Does she really love me? I'm so depressed...

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    • Does she really love me? I'm so depressed...

      This is kind of a teenage relationship gone a way.
      Basically, I started crushing on her (I'm a bisexual) during 7th Grade and I really really liked her but wouldn't tell her because of my lack of confidence and I didn't know if she was straight or bisexual ect.

      I wished everyday that we would go out and it would make me the happiest person...ever.
      That wish eventually came true and she asked me out. She confessed also that she had liked me since the beginning of 7th grade.

      We've been going out for more than a month now and it's starting to go downhill. Before dating, we were like best friends. I would always make her laugh and we would play around alot. And now since we're dating, that's sorta changed.

      When our monthaversary came around, she didn't call me. Actually, she never calls me, I always call her. I don't think she even knew it was out monthaversary. But I got over it and moved on.

      And now, I think she likes my best friend because she would be touchy feely on her more than me.

      Whenever I hug my girlfriend, she wouldn't hug back and she never once kissed me on the cheek. All we do is hold hands but she never reached for my hand.

      We said I love you to each other and that's mainly the thing that's keeping us together. I don't ever want to see her and yet I would die without her...

      I need help.
    • Re: Does she really love me? I'm so depressed...

      dokueki wrote:

      Uhm... I'd sit and talk to her about her I guess. There's nothing you can really do.

      I'm agreeing with this. You need to have a one-on-one sit down with her and talk to her about it. You need to ask her what's up and see if she says anything. She either likes someone else (which is a possibility) or she doesn't want to get too serious (which is another possibility.) Either way, you need to talk to her and give her a decision to make: to either be with you or not. If she still wants to be with you, then ask her to make an attempt for it and make it seem like you're more than just friends.
      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]
    • Re: Does she really love me? I'm so depressed...

      Is it possible that she dated you to get to your friend or to make her jealous? You guys have only been together a month, which isn't long. She hasn't done anything to move the relationship to a more serious level. I would really sit down and talk to her about it.

      If you don't talk to her then here is more to think about. People should meet 50/50 in a relationship. Which, she is not doing. I wouldn't let the "I love you"s keep you there. Those could be just words to her that have no feelings behind them. I might be wrong, I hope I am actually, but it could be possible.

      Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year! I'm so sick of watching while the minutes pass
      as I go nowhere, and this is my reaction to everything I fear. Cause I've been going crazy, I don't wanna waste another minute here.