r ur parents devorced?

    • Re: r ur parents devorced?

      My parents split up maybe 5 years ago. He just sorta called her up when we were on holiday and my gran's and told my mom not to bother coming home.

      At the time, it affected me a great deal. I was very angry at my dad, and I found it hard to talk to my mom because she was always crying. It was the summer before I moved into High School as well, so it completely messed that up. I cried a lot and became depressed, and paranoid. I became convinced that any new people who tried to be my friend were only doing it because they pitied me and they didn't really like me. That stayed with me all through high school. It's main effect was to make me completely and utterly self-conscious, because of my depression and paranoia.

      It's quite a long story, with a lot of anger and heartbreak, but at the end of the day, everything is fine and it's ended up for the best. My mom has found God and new circle of friends that make her happy. My dad has reverted to our old lifestyle, and he and my stepmom are proud parents of a gorgeous 3 year old daughter, whom I love to pieces. I've come away to University early, discovered people that have changed my whole attitude to life and am generally happier in myself.

      I can't really comment on my brother. We haven't spoke to each other like civilised human beings in years.
    • Re: r ur parents devorced?

      my parents got divorced when i was like 5 or 6. so i was really young. it didnt really effect me so much. what was bad was when they decided to give their relationship another shot. i was in like 7th grade. i cried and begged my dad not to do it. but now they're not together. and my life is fantastic. well, compared to before.
      Life was on our tongues, it tasted heavenly so good...
    • Re: r ur parents devorced?

      my parents got divorced about 2 years ago i guess.
      at first it didnt even bother me i was pretty chill about it all. probably bcus my sister had already screwed up my family enough. so one more thing couldnt hurt it that much more right? well it wasnt until recently it started hitting me that i actually hate my life now and what my parents did to me. both of them had cheated on each other and my mom is living with the man she cheated on my dad with right now. i kinda cant stand it. i miss my old house and knowing both my parents were always there. i pretty much miss the feeling of it all. and i didnt think i would.
      this year was terrible for me. i did so bad in school. i failed like 2 classes. i got into some stuff i shouldnt have. my relationships changed drastically with guys and all my friends.
      so really i dont think it can ever get better until you relaize whats happening, go through all your lows, and then change it and accept things for how they are now.
    • Re: r ur parents devorced?

      mine divorced when i was like 3....my mum re-married but she divorced my step dad about 3 years ago...my real dad hit her and was an alcoholic (i haven't seen him in about 7 years), and my step dad caused her depression which lasted half my childhood, we were homeless for a little while cause of the seperation....now that my mums a single parent i couldn't be happier, she is a great mother and i don't need a father......at the moment.....maybe when i'm older i'll go visit my dad and try and build a relationship....the last i heard of him he has started to sort out his life.....well thats enough of my life story lol

      though on topic, 1 in 3 married couples now get divorced and that figure is rising all the time so i'm not surprised soo many people's parents have seperated here
      [CENTER]"I don't belong here, we gotta move on dear escape from this afterlife[/CENTER]
      [CENTER]’Cause this time I'm right to move on and on, far away from here"[/CENTER]
    • Re: r ur parents devorced?

      My parents separated when I was 12. I was away at boarding school in another country (my second year away from home) and I wasn't told about this at all until I went home for the christmas holidays. I basically saw my mum and just got told that, she and my dad were now separated, and she had moved into a small apartment. She also discharged our nanny who has been with us since before I was born.

      My younger brother took it well, whereas I completely broke down. It was very difficult because I was away from home and it was a lot to take in. Sadly, my mum didn't understand and she just thought I was being "ungrateful". It affected me a great deal. Her attitude made me pretend that I was fine with it. I didn't want to talk to anyone else about this at the time. I am now 16 and when I think about what had happened and can still bring me to tears.

      What really hurts to think about were all those lonely nights in my tiny little bedroom in that teeny tiny apartment where I cried myself to sleep for the entire christmas break, where I really longed for someone to understand what I was going through.
    • Re: r ur parents devorced?

      Sorry to hear about your parents.
      But mine got divorced when I was like 2 and well, maybe it was because I was so young at the time, but I think it's great that they are.
      I wouldn't want it any other way really.
      I mean... I get TONS of presents for B-Day, Christmas, and any other holiday or w/e and if I get mad at one of them I go stay with the other.
      So im kinda glad they split.
      But I hope everything turns around for you and everything is fine again.
      And again, im sorry.

      [CENTER] [/CENTER]