Huge problem iits a shy guy :(

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    • Huge problem iits a shy guy :(

      :rolleyes: Hey yhoo guys im kinda new to this site but anyway i have a really bad problem and i need help on it .. (im in yr10 just so u know)
      ok so i go

      * so at my highschool this year a new boy joiined .
      * all the girls at the school are totally drolling over him .. cus hes gorgous !!
      * then suddenly i walk past him and bang i like him
      * the thing is .. he's very shy , reserved doesnt talk to girls much .. only really hangs out with the 5-6 guys who are friendly wiv him
      * hes kiinda nerdy too .. always 1st to class but thats cute iits kiinda made me concentrate more on my studies too lol
      * to add to my wonderfuly crap liife /.. mu friends have gone and told him i like him and everyone is talking about it
      * i never wanted this to happen cus u know how it is when people find out who u liike and scare them and all hell is broken loose :(
      * im worried he wont waana be friends with me he'll thind im sum werido crushiing over him especiially because alota girls have been approchiing him to tell hiim he the first hot guy in the school :mad: so i guess he's gunna change and become one of those bigheaded boasted idoits already in the school
      * i just wana become friends wiv him before he changes
      * iim friends wiv one of his friends

      OK SO THATS MY SUPER LONG QUESTION :rolleyes: hope you can help :love1: guys xx thanks a ZILLION TONS XXXXX:hugs:
    • Re: Huge problem iits a shy guy :(

      so whats it liike 4 yhoo then cus im gunna ''try to talk to him '' lol
      hey would it be ok if i randomly went said hi asked bout his old school y he moved and how he likes the new school or maybe even how he feels bout all the attension hes getting from girls the say u probley heard about me likiing yhoo but thas not all true i said i thiink ya cute and iits gone round iinto thiis
      do u fiink he'd be ok wiiv that or should just say hi and thas iit lol :love1:
    • Re: Huge problem iits a shy guy :(

      If hes shy then you have to lead the conversation. Start most of the topics and if its dying down just keep trying to engage him. After a few conversations he will lighten up. Maybe a hug or something when you start to become friends?

      Problem is when your shy you don't have the confidence to be the dominant person so you will have to do it until hes confident. And if it looks like he doesnt like you, he probably just hasnt become comfortable enough yet.

      Just be patient.
    • Re: Huge problem iits a shy guy :(

      tiinkle wrote:

      thanks alex hey one more thing :wink:
      iim really piissiing u off right sorry
      :wink: but i just waana know .. u saiid how u loved it wen girls came up to u
      but did u fiind yourself ever get bigheaded ?


      If i was big headed i would approach girls, they wouldn't have to approach me. If girls always approached me ( which they dont mind you lol ) then yea i might get big headed but if hes shy he wont.

      Once you leave school and your in the real world girls dont approach guys often, its pretty rare. Its a bigger pool of fish.
    • Re: Huge problem iits a shy guy :(

      a new guy came to our school begining of last year he was really FITT but kinda nerdy kinda like your guy he was shy at first and in his first lesson i offered to sit next to him.

      1 year later he is the most ignorent piece of *poo* i have ever known!

      [SIZE=6]Everything is possible :hugs:[/SIZE]
    • Re: Huge problem iits a shy guy :(

      Ok - here's my piece, I'll try to be brief:

      :rolleyes: Hey yhoo guys im kinda new to this site but anyway i have a really bad problem and i need help on it .. (im in yr10 just so u know)
      ok so i go

      * so at my highschool this year a new boy joiined .
      * all the girls at the school are totally drolling over him .. cus hes gorgous !!
      * then suddenly i walk past him and bang i like him
      * the thing is .. he's very shy , reserved doesnt talk to girls much .. only really hangs out with the 5-6 guys who are friendly wiv him
      * hes kiinda nerdy too .. always 1st to class but thats cute iits kiinda made me concentrate more on my studies too lol
      * to add to my wonderfuly crap liife /.. mu friends have gone and told him i like him and everyone is talking about it
      I'm not trying to be mean, but I am a blunt and honest person: Your friends are either really immature, or maybe they are just assholes. I'd tell them to cut it out, or I'd replace them.

