long distance love.

    • long distance love.

      hii :)
      im new here, ill introduce myself properly inabit, but im hollie :D

      i have no idea where there is a previous post about it, but what are opinions on long distance relationships?

      i got out of one 2 months ago with the first guy ive fallen in love with, although im only 15 it was definately love. it took me ages to fully get over it & even now im not over it completely. but ive met this other guy, who is just amazing, hes sweet, he cares & he finally expressed his feelings that he quite likes me yesterday & now hes on holiday for 2 weeks! i cant wait for him to get back, so we can finally meet & see whats going to happen.

      but i just wanted to see peoples opinions, if they had been in one before, any advice, tips etc.

      hollie xx :D
    • Re: long distance love.

      I was in one for 11 months. I thought it was love. I was over her the next day. They are easier to get over in my opinion then a real relationship. I think it is easier to like someone you can see everyday or have a memory of touching them. Or something.

      Oh BTW Welcome to teenhut
      To a new beginning.
    • Re: long distance love.

      i was in mine for 6 months, and 2 months later its still taking me time to get over it.
      when we first split i wouldnt eat for ages, i was crying all the time, being sick, i got diagnosed with a depression. yeah was extreme & you may say 'over a guy' but he meant absolutely everything to me & still does today.

      3 of my other friends are in long distance relationships all have a bit of a distance.
      2 are 6 hours & 1 is 2 hours.
      ya see, all the decent guys are far :lol:

      [SIZE=1]i'm scared of walking out of this room & never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when i'm with you [L][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=1]
      - dirty dancing
    • Re: long distance love.

      i was in one for a while. and i know what you're saying about it being love.
      but when you're that young - hell, even when you're older, you'll want something that a long distance relationship can't give you.
      Kissing, touching, comforting. none of it can happen in a long distance relationship, and that's what a lot of people want out of their significant other.
      I'm not saying that it's wrong, that'd make me a major hypocrite. but just ask yourself if being in a relationship where you can't physically be there for/with the other person is really what you want.


    • Re: long distance love.

      When you say long distance do you mean online or living a fair distance away? I have had both. I must say I do not really consider online relationships proper relationships. I did when I was younger but when I started having relationships that were in person I felt a much stronger connection and relised that you can never really know someone in an intimate way online, I don't mean sexually though, although that can be a part of it as well.

      Long distance relationships can work in my opinion if both people work at it. It's not easy but if you love one another and are committed to one another then you can both make it work. I think there needs to be a common goal as for when the distance will be shortened, that way you know it will only be for a certain amount of time.
    • Re: long distance love.

      Aussie, i think your right, but again you need to keep seeing each other. Like get your parents to ok 1 day a week that you can see each other. And stay with it. Make sure you have the a lot of the day or the whole day, and this will help you get close after you havent seen each other. Most of my relationships end up being like this because i go to regional schools, and that means kids from 45min to an hour go to my school, and thus making it a long distance/distance relationship.

      These are hard to keep together, but if both people want it they can really work for you because when you REALLY want to see each other, you practically want to rip the other persons clothing off, and do it right there after not seeing them for a while. And makes things a lot more intense. ;)
    • Re: long distance love.

      I think it depends on the distance.. if I could see the person let's say..one-two times a week than it would be ok..
      I have a classmate whose girlfriend was 500 miles away.. and they had been together for almost an year.. but they ended breaking up because they couldn't take it anymore.. they could see each other only once in two months or something like this.. it was too hard..
    • Re: long distance love.

      wow, quite alot of replies :D

      me & my ex used to see each other every 2 weeks for a weekend, then i spent my whole easter holiday with him, so that was 2 weeks
      then we went back to the every 2 weeks thing then i saw him for most my half term in may & in mid june we split cause he couldnt cope with the distance.
      was probably the most amazing nearly 6 months i had had in like, forever.

      im not sure about this new lad i have yet. he admitted his feelings before he went on holiday. so now i gota wait two weeks for him to get back off holiday to talk about things, which is fine, i can wait that long :)

      thanks for all the replies, & expressing the views. with this new lad (channing) its about 2 hours between us, so we wouldnt be able to see each other like twice a week or anything.

      [SIZE=1]i'm scared of walking out of this room & never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when i'm with you [L][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=1]
      - dirty dancing
    • Re: long distance love.

      assassinROW wrote:

      These are hard to keep together, but if both people want it they can really work for you because when you REALLY want to see each other, you practically want to rip the other persons clothing off, and do it right there after not seeing them for a while. And makes things a lot more intense. ;)

      ripping each others clothes off :eek:
      loooove the sound of that haa :p

      been there many times :wink:

      well said :D x
      [SIZE=1]i'm scared of walking out of this room & never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when i'm with you [L][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=1]
      - dirty dancing