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    • Pleeeeease help.

      right, so there is this guy that i really like, and a couple of weeks ago he liked me too, and he was going to ask me out while we were in town one day but then i left in a hurry so he couldn't. the next day he saw a girl he was friends with at the time who knew full well that i liked him and he liked me, and they got drunk together and she had sex with him. then they started going out and she broke up with him five days later. i then saw him the next day and he said he felt really crap about it all and he didn't realise that he would hurt anyone or indeed get hurt himself. and we were friends again. a week later i saw him again and i'll admit we were quite flirty and according to friends we looked "coupley" and then the next day i saw him again and although he made jokes about my height (or lack of it) he was being very chivalrous to say the least if i complained that i was cold, he'd take off his hoody and give it to me, if i complained that my feet hurt, he'd offer me a piggy etc and also (i'm not a particularly confident gril when it comes to my appearance) whenever i put myself down he would protest severely. but then when asked if i was his girlfriend, he quickly replied 'no' and changed the subject. we later ended up having a heart to heart whilst we were waiting for a friend who had gotten lost and we talked about past relationships and he told me that i'd find someone perfect because that was what i deserved but then we were interrupted when my phone rang and the conversation was never continued. and now he's stopped replying to my texts and i'm really confused. and if you managed to read all that, i have a few questions that need answering:

      Where do I stand?
      Are we just friends?
      Should I talk to him?
      What do I do?

      Please help, i'm sooooooooooooooooo confused. :confused:
    • Re: Helpppppp!

      You two are just friends. And by his answer, you are making a move way too fast. Most guys do not like pressure from a girl. Now slowly back off. Stop texting him now. And don't call him. You can probably do one more text tonight or tomorrow and be like, hey what's up, what are you upto? That's it. But no more daily texting and no more daily calling. back off. Let him come to you. Slowly back off. And just BE FRIENDS. That is all you two are for the time being.