Not really looking for advice, more of a rant about money vs. parents.

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    • Not really looking for advice, more of a rant about money vs. parents.

      These are my finances, and I should be allowed to take control of them. I pay my bills, I deposit money into my own savings and 401K accounts that I open through my job, but my mother always finds a way to screw me over in small ways.

      She misplaces my bills that she opens before I get a chance to review them. She opens and mindless files 401K paperwork so that I am uninformed that they will be shutting down the account (cashing out a check to me, thus I will be losing 20% of the funds to taxes, 10% for an early-withdrawl fee, and another 2% to the state). This all could have been avoided, however, if I had taken action to roll the account over WITHIN 60 DAYS OF RECEIVING NOTICE. But since I did not receive notice until 3 days ago (because that is when my mom decided to say "oh yea, here, they're going to be taking your money, you might want to do something about it" as she hands me the papers) (and since the 60 days is up this Sunday), and since paperwork will need to be physically mailed to me (not emailed or faxed, looks like I'm out few hundreds bucks thanks to my lovely and helpful ma.

      It's just so frustrating. It's not a ton of money, but it's still my money, just gone, due to her negligence. There's really not even any point in talking to her about it, since she cannot change it. Even if I do confront her about it she's just going to say "well what do you expect me to do about it now", and then I will feel bad for trying to take out my frustrations by trying to make her feel bad.

      Crying is my only option, and that's not helpful, so crying makes me feel even worse. It's just a bad situation.