any advice on this?

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    • any advice on this?

      i really like this guy and he really likes me also. We decided that we "date" (aka act like bf and gf but without the labels)but we werent going to jump into anything to quickly because we jsut got out of bad relationships. well he just found out that he got a girl pregnant and is freaking out about it. i told him that i dont think any different about him, and
      He is totally against abortion and wants to try to convince her to keep the baby. also he thinks that his parents might make him get back into a relationship with her and marry her because they are strict catholics.

      also he said that he really wants to work things out between us and doesnt want this to effect our future toegether, but he wants be to wait for him...which could be for up to 9 i dont know if i should just end things with him now so that i dont just get drug along till i end up getting hurt in the end... i was wondering if anyone could help me out with this...
    • Re: any advice on this?

      It's going to be a while before he can focus on a relationship with you. He has a lot of responsibility ahead of him especially after the nine months because that's when he actually has the baby to take care of. In nine months, a lot can happen. He won't have much time to focus on starting a relationship with someone. You need to really think about what you want and how you feel.

      His parents can't force him to date and marry someone. That's his choice and his choice only. If he wants things to work out with you than he wont be with the other girl. He has the choice no matter what his parents say.

      Do what's best for yourself. If you feel you can't handle waiting, which is understandable, then don't. Don't completely drop him out of your life, but don't focus solely on him. There are other guys out there. If this is meant to work out then it will. Him having a kid is going to change his life and things between you two might change. Waiting for him may not be the best thing. Ask yourself what YOU want.

      Hope this helped :)
      Support Leader,
