Am I Gay??

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  • Re: Am I Gay??

    Being in touch with your femanine side does not make you gay! And vice versa!

    I wouldn't panic, unless your feelings are of a strong sexual nature, that may be when you start to realise your gay. If there's nothing sexual, its just a bit of feminimity - some girls find that cute as well - and if you don't show femininity some girls say you have no heart!!! (Yes - I had a slight disagreement with a girl at my school about this today!)
  • Re: Am I Gay??

    Do you have any sexual feelings or sexual intentions with a boy? Do you feel attracted to boys? Some of the questions you should ask yourself. If you're really confused, it's okay. Don't let people judge you because of that, you know who you are. You should just wait until either the feeling has gone away (because it might be temporary) or either your feelings has developed.
    [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]
  • Re: Am I Gay??

    confused93 wrote:

    how can i be sure who i am tho?

    Generally people around their teenage years
    don't have any clue as to who they are. I'm
    just fourteen myself and in all honesty I don't
    know who I am either. That's the big mystery,
    for me at least. It's like from the time you can
    talk and notice the world around you to the last
    days of being ten years old you basically know
    who you're. You're a ten year old girl or guy that
    has friends, or maybe doesn't, but still manages
    to have a fun time at recess and doesn't fear the
    future or even wonder or think about it. When you're
    little you're fearless for the most part.

    However once puberty kicks in it's like it all goes
    down hill. You start to question authority, your
    own sexuality, your friends sexuality, why you're
    even here in this big thing called life and why sometimes
    it sucks so bad - it's called growing up.

    Now after that incredibly long prolong to what I really
    wanted to say - there isn't necessarily a way for you
    to test whether or not you're gay. Honestly, you should
    be able to decide that for yourself. It's okay to question it.
    Most people I know have, or will. But that doesn't mean you
    have to shout out to the world or even to that friend of yours
    that you're gayer then the words meaning. Take baby steps.
    You're not even sure about it yet. If women still are attractive
    to you chances are that you're bisexual. It's the best of both
    worlds, really.

    Anyways, just do not rush yourself in this lifestyle decision.
    I don't really have tips for you aside from just going into
    your room or anywhere that has a quiet atmosphere and
    focusing on yourself and what you want. Discovering another
    small piece of yourself. Play some music. Think about it. Write
    about it. Eventually you'll know, I promise.

    Hope that helps you out.
    If you need anything else
    feel free to private message me.

    `dftba. frdef. ~

    * I didn't read the entire thread
    so I don't know if this problem has already
    been resolved or what have you. Ignore
    if so.
    "Gender is a universe and we're all stars"