Eating Disorders

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    • Re: Eating Disorders

      No, I don't think starving/purging yourself is worth looking 'perfect'. People who do it don't even look perfect, they just look sick and unhealthy. I mean, i'm not degrading them or saying anything bad about them at all, they obviously have a serious condition and need help. But to answer your question, no, it's not worth it. It can be the cause of serious health conditions and honestly, it doesn't make you look that great. But to the people that belive starving yourself is the way to go, don't do it. Be glad to be who you are and look the way you do, everyones beautiful/good looking in their own way. But I mean, if loosing a few pounds is all you want to do, then go ahead, but don't go starving yourself.

      Also, nobody is perfect. No matter what.

      " It's not about how hard you can hit..
      .. It's about how hard you can get hit, and get back up!"
    • Re: Eating Disorders

      No, I don't think it's worth it to make yourself look "perfect". What is perfection, anyway? Does it even exist? I've always thought of it as this way.. I don't believe that I can be perfect, but, I believe that maybe someday someone, through thier eyes, could see perfection in me.

      Starving yourself/purging is just not worth it. It won't ever make you look "perfect", however, some people may believe that if they do starve themselves, in their heads, they will feel perfect. Everyone is special in thier own little ways, I guess. I really hope you're not considering doing this =\ (Hope I don't sound rude saying that, if it comes across that way, I do apologise, really don't mean it that way).

    • Re: Eating Disorders

      I agree with SimpleGirl and Bigman98 - having an eating disorder is not worth being perfect, at all. If it's something that jeopardizes your health, you know it's not worth it. I believe if you're healthy, smart, and confident - you're beautiful. You don't need to be perfect to be beautiful, because honestly to me - there's no such thing as perfection. If you have an eating disorder and you admit that you have a problem, then try and get help. There's help offered to you, take advantage of that.

      I hope this helped.
      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]
    • Re: Eating Disorders

      Bigman89 wrote:

      No, I don't think starving/purging yourself is worth looking 'perfect'. People who do it don't even look perfect, they just look sick and unhealthy. I mean, i'm not degrading them or saying anything bad about them at all, they obviously have a serious condition and need help. But to answer your question, no, it's not worth it. It can be the cause of serious health conditions and honestly, it doesn't make you look that great. But to the people that belive starving yourself is the way to go, don't do it. Be glad to be who you are and look the way you do, everyones beautiful/good looking in their own way. But I mean, if loosing a few pounds is all you want to do, then go ahead, but don't go starving yourself.

      Also, nobody is perfect. No matter what.

    • Re: Eating Disorders

      I agree on a level to what everyone else has said. Im sorry, this is probably going to be a bit long..but im somewhat passionate about the subject and this is just my opinion anyway.

      I have an eating disorder, or well i am eating disordered. Now i am not 100% recovered as of now and who knows if i ever will be. But a big misconception about eating disorderd girls and boys, delve into these bad habbits due to the media or looking perfect. No, 95% of the time, it acutally has nothing to do with it. There usually are many different underlining issues, eating disoders is another way to say "i am hurting, help me". It may sound obsure to some here, but think of someone with an eating an alcoholic or a drug addict. Its an addiction, a realease from the pain and the reality of there lives. The fear, the responsabilites, themselves..most of the time its an excape, a place to hide and feel safe inside away from the world. Its a label, its for someone who doesnt know who they really are, but now they are the anorexic one. Its a cry for help, a cry for attention, love and its an excuse.

      Its many different things, it ultimately depends on the person who is expierncing an eating disorder. It doesnt solve a damn thing and no, its not worth the destruction or the long term health problems you will get. Or the friends you lose, the family that loves you. Your hair, your teeth, your in general. Getting yourself lost in an eating disorder doesnt do a god damn thing, the main problem is always there and always will be untill you face it. But it is a diesease and a very dangerous one at that, its alot harder to come out of it then most people think. Its a trap, a deep hole you will find yourself in for many, many a year. Dont be tempted in the first place, seek help.