Why is my head so big!!

  • Re: Why is my head so big!!

    I'll tell you something politically incorrect. Studies have shown a correlation between cranial capacity and IQ, as common sense would suggest. My long hair covers the corners of my forehead, so it looks much smaller. My head is bigger than over 99% of heads, I'm sure, but I don't know that it's so far above normal that people notice it and think it's abnormal. It must help that I'm 5'10". Maybe they're just jealous because they have heads the size of a baseball, and they know they'll never go to collegeXD
  • Re: Why is my head so big!!

    Hallo Krayzie.
    Mate this is late reply. the reason being, that this is the first time i've seen this thread. actually. this entire website is new to me. i was searching through google and somehow happened upon a link to you your writings here in this thread.

    I read through your posts mate, out of curiosity. And although i can't say that i believe that my head is not in proportion with my body, my experiences through high school and such may be of use to you. so i registered for the forum just to have a few words with ya

    i read through some of the other comments on your post.. and some range from the bizarre to out right disrespectful. and i believe some may have even been more of a hindrance than a help, although there were a few words of wisdom from Shawn and the like that really were on the right level.

    i'm a confident bloke mate. i know i have my flaws. everybody on this planet does. but i've learned to live with them and the more comfortable i get in my own skin, the more people tend to migrate around me. i'm not the best looking guy, and god knows i'm not in the least bit a ripped hulking guy. i'm just a normal average guy, about 6 foot tall, got hair on my chest and freckles covering my body. but i guarantee you, that the more you learn to love yourself for who YOU are. and not what you look like. the easier it is for other people to love you too. just like you, i'm a family kind of bloke. my parents and my siblings are the world to me, and i know they've got me through the worst times.

    I'm only posting because i know from reading your posts, that your situation is really cutting you up. and i can't say i can understand how you feel. because it would be a lie. i can relate to what your experiencing through high school though, because i know i was made fun of about my weight etc. (i was a bigger lad in high school). The funny thing was. i came to the realization that people who make fun.. are the ones with deep seated issues. they are more insecure with themselves than anyone of us could ever be.. and they make fun not to boost their own self esteem. but to bring others around them down to their level.

    My advice Krayzie. is that you take a good hard look at yourself. understand that you were made the way you are. and that no one can take that away from you. learn to love the person you are. accept you have flaws. (just like everyone else!) and when you do. you will start to protrude with newfound confidence. a confidence that no-one can take away. you will make friends.. you will feel better every new day.. and when someone does finally decide to comment on your appearance, you will be comfortable enough with yourself to take it in your stride. life gets better mate. the better you feel about yourself. the better each day is.. and when you are a couple of years down the track. and you remember posting this thread... i hope there is a smile on your face buddy and you chuckle at the crazy ideas you had as you were posting this.. and when your standing by your friends and family.. i hope you'll remember that there are people in this world who will be there for you. even though i don't know you. i'm an Australian and i probably live so far away... i've got your back. so does everyone else here. and mate. we are all in this together ;)

    Good luck and best wishes mate.
  • Re: Why is my head so big!!

    ...Hey bro whaddup, ok first of all know that I had joined this just to help you out w/ your issue. I stumbled across this thru Google search. Anyways, I know exactly what you're going thru cuz I too have a huge head, but its ok tho cuz once you get over the fact that this is our reality & there really isn't anything you can do about it, the better you'll be because like most people have told you(if you're anything like me) you just got to deal w/ it which I did after years & years but its better than than feeling depressed about everything. I embraced it & you should too because that makes you special, like me for instance I've always been smart but once I embraced it I set myself apart from everyone by showing off my intellect which is much more prestigious than the opinions of others, because if you wake up to do great things by learning how to do them & kill off the ignorance surrounding you, than most likely you'll find yourself surpassing everyone & the lifestyle they'll soon carry as well meaning your future will be brighter asap(in school=better grades, easier life,higher boost of self esteem). Plus girls might think its cute how you're still shy & timid, like they do w/ me & I'm only 18 btw & like I said before have a huge head, but I'm proud of it because after seeing all the years that I was embarrassed of it, everyone still knew me, even tho at first I was way more timid & so they named-called me at first until I just stopped caring & showed them that idc what they called me cuz I already had a name,so they were cool w/ it & since I always been a sweetheart & everyone knew it, the transition was easier. After that dudes started seeing me & said I'm the coolest dude they know, girls never forget me & neither did anybody else that I met along the way.So yeah its something you gotta do, you gotta just dust yourself up & do you. Like me,I always preserve, I won Prom King,(crown was hella snug lol) last year in High School(senior year) & won sports trophies & coronations such as MVP awards in baseball & basketball, certificate of excellence which was given to me even tho I cut my classes for 3years, because of my distressed situation & my low-self esteem, but than I decided to start getting dressed in a hipster look & that's why its good to get a job to invest in looking better than the rest, once you look good on a continuous basis the world takes notice.Also I have my advanced regents diploma, after I enslaved myself to independent studies, credit recoveries & everything school had to offer, so long story short once you can get up & make things happen for yourself you'll stop worrying about what others think I know I don't & I'm 6'2",so I stand out like crazy lol but yeah man life is life, don't let nobody rule your life its YOUR life not theirs & if that don't help than feel free to call them ugly cuz I've come to notice alot of the people that talk are extremely ugly lol so they make you the bud of their jokes -_______- sigh & also p.s. we the big headed people of the world are very successful, I make $500/wk. & have everything I want, girls adore me & if this doesn't come as evidence how about Kanye West? In Barry Bonds he said "yeah & my head so big you can't sit behind me" which is a great line cuz you feel unique & that's what seperates you from the rest & makes you unique dude,The Rock, George Lopez funny dude w/ a Noggin but funny as hell & many many more.So yeah hope this helps remember we the big headed people are meant for great things bwahahaha >=]
    -Murphy :D