      What they are doing is what is considered playing with your emotions - a bit cruel and really immature; that's something people eventually grow out off, except for creeps, which there is a lot of.

      I am guessing they are just immature though, but it's entirely up to you wither or not you tolerate that or do anything about that, they are your friends so it's your decision as to what you do about that problem.

      Personally, I would tell them to grow up.

      * i never wanted this to happen cus u know how it is when people find out who u liike and scare them and all hell is broken loose :(
      * im worried he wont waana be friends with me he'll thind im sum werido crushiing over him especiially because alota girls have been approchiing him to tell hiim he the first hot guy in the school :mad: so i guess he's gunna change and become one of those bigheaded boasted idoits already in the school
      * i just wana become friends wiv him before he changes
      * iim friends wiv one of his friends
      Ok - that depends on what kind of guy he is.

      A guy can appear shy for many reasons. They may be just plain 'shy'. They could just be intimidated by someone - even you girls. Insecure, self conscious, you name it - but no one guy is the same as all the rest.

      It could just be a guy playing hard to get though, but that wouldn't be shy - that's more along the lines of a quiet and conserved personality. If a lot of other gals like him too, maybe that is the case - or is he really actually a 'shy' person?

      If you aren't sure what he is, then I guess you could ask for second opinions from a friend - though in time you should be able to 'read' guys - or in other words understand them, know their language; that is if you have had enough experience dealing with guys to pick this skill up.

      Be wary of friends though and use your judgement - people like to talk big and sound experienced, especially in highschool. Taking advice from a friend who is in reality clueless leads to bad things, always.

      The same can be said to the opposite sex too though - this isn't a exclusive chick-ability :)

      My advice is to just observe a little bit, but not too long, and then approach him and see what happens. If he's the hard to get type, he will expect you to make the first move, or give him a sure sign you are interested, and he is too, then he moves; though, guys like that can potentially be dangerous - they are hooked on female attention and hearing all the whispers about them, and might have a ego problem.

      OK SO THATS MY SUPER LONG QUESTION :rolleyes: hope you can help :love1: guys xx thanks a ZILLION TONS XXXXX:hugs:
      My advice to you as a certified guy.

      If he's a asshole or a stuckup jerkwad, then he will not pay any mind to you, and he will get a ego boost out of all of this.

      If he's turned off by you, but has some shred of decency, he will probably just pay no mind to you and pretend nothing is happening.

      If he likes you, he will either approach you and talk to you in some way, or he will get even more shy around you.

      I'm not there so I have no idea what the exact situation is, but you will know in time what this guys feelings are.

      If the worst happens, I am sorry about it - but don't feel bad over it; it was not your fault, and your not a loser - but a victim of a sick mind game from your classmates. It was a bunch of assholes who were creeps getting a laugh at your expense; they are the losers - though they may not come to fully realize that until later in life.

      Just think before you act, pay attention to your surroundings and stick in the right crowds

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Yojinko ().

    • Re: Huge problem iits a shy guy :(

      This was my exact problem from last year!
      This guy came to our school about third into the year, and well, he wasn't exactly swarmed by girls, but he was cute and nerdy also. By the way, when I say nerdy, it's an understatement. But he was really sweet and shy too, and I liked him. Of course being my idiotic self, I had to wait and wait and wait, but still never got the courage to ask him out even at the end of the year! But when that day did come, my friends went ahead and told him I liked him. We talked for a while and I started crying(end of the year just brings tears) and he held me and apparently he had liked me too. That, was however, the last time I saw him and I regret not telling him earlier sooo much.
      You just need to step up, take a chance, if you really like him. Just do it before it's too late!
    • Re: Huge problem iits a shy guy :(

      As a shy and nerdy guy (I don't know about cute) I would prefer it if the girls made the first move. To get in with my first crush I simply talked and laughed (and walked her home, mind you!). Conversation is the best thing for a guy like him and me, appreciation also goes a long way: If he says something nerdy to complement you, interpret and appreciate accordingly and DON'T be afraid to laugh. (you can then tell him he's funny...) Get to know the real him and then if you think you are close enough ask him out.

      Don't wait for him as he'll wait till college and someone'll beat you to it.

      and FYI, your friends telling your crush about you has been happening for years, No offence but girls can be the meanest people in the world to each other.