Your Quotes

    • Your Quotes

      I'm certain I am not the only one who comes up with quotes in their spare time. What has burst forth from your mind? The line, and if necessary and possible, a brief explanation of it. They need not have any deep meaning or sound as if they do. Mine certainly don't. To start off and set the mood, here are two of mine.

      "I was once hope." - A quote from a character in a story playing out in my mind, specifically a fallen angel with a flair for the dramatic and faux-symbolic.

      "You preach the importance of truth from within a web of lies." - This has no origin or ties to anything else.

      What are some of yours?
    • Re: Your Quotes

      ^^^ lol I like that

      This one's from Powerthirst 2 but I found it hilarious and so true->

      "If god gives you lemons, YOU FIND A NEW GOD!"

      And I found out this one in a hard way.

      "When you really want something, your eyes may see it in a way you want to see, your ears may hear it in a way you want to hear, but not as what it really is"

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