Pinned Complete Health and Fitness Guide 2.0

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    • Re: Complete Health and Fitness Guide 2.0

      Some great posts, but if I may make a suggestion... saturated fats from natural sources are actually very healthy, and saturated fats are ABSOLUTELY AMAZING for increasing gender specific hormone levels.

      My total natural testosterone last I checked was 2108 +- 18. Thats around 8 times the average males.

      My diet consists of Raw Milk, Raw Yogurt, Organic Fruits and Vegetables, Rare or Raw Grass Fed unprocessed Beef and Bison, Raw or Scrambled eggs, Olive oil, pinenuts, (Yes pine not pean) cashews, banana chips, pumpkin seeds, poppy seeds, all raw, kimchi, raw grass fed butter... thats around 60% fat, 15% protein, 15% carbohydrates.

      But there is a MASSIVE difference between eating 7k calories from my fridge, and from mcdonalds. Processed/microwaved/overcooked food has ZERO enzymes, and has had much of its molecular structure destroyed... If I eat 10 bigmacs a day 800 cals each, Ill get fat and lose muscle. If I eat 10 burgers a day 1k cals that I make (which I do sometimes), I wont get fat. Dieting is complicated... Just keep it as natural as possible, and wing it until you know what you are doing.


      Edit: Gonna post pics of my fridge once I hit 25 posts... But there are a LOT of things I disagree with in this guide, though it is a good start. I'll return sometime this week with some studies/a guide i wrote last year, which includes information on diet, training, supplements, enzymes, hormones, Pro-Hormones, and AAS.. perhaps we can merge.
      Bodybuilding is not a hobby. It's a lifestyle.
      For questions/comments, PM me.
      Yes I am 19. Im here to relate to all the crap I missed out on being the shy kid in high school.
    • Re: Complete Health and Fitness Guide 2.0

      Not all people can be bodybuilders, they can't handle it.

      I know that I can't.

      This is a really great guide, and I'm pretty glad that I found it! I am currently trying to loose weight, and I have tried a plan very much like yours, and I have lost two pounds so far, so I'm really happy!
      [SIZE=2]"It seems like forever, but a lifetime can pass in a second."[/SIZE]
      [SIZE=4]James Zachary Ericsen <31-9-08>[/SIZE]
    • Re: Complete Health and Fitness Guide 2.0

      To everyone,

      I want to apologize for the big delay on the final installment of the 'Complete Health and Fitness Guide'. It will be coming out without a doubt but recently I have been to busy with my school and other work, preventing me from making it. But, do not fear! Guide 3.0 will be coming out and hopefully soon..


      " It's not about how hard you can hit..
      .. It's about how hard you can get hit, and get back up!"
    • Re: Complete Health and Fitness Guide 2.0

      great guide!
      Kristian what the hell are you talking about?!? don't eat raw eggs and beef. and what the fuck are you dreaming about hamburgers? it's no difference in homemade and mcdonald's hamburger-they are both unhealthly and are bad for getting muscles.
      what are you talking about protein bullshit? if you want to get muscles you simply have to get proteins around 2 grams of proteins for each kilogram you weight in 1 day. i agree it's not good to take 100grams of proteins in a single meal.
    • Re: Complete Health and Fitness Guide 2.0

      tethys wrote:

      great guide!
      Kristian what the hell are you talking about?!? don't eat raw eggs and beef. and what the fuck are you dreaming about hamburgers? it's no difference in homemade and mcdonald's hamburger-they are both unhealthly and are bad for getting muscles.
      what are you talking about protein bullshit? if you want to get muscles you simply have to get proteins around 2 grams of proteins for each kilogram you weight in 1 day. i agree it's not good to take 100grams of proteins in a single meal.

      i skimmed over that and for the most part i think it is pretty good. I saw a few things i would change, but nothing big and whoever wrote it did a good job.

      Having said that, lol @ your comment. It makes no sense whatsoever- can you please explain to me "why hamburgers are bad for getting muscles"?

      The protein issue is HIGHLY debated. some people think 1 gram per BW, some think 1.5, others think 2 grams per BW. IMO if you have a good routine coupled with a good diet (whether you have 1 or 2 g per protein per BW doesn't matter) you will see good results.
    • Re: Complete Health and Fitness Guide 2.0

      Kristian von Kiel wrote:

      Some great posts, but if I may make a suggestion... saturated fats from natural sources are actually very healthy, and saturated fats are ABSOLUTELY AMAZING for increasing gender specific hormone levels.

      My total natural testosterone last I checked was 2108 +- 18. Thats around 8 times the average males.

      My diet consists of Raw Milk, Raw Yogurt, Organic Fruits and Vegetables, Rare or Raw Grass Fed unprocessed Beef and Bison, Raw or Scrambled eggs, Olive oil, pinenuts, (Yes pine not pean) cashews, banana chips, pumpkin seeds, poppy seeds, all raw, kimchi, raw grass fed butter... thats around 60% fat, 15% protein, 15% carbohydrates.

      But there is a MASSIVE difference between eating 7k calories from my fridge, and from mcdonalds. Processed/microwaved/overcooked food has ZERO enzymes, and has had much of its molecular structure destroyed... If I eat 10 bigmacs a day 800 cals each, Ill get fat and lose muscle. If I eat 10 burgers a day 1k cals that I make (which I do sometimes), I wont get fat. Dieting is complicated... Just keep it as natural as possible, and wing it until you know what you are doing.


      Edit: Gonna post pics of my fridge once I hit 25 posts... But there are a LOT of things I disagree with in this guide, though it is a good start. I'll return sometime this week with some studies/a guide i wrote last year, which includes information on diet, training, supplements, enzymes, hormones, Pro-Hormones, and AAS.. perhaps we can merge.

      Agreed with this. The OP demonises fat for no good reason. Though don't eat raw eggs. It reduces the bioavailability of the protein substantially.

      Also the point on rest between sets in OP completely ignores differring goals.
    • Re: Complete Health and Fitness Guide 2.0

      Bigman89 wrote:

      - Training must be varied, this is a vital thing to insure muscle gain, and also to prevent boredom in the gym. After a while of doing the same routine in the gym your body becomes use to doing those same movements time and time again week after week. Which in turn will limit your muscle growth, you'll still gain muscle but not as good as you could be. So, If you've been following the same workout routine for anything longer then two weeks, then change it up. Also, changing it up does not mean switching out every exercise with something else, it can simply mean changing the reps or the sets you do, even changing the technique of the exercise, for example, if your doing incline DB press, try switching it up with Incline DB press with your palms facing each other.

      IMO "keep switching it up" is bad advice for beginners. It's a one way ticket to having someone throw away the basics of linear progression on key lifts like squats, deadlifts, bench, press etc. and having them doing 50 different types of curls and pec flies all in a few weeks.

      Bigman89 wrote:

      - Training must primarily consist of free weights. Free weights generally isolate the muscles, such as the DB shoulder press or DB chest press. These free weight exercises will give you the fast results your looking for, and I'm not saying machines won't do anything, I'm just saying free weights are much, much better to use.

      What? Free weights generally isolate individual muscles less than machines. That's why they're better.