Coming out in highschool??

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    • Coming out in highschool??

      Well, im having a hard time on deciding whether or not to come out for my last year. Im graduating early, so if i didnt, 5 months and ide be outta there. So i could keep a low profile and go about my buisness or have to deal with being gay in highschool?? Like there are those certain people you wouldnt want to find out, because either there mean, and have made fun of you in the past, ya know lol
      any thoughts, experiences? :angeldevil:


      The post was edited 2 times, last by Teen14 ().

    • Re: Coming out in your senior year?

      I don't think one's sexuality is anyone's business except you and your mate. Lostsoul responded that it would give people something to remember you by. I don't think this is what anyone would want their legacy in hs to be. Kids in high school are mean, vindictive and will never remember anything about you except you are gay.

      College if you are attending will be much more forgiving. Never allow your sexuality to identify you.
    • Re: Coming out in your senior year?

      It depends on what the attitude towards being gay is in your school, and whether or not people might suspect. If you're okay with having to deal with potential initial flaming, etc then go for it. You definitely shouldn't let your sexuality hold you back or stop you from being who you are.
    • Re: Coming out in your senior year?

      apollo-might wrote:

      I don't understand this whole "coming out" thing. It's just a part of who you are. Why come out?

      I'm not following...

      anyway, reactions to coming out are very varied. in my case, it is extremely slow to spread. in other cases (involving more popular people) everyone finds out right away. Also, in my case, I have had no negative reactions. In other cases, people lose friends, or think they do. If they do, they were most likely pretending to be friends.
      Also, are you single? If so, that would be another incentive to come out, because then closet people would find out, and contact you in private.
    • Re: Coming out in highschool??

      I think you should come out! It's always a relief to not have to hold in a big secret like that. People will be mean, people will be accepting, people are people and you need to decide if what they say matters to you. Your last year should be all about you, and what you want. Personally when I came out, It made me feel better because I felt like I could be myself openly. Also runner has a point, If you come out who knows how many in the closet cuties may contact you. In my opinion just be proud to be who you are.
      [SIZE=1][SIZE=2]xheart.[/SIZE][SIZE=2] [/SIZE]fifteen. female. bi. single. does that answer you questions? i'm looking for new interesting friends. go ahead, pm. i'm not like anyone you've met. [/SIZE][SIZE=1]talk to me. i don't bite, unless your into that sorta thing.[/SIZE][SIZE=2] .fixitx[/SIZE][SIZE=1]
    • Re: Coming out in highschool??

      a lot of people are telling you to come out, and you should respect their opinions. here's mine.
      first of all, consider how your high school thinks of gay people. are they extremely homophobic, or are they cool w/ it? then you have to consider how your life will change from this. if you've told anyone at all, you should know as well as I do that telling changes your life and people's views about you. maybe better, maybe worse. possibly not at all.
    • Re: Coming out in highschool??

      I am openly gay at school. I never "came out" so to say and I don't go around telling everybody that I'm gay. That seems to be what a lot of people expect gay people to do to "come out". A straight person would greet everyone saying, "Hi I'm <insert name> and I'm straight". I would say tell those that matter to you (if you have not already) and if you are asked don't deny it but say that you are. Don't let your sexuality define you, how you act, what you say and how you think should be major factors.
      [CENTER]This is a gift it comes with a price
      Who is the lamb and who is the knife
      Midas is king and he holds me so tight
      And turns me to gold in the sunlight
      - Florence + The Machine, Rabbit Heart

      I'm not a misanthrope, but I can utterly empathise with them.
    • Re: Coming out in your senior year?

      AbrilNOut wrote:

      see, you have to come out for people to know that you are gay or you are bi or you are lesbian. because..well, we don't wear, like, a sticker to let our friends and family know.

      see, I don't think that's necessary. I understand that we (yes, myself included) don't wear a sticker or give any sort of external indication of our sexuality but I still don't see how we must do that. No, I don't.
      i don't sleep
    • Re: Coming out in highschool??

