My annoying problem.

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    • My annoying problem.

      Well ive been reading and contributing to this for a while, and you guys out there seem very happy to help with all sorts of problems, and for that, I wish to thank you all.
      Now it's time for my problem, and yes its a girl! Well, my ex-girlfriend recently started to talk to me again, well when i say recently, it was about 9 months ago. And in May/June, she told me that she was still in love with me and that she wanted me back, bearing in mind she was with someone else at the time. So i decided to sit it out until she became "available". She finished it with her boyfriend about a month ago and of course i was expecting us to be together a few weeks later.
      More fool me. About a week ago she told me that she had changed her mind about the whole thing, i felt wonderful as you can imagine. When i asked her if she still loved me, she said "I dunno".
      What id like to know is, was she lying to me when she told me that she loved me? and also should i give up on her and move on. I do really want to be with her. i feel frustrated about the whole thing and id like some advice on what to do next.

      Cheers for any advice
    • Re: My annoying problem.

      Hey Lithuim,

      Was she lying?? Well, at first I thought there was a good chance that she was. But, then I got to thinking - why would she break up with her boyfriend she had at the time when she confessed she was still in love with you and wanted you back? You know? It's tough to say.

      I think you did the right thing by waiting until she was avaibable again, so good on you for that. And, I was rather shocked when I read that she had "changed her mind" - and, I imagine you did feel disappointed. I suppose the question you may want to ask yourself is; "Is she worth my time, is she worth fighting for after all this?"

      I suppose you could maybe talk to her about it? Ask her why the sudden change of mind? and, whats going on with her at the moment - love life wise? Personally, if this girl did want to be with you, why did she do that to you, you know? I'm not trying to sound mean, just honest I guess.

      Keep us posted, yea? Good luck!

      Support Leader,

    • Re: My annoying problem.

      Lithium wrote:

      Well ive been reading and contributing to this for a while, and you guys out there seem very happy to help with all sorts of problems, and for that, I wish to thank you all.
      Now it's time for my problem, and yes its a girl! Well, my ex-girlfriend recently started to talk to me again, well when i say recently, it was about 9 months ago. And in May/June, she told me that she was still in love with me and that she wanted me back, bearing in mind she was with someone else at the time. So i decided to sit it out until she became "available". She finished it with her boyfriend about a month ago and of course i was expecting us to be together a few weeks later.
      More fool me. About a week ago she told me that she had changed her mind about the whole thing, i felt wonderful as you can imagine. When i asked her if she still loved me, she said "I dunno".
      What id like to know is, was she lying to me when she told me that she loved me? and also should i give up on her and move on. I do really want to be with her. i feel frustrated about the whole thing and id like some advice on what to do next.

      Cheers for any advice

      Hey Lithium,

      She told you that she's still in love with you a few months ago? Well, here's the thing Lithium... feelings change over time, it's a natural part of life. If she told you this a few months ago, she might not feel the same way today. I don't necessarily think she lied to you when she told you a while back, because that may or may not be her true feelings for you at that time. What you should do is you should ask her if she'd like to start a relationship again. If she doesn't want to, then you should probably pursue someone else who's willing to be with you.

      Good luck.
      Support Leader,

      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]
    • Re: My annoying problem.

      Thanks for all the advice everyone. And "gookiecookie", thats exactly how i felt when she told me, and its not really a great feeling. But yeh, i think she probably wasnt lying, and that unfortunately her feelings have changed about me. In fact i think theyve gone towards disliking me :confused: She's ignoring me at school now so, great! Well i think i'm gonna give up on this one and move onto better things hopefully. But i have to say, it has frustrated me and ive learnt not to get my hopes up too much when people say things like that to me. So, silver lining and all that ;)
    • Re: My annoying problem.

      Lithium wrote:

      Thanks for all the advice everyone. And "gookiecookie", thats exactly how i felt when she told me, and its not really a great feeling. But yeh, i think she probably wasnt lying, and that unfortunately her feelings have changed about me. In fact i think theyve gone towards disliking me :confused: She's ignoring me at school now so, great! Well i think i'm gonna give up on this one and move onto better things hopefully. But i have to say, it has frustrated me and ive learnt not to get my hopes up too much when people say things like that to me. So, silver lining and all that ;)

      Ye man, i know how it feels, i talked to the same girl today about her boyfreind issue, he got drunk and hit her, now shes comming to me for advice, i saw him come to school today, i think she lied and told him i was talking shit about him so he came to fight.

      girls like that are not worth it.

      i will kick the shit out of his scronny ass, then expose hers for her lying.
    • Re: My annoying problem.

