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    • Hey guys, this may seem stupid, but my boyfriend/ finace is abusive. Physically and mentally, more mentally though. We have been together for almost a year and I really love him, more than my own life. I put up with anything he does to me, he asks me for money, threatens to break up like 4 times a week over something stupid that I do to make him mad. One time I yelled at my cats to stop fighting while I was talking to him and he almost broke up with me. I don't know what to do, I'm scared that he is going to hurt me again. I hate it when he puts me down but I know he doesn't mean it. What do you guys think? Am I an idiot for staying with him?
    • Spark is right. You shouldn't have to deal with an abusive fiance. You may feel you love him, but I think you may just be attached to him. And it isn't good to be in a relationship like that.

      If you stay with him, and he hits you, you really should call the local authorities. But I do hope you make the right choice and leave him, because you deserve better.

      Good luck. =)
      Need help or just want to talk? PM me. :)
      "It's easy to be nice to people you like. But being nice to people you hate, that's a skill. Do it."
    • brokenroses666 wrote:

      Hey guys, this may seem stupid, but my boyfriend/ finace is abusive. Physically and mentally, more mentally though. We have been together for almost a year and I really love him, more than my own life. I put up with anything he does to me, he asks me for money, threatens to break up like 4 times a week over something stupid that I do to make him mad. One time I yelled at my cats to stop fighting while I was talking to him and he almost broke up with me. I don't know what to do, I'm scared that he is going to hurt me again. I hate it when he puts me down but I know he doesn't mean it. What do you guys think? Am I an idiot for staying with him?

      here is my complete honest and unbiased opinion.

      yes, your stupid for staying with him. leave. I dont need to explain why, you alredy know why you should leave,otherwise you wouldnt have created this thread.

      [SIZE=2]Gay and looking for a friend? Hell, any sexuality is welcome. PM ME FRIENDS VERY WELCOME! hehe[/SIZE]

      Reliving life as I should. :)
    • brokenroses666 wrote:

      Wow that was pathetic.

      It wasn't pathetic. It was honest.

      You should not have to put up with being abused physically and mentally off anyone. But, to be getting abused off you're own fiance? Disgraceful.

      You may well love him, more than you're own life - but, you have to leave him. You don't deserve that, no one does. If you stay with him, you're cheating yourself because you deserve to be in a loving and caring relationship free from this horrid abuse.

      Good luck with it all.

      Support Leader,