    ...Hope this helped bro & its real talk, just pm me for any more info. or talk.
  • Re: Why is my head so big!!

    KrayzieTeen wrote:

    Man I've been going through so many different emotions lately and thinking about death almost everyday. I am turning seventeen years old in November and I feel like I failed my teenage years and I just can't take it. I have no real friends at home but a few at school. I am so insecure about myself. Its because of the size of my head, it has affected the way I have lived. I am about 5'8" and the size of my head is kinda big for my body.
    I have been made fun of my entire life from elementary and middle school. It never really bothered me in elementary in middle school but it has deeply affected me through my high school years. I've been called big head a few times and it really hurts me inside. Whenever I walk through the hallways I get stares from people and I start going crazy and ask myself were they staring at me cause they noticed I had a disproportional sized head. I barely have spoken to any girls at all in high school because I'm afraid that they will think I'm a freak or something cause my head looks big.
    Im afraid to go outside anymore because I always get the feeling of people staring at my head. My friends from school I don't know but its like they don't see the size of my head and haven't really made fun of me or called me big head so I feel comfortable around them but when I walk by myself in the hallways I feel like everyone is looking at me all the time.
    I get depressed everyday because I look at everyone else and everyone looks so normal and I'm the only one with the biggest head. If I didn't have freaking macrocephaly or disproportionalized size head I would be more confident in myself but I just don't. I was thinking maybe I could hide the size of my head by growing out my hair but I think it will just make my head look even bigger,
    Ever since high school I have been thinking suicide, and the past couple weeks I have been thinking about suicide even more but I just can't do it because I love my family too much and I don't want to leave them. My little brother is probably the only person that has prevented me from commiting suicide because I love him too much to leave him. The only reason I continue to live is because of him, but its so hard when your lonely and depressed.

    Dude, I am soooo envious of you. You probably won't read this because you've been offline for a couple of months. It's literally like you're living the very opposite/similar life as me. I'm 6 foot tall, 175 pounds and a bit muscular. . .but my head barely average out to a male my size. My whole life I've been insecure about it. In high school and middle I was made fun of because of it's size. It totally destroyed my self-confidence. I'm afraid of going outside because it feels like everyone within range is staring at me. I remember when I was younger I thought that turning at a different angle would give the illusion that my head looked normal. . .but then again it's impossible for everyone to veiw me at the very same angle. . .I hurt my neck trying though (not a joke).

    I'm extremely insecure about it, even now I just can't get over the fact that I have such a MAJOR flaw. It's impossible to hide. I tried growing out my hair to give the illusion that it's bigger. . .yet I think more hair just shrinks my face size, LIKE I NEEDED THAT! Right now, I'm still paranoid about it but I know that for as long as I've lived, I've had this problem. And for all I know, I'll stay with it 'till the day I die. So, I made up my mind and decided not to waste my life away just because of a permanent issue that I have no control over anyway. I decided to go to college and make a life for myself. If I can't be happy with the way I look. Then maybe I can find happiness in my future career. People are STILL staring at me, but I find it easier to deflect their negativity. Also, the ipod and earphones I always have strapped to my head seem to help drown out everything else in the universe. Especially when I have it at full blast with some rock/metal music. Reading your post gave me an inch more of self-confidence. Hang in there man. We only get ONE LIFE. Live it to the fullest. Fight for your dreams. DON'T GIVE UP UNTIL YOU DIE.
    -I'll Break My Back Trying To Become Better In Life.
    So Before I Kill Myself, I Can Say "Atleast I Tried"-