i need some help with a girl situation (please give me any advice u can)

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    • i need some help with a girl situation (please give me any advice u can)

      ok i whent to homecoming with a group of female friends 1 in which i like i just
      have not had the courage to ask out, so for the first while we just danced as a group which was ok and then a slow song came around so asked her (the girl i like) to dance. That whent ok after that things whent weird one of her friends in the group came over and asked me if i liked her (the girl i like) and i said yes, so i knew she was gona tell her so i whent ahead and pulled the girl i like over to the side and told her i liked her (was nervous so not smooth at all). After that the girls all whent to go converse (talk) in a group (that made me kinda freak) and so i whent to go hang with one of my buddies who was hangin with this girl i dont even know and she started dancing on me (bumping and grinding) and i just kinda kept dancing for a while and know i feel like shit cause idk why i kept dancing with that chick even though i just told the girl i like i liked her. from there it was the end of homecoming so i had no clue what to do because it was awkward so i kinda stood of to the side as the group was leaving the dance, when we went out to the front of the school i pulled her off to the side and asked her to the movies and she said yes. which im really happy about but the bumping and grinding with that girl (i completely regret) and the nervous way i acted is really bothering me.

      any help or views would really be appreciated
      please help me out
    • Re: i need some help with a girl situation (please give me any advice u can)

      If she says yes to the movies then it shows shes not really bothered.
      Plus your not even in a relationship with her so it doesn't matter if you was dancing with another girl, it doesn't mean anything.

      DomGTR wrote:

      Yeah, end up bumping into Mr Bear who just found out Goldilox had eaten his porridge and slept in his bed wouldn't end well.

      [CENTER] Teenhut makes me smile :)[/CENTER]
    • Re: i need some help with a girl situation (please give me any advice u can)

      Well you were single, and another girl asked you to dance , so she shouldnt really freak about it.

      If shes said yes about the movies , you will be in for a chance, maybe ask her if she thinks you to should be together , or make a move in the cinema (put ur arm around her or anything) - and if she does ask anything about the dance just say she asked you and not to be rude you said yes .