      Teen14 wrote:

      Well, im having a hard time on deciding whether or not to come out for my last year. Im graduating early, so if i didnt, 5 months and ide be outta there. So i could keep a low profile and go about my buisness or have to deal with being gay in highschool?? Like there are those certain people you wouldnt want to find out, because either there mean, and have made fun of you in the past, ya know lol
      any thoughts, experiences? :angeldevil:


      Do what you're comfortable with. Really, nobody cares in High School. Everyone has more important things to think about. Like college. Nobody cares about the recent gossip after their sophomore year.
    • Re: Coming out in highschool??

      Why should your sexual preference be relevant?

      And most importantly, why would you care about what straight people think of you?

      I mean, if you're a Christian, why would you care what Muslims think of you and if you're a Muslim, why would you care what Christians think of you? Should they be 'coming out' as you like to use it?

      In my high school, we had a gay straight and alliance club, so yeah, gays can go there.

      If you go to high school in a place like Australia, then, I'd definitely recommend not giving out your sexual preference.

      And if you go to a religious high school, or Catholic, well the choices vary.
      Nice guys talk because they have something to say; pick-up artists talk because they have to say something.
    • Re: Coming out in highschool??

      Why do you have to publisise the fact your gay? People dont really care what sexuality you are and im sure many dont want to know. Its different if someone asks if your gay but to just tell somebody so it starts a chain reaction of people finding out is stupid.

      It doesnt change who you are or how you act if you suddenly tell people your gay. unless your one of those guys who is faking life by acting flamboyant.

      Neal wrote:

      If you go to high school in a place like Australia, then, I'd definitely recommend not giving out your sexual preference.

      Are you kidding me?

      You will be accepted more over here then somewere with a big population like europe/americas were there are many groups out to get gay people. Its pretty easy going in australia.
    • Re: Coming out in highschool??

      Alex_Rosque wrote:

      Are you kidding me?

      You will be accepted more over here then somewere with a big population like europe/americas were there are many groups out to get gay people. Its pretty easy going in australia.

      Heh, well I certainly hope so.

      I was on someone's talk page on Wikipedia on a gay guy mentioning that a banned user on Wikipedia was gay, and to help him 'come out.' I knew both these guys for 3 years. Well, admins found out about that (since some follow up on my contributions). The admins from U.S.A. and Europe didn't do anything to me. They didn't bother me or mention it.

      But when someone took it to the boards, 4 people, with 2 of them being admins, came out about how I was harassing and I got banned for a month by mentioning 'someone was gay.' The ban message was harassment. And all 4 of them were from Australia. :/

      But would I have been banned if I mentioned someone was straight? Anyways, this is still a correlation argument. Although the ban expired, I might try to appeal that ban and see for some feedback from non-Australia admins.

      I asked around some Australians I knew about whether or not there was such a thing as gay pride awareness in Australia. They didn't know of any. They just go "Well I know this gay guy on T.V."
      Nice guys talk because they have something to say; pick-up artists talk because they have to say something.
    • Re: Coming out in highschool??

      Neal wrote:

      I was on someone's talk page on Wikipedia on a gay guy mentioning that a banned user on Wikipedia was gay, and to help him 'come out.' I knew both these guys for 3 years. Well, admins found out about that (since some follow up on my contributions). The admins from U.S.A. and Europe didn't do anything to me. They didn't bother me or mention it.

      But when someone took it to the boards, 4 people, with 2 of them being admins, came out about how I was harassing and I got banned for a month by mentioning 'someone was gay.' The ban message was harassment. And all 4 of them were from Australia. :/

      But would I have been banned if I mentioned someone was straight? Anyways, this is still a correlation argument. Although the ban expired, I might try to appeal that ban and see for some feedback from non-Australia admins.

      I asked around some Australians I knew about whether or not there was such a thing as gay pride awareness in Australia. They didn't know of any. They just go "Well I know this gay guy on T.V."

      Wow the fact that you mentioned Wikipedia just completely blew your argument apart. So your judging the Australian public on 4 users/mods from a questionably unreliable/reliable website.

      You dont need gay pride awareness if it isnt a problem... Australia is also moving towards same sex marriage so i dont see were your argument has any ground?