Coming out in highschool??

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    • Re: Coming out in highschool??

      Do you see straight people going around and broadcasting/advertising/promoting their heterosexuality? If someone asks you if you are gay and you trust them and the intent of the question then tell them. If they are being nosey and you don't trust that they will not keep it confidential then tell them to mind their own business. If I am not going to have sex with them anything on the subject is off limits. I don't ask or care about anyone's sexual orientation.
    • Re: Coming out in highschool??

      If I were you, I would keep it on a level where: you don't say if people don't ask.

      Seriously, we have a gay guy in our grade at school and he does a huge disservice to gay people around the world- I don't even know if he even is gay, but he just goes around telling people he is gay and wearing gay clothes (especially this week, where we had business week and the school requested we go to school in business clothes. he wore all this pink and bright clothes that were just hideous) and acting gay.

      As others have said, do not go around acting like 'ok i am gay. i must look gay and act gay' that will just loose respect and annoy people. basically, dont act like the guy i mentioned above. I know a few other people in my grade who are gay and some people know but noone really cares, they act normal, they dont go around blabbing it to everyone, they just live their life. When you talk to them, they talk to you like you would expect, and dont 'hit' on you..
    • Re: Coming out in highschool??

      It depends on many things.

      Are you positive you're gay? Can you imagine spending the rest of your life kissing and making out with, fucking every night, calling your husband loving words, and sleeping next to a guy?

      Second, what do you mean by coming out? If by coming out you mean declaring to the whole school you're gay like you're some kind of freak or side-show attraction, then no you shouldn't.

      If by coming out you mean if someone asks what your sexual preference is and telling them you're gay, then only if you feel comfortable and that you should. "Give them something to remember!" Why should you parade yourself around as a homosexual just to give them something to remember you by? They should remember you for who you are, not what your sexual preferences is.

      My final advice is, don't act like you're some freak. You're a person like everyone else, and just because you are gay doesn't mean you need to declare it to the whole school. If you want to let it out that you're gay... Then just go ahead and say that you're gay if someone asks what your orientation is. But I don't think you need to take it any further than that.
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    • Re: Coming out in highschool??

      Why do you have to "tell" people. I scream "HEY ASSHOLE IM STRAIT." I just date girls and people know that i am. And dont shove it in peoples faces that im strait. Are you looking for attention? I mean if you want attention be my guest .. But i mean let people make there own ideas on you, if your gay your gay, if your strait your strait. there is no need to tell everyone.

      I mean i had a friend that i kinda suspected it, and not until 4-5 months did i really know. But for that whole time i did know, i mean he could easily get girls if he wanted to. So i don't see as you need to go tell people. Let them find out.
    • Re: Coming out in highschool??

      asoiafdude wrote:

      It depends on many things.

      Are you positive you're gay? Can you imagine spending the rest of your life kissing and making out with, fucking every night, calling your husband loving words, and sleeping next to a guy?

      Second, what do you mean by coming out? If by coming out you mean declaring to the whole school you're gay like you're some kind of freak or side-show attraction, then no you shouldn't.

      If by coming out you mean if someone asks what your sexual preference is and telling them you're gay, then only if you feel comfortable and that you should. "Give them something to remember!" Why should you parade yourself around as a homosexual just to give them something to remember you by? They should remember you for who you are, not what your sexual preferences is.

      Am i positive? no im just writing this for fun. And no i wouldnt parade myself around schoolk declaring im gay its not like i want that attention.
      if someasks i guess tell, i like that rule. Im normal not trying to be "cool" or w.e that person said lol. It just changes your life tho, and i dont know if im ready or not. Thats all
    • Re: Coming out in highschool??

      come out do it. i cam eout about being bisexual and surprisingly alot of people were okay with it. i only had two friends that had a problem with it. and i only get some shit about it when im fighting with someone. besides that everything turned out fine for me.

    • Re: Coming out in highschool??

      It would help if you gave us some more information. I mean, is your school accepting or are they a bunch of redneck homophobes? If they're accepting you might as well come out-meaning, if anybody actually goes out and asks you, you would say something along the lines of, "Yeah, so?" Coming out doesn't mean you wear a "Gay Pride" pin on your shirt everyday and go out of your way to tell people you're gay. Coming out just means you're open to your peers and anybody else if they so desire that knowledge. Keep in mind though that unless you live in San Francisco or something, where you're more likely to be bullied for being homophobic, their will always be the jerks who will give you crap for it. They really shouldn't be the people you care about, though.
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