Is this true?

    • Is this true?

      Do you think its possible that if you worry about something too much, it will happen. Like, getting a cold, or maybe a pimple.

      The weirdest thing happened yesterday in class our teacher gave a lecture on skin conditions and in one part he was talking about cold sores and blisters and how it was a form of herpes etc..w.e Then at one point he said ," don't worry about it too much or you just might get one." obviously he was joking I guess because it makes no sense that if you worry about something it will happen. Something like that, anyway.

      But when I came home I looked in the mirror and was just thinking what if I get a cold sore, they look nasty and it would be embarrassing to have a big one on your lip for everyone to see. Then, I said ok the chances of that are low and I forgot about it.

      Now this morning I woke up and have a big ass bumpy cold sore on my lip WTF...that's too much of a coincidence >,< I asked one of my smart friends and he says stress weakens the immune system or whatever but I don't get how it could give me something that specific that I was worried about..Especially the next morning wtf..
    • Re: Is this true?

      simply to worry about it, no.

      However, there are very strong links between the psychological and the physiological. If you truly BELIEVE that you will not be able to overcome a cold, it can have an effect on how quickly you recover. You won't get a cold if you believe it though, because it's caused by a virus, your body cannot create them from nothing.

      With stuff like pimples, the answer also is no. Because they are caused by bacteria. Your mind cannot create bacteria. Therefor, no matter how much you believe it - you cannot get pimples by believing you are more likely to. They can get more swolen and red, perhaps have worse breakouts if you already have acne.

      You can however, get headaches if you truly believe you are dehydrated and will get headaches because of it. You can stay hungover for longer if you truly believe that's how long it will take and many more.