
    • For one thing just because they are 12 does not mean they don't have problems. I have had serious problems since i was 5. And have you tried talking to them about why they do it? Making themselves throw up is not good for them at all. The problem is these days is that the fashion industries make anorexia look like the best thing since sliced bread. It's because alot of celebrities make themselves throw up to be skinny and fit into that "perfect size". It just isn't right. Things like this never used to happen. The fashion industry are setting a very bad example for young girls. Good on you for not feeling pressured to look like that. If you are concerned about it then try talking to them about it and see if you can help them to stop. It is very bad for their health. I'm glad to hear you haven't tried any of that. Keep it that way it's a good way to be. And i do think your friends have problems if they have no problems then they are probably just copying most people these days. In which case they need someone to talk to.
      :freehugs: I may be a little crazy but there is method in my madness :bump:
    • Re: Wtf????

      Octoberfest wrote:

      Nothing is wrong with you. They shouldn't be hurting themselves. It's as simple as that.

      Unless you enjoy having friends like this, I advise that you get new ones.

      You dont just drop your friends just because they have emontional issues!
      Work it out together. Be there for them. And if it gets worse tell them to go to a councilor or to a trusted adult. This behavior isnt accpetable and needs to be treated.