      I'd say ,if you really care about her that is , try talking to her about it. If she refuses to talk and just continues ignoring you, you might as well do the same ! If she wants to be a total twat then let her go ahead and be one :) You surely deserve someone who treats you better and doesn't mess around with your feelings.
      I know it will not be pleasant if things don't work out , but life goes on and you should , too!
      Good luck :)
      [SIZE="4"]Don't want to wake up...[/SIZE]
    • Re: My annoying problem.

      I don't think she was lying to you. Maybe she was just talking to you a lot at the period of time and really though that she loved you.

      But yeah, from what you say she sounds unreliable and it's better to move on. She told you she doesn't want to be with you anymore. I know it hurts a lot, but try to forget her and get on with someone who'll appreicate you for who you are and would want to be with you. :)

      I hope everything turns out well for you.
      [RIGHT]Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song..You go ahead, let your hair down
      Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams, just go ahead, let your hair down.

    • Re: My annoying problem.

      i dont talk to her alot anymore, my feelings for her are out the window, shes dating her ex again, who got drunk and hit her, even after i told her he will hurt you again (ive known him longer than she has, he is straight up evil) I knoe it wont last, shes going to end up being hurt and comming back to me for help.

      Il be there to help, but only with advice, no hugging me or anything.

      And i know she liked me, she used to follow me alot, hug me and even touch me, she didnt care if i did the same.

      Shes yesterdays news.

      When she talks to me i just laugh along, i dont get involved in her convos alot, i just walk straight off the bus, i dont wait for her like i used to, i sit away from her and she doesnt seem to mind.

      I just give her the occational "hi" nothing more, i dont even look at her face at school.

      I just tend to stay away from her, when she gets hurt again she will realize she is too immature to date guys like him. He is a jerk, who will get what he wants and just leave her out.

      im happy shes with him, because i know she is going to get hurt, its just a matter of time and i hope it happens soon and she realizes what she did was wrong. Call me heartless for saying that, but what she did to me was painstaking.

      right now, im good, schools getting better, the days go by and the soon school will be done for me, il move on and i will have to deal with her less

      too bad she lives 3 houses down. But i geuss il always be there to help her out, its just the way i am.
    • Re: My annoying problem.

      just ignore girls for now, settle in for one when you really feel ready, if a girl comes along and she talks to you and you can see she is genuine then you know your ready to date again...

      I on the other hand are going to wait untill college, no girl contact for me for a year, i just got to focus on school, get my stuff right, become a firefigher and settle in, i think il find a girl in college or something.
    • Re: My annoying problem.

      Dont get too upset about it...I know it hurts but listen there is obviously something wrong with her, if she truly loved you why would have she stayed with that other guy for like 9months...I personally think that she was just trying to get a reaction out of me it seems like she is teh kind of girl that needs all the attention she can get. But I know what it feels like to have the one person in the world you love with all of your heart rip it out and stomp all over it...I know it hurts and you might feel bad for a long time but IT IS NOT worth it to get back together with that person if they truly loved you they never would have done that to you in the first place.

      Learrn from the past and move on dont dwell in the past you have your whole life ahead of you.
      [SIZE=3]" I have suffered defeat, pain, loss still i push to the edge, never falter for this cements my beliefs i'll remain my own master. "[/SIZE]
      [SIZE=3]-All That Remains[/SIZE]
    • Re: My annoying problem.

      Thanks for all the advice. She's made her intentions fairly clear to me, as she has just started dating someone else:eek:. Kinda shows what i already suspected. A while ago she told me that she didnt want another boyfriend and that she would stay single for at least 3 months. That was her main reason for not going out with me. All lies obviously. I wish she just told me the truth about how she felt about me rather than making up all these nonsense excuses. At least then when we would have a fraction of a chance at staying friends. But, friends dont lie to each other do they? Ive lost all respect for her. So im going to leave it be, get with my life and hopefully forget all about her.

      Lesson for everyone. Dont solely rely on what people tell you, it may be very far from the truth, no matter how long youve known them.

      Chow :wink:
    • Re: My annoying problem.

      Usually when you're with someone, you can't help but compare. And sometimes, that guy/girl you left/that left you doesn't seem that bad anymore. And the more you compare, the more you fall for your "lost one".
      But usually, it's just an illusion, a way to get out.
      Once she was out of that relationship, she got out of that illusion and sorted things out.

      I think it can be a reason. I'm deeply sorry she had to make you suffer.

      But hey, she wasn't the only girl in the world. One day you'll find the one that means the most to you, and you'll keep her. And hopefully she won't hurt you.

      Good luck !