artists talk because they have to say something.
    • Re: Society & Sexuality

      Men and women have been around a LOT longer than organized religions. We are all sexual beings. Sex is 'normal' to each of us. Doesn't matter who it is with, because our sexuality makes us want to have sex.

      If you dump religious fervor and stereotypes, you will find that human sexuality has no boundaries.
    • Re: Society & Sexuality

      joemoe93 wrote:

      That's also true but obviously the Old Testament is relevant to Christianity or it wouldn't be in the Bible.

      Um, no. Christianity revolves around Jesus and the teachings of Jesus and the Old Testament mentions none of that.

      In fact, there are several reasons why the Old Testament is made part of the Bible around the year 300 and none of them mean the Old Testament is relevant.
      Nice guys talk because they have something to say; pick-up artists talk because they have to say something.
    • Re: Society & Sexuality

      It is true and has been proven that homosexuality is a gene defect with the mating instincts of the body and cannot be changed.

      Now some people may argue that homosexuality must therefore be unnatural, but tell me, is a child born with 6 fingers natural? yes. the child is, because the 6 fingers where not a result of an artificial influence. therefore it is natural.

      Homosexuality is recorded thoasands of times throughout the animal kingdom. Humans are nought but animals ourselves.

      We homosexuals are born the way we are, we cannot change. So I plead with all the close-minded individuals on this forum, to please, accept us for who we are.

      We cannot change, and we cannot leave. So get used to us. <.<
      [SIZE=2]Gay and looking for a friend? Hell, any sexuality is welcome. PM ME FRIENDS VERY WELCOME! hehe[/SIZE]

      Reliving life as I should. :)