Someone please help me!!

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    • Re: Someone please help me!!

      I've been beaten, abused...even raped by my own step-father.

      so whats made your life so bad? whats made you want to throw it away...grow a backbone and stick it up like the rest of us. If you want help then tell us your problems and we'll help you. But you alsdo have to help yourself. If your still on the drugs, get off them. Get your life back together and be happy again. Because none of us will help you end it.
      [SIZE=2]Gay and looking for a friend? Hell, any sexuality is welcome. PM ME FRIENDS VERY WELCOME! hehe[/SIZE]

      Reliving life as I should. :)
    • Re: Someone please help me!!

      suicide is not the answer at all, bring yourself up a bit, your a coward if you wanna take the easy route out. take things slow and live your life! BECAUSE AFTER ALL YOU HAVENT GOT A LONG LIFE AS IT IS...
      [INDENT][INDENT][SIZE=3]people call me tinkerbell[/SIZE]
      [SIZE=3]so you can too okay petal[/SIZE]
    • Re: Someone please help me!!

      i was raped...abused and drugged. ive seen my best friend kill himself in front of me because i didnt sleep with him. ive had a gun ppointed at me. i cant stop the addicted. i got pregnant and had to have an abortion...i was 15. it was rape and having that abortioon was the hardest thing of my life! please help me. i want to die without pain...
    • Re: Someone please help me!!

      no one here will help you end it. you meed help. go to councilling., you need to realise theres more to life. you miss your child...then dont you owe it to yourself and even to that child to have another? to care for that one like you wished you could of the other? you cant if you kill yourself. friends, family, they will all be devistates. your say your best friend committed suicide, how did you feel? do you weant to put everyone else through that?

      I know about rape. I know how much it hurts. how you just wiosdh you would die during it.

      but you have to fight on.
      [SIZE=2]Gay and looking for a friend? Hell, any sexuality is welcome. PM ME FRIENDS VERY WELCOME! hehe[/SIZE]

      Reliving life as I should. :)
    • Re: Someone please help me!!

      ive tried the counselling and everything...i was in rehab for awhile too. i keep falling back though. ive tried to get better really i have but is life really worth the pain?? i really dont have a family...they kindda abonded me. the only reason i have to live is my bf who i love with all my heart but i am hurting him and i cant do that anymore
    • Re: Someone please help me!!

      If the only thing that matters to you is your boyfriend, then why hurt him by ending your own life, you may not have to live with the consequences but other people will, please don't do this, I'm not going to bombard you with Clichés but life is really worth living, you may be feeling down, maybe rock bottom, but building yourself back up would be the most satisfying thing you could ever accomplish.

      Please, think about it.

    • Re: Someone please help me!!

      suicidalgirl18 wrote:

      ive tried the counselling and everything...i was in rehab for awhile too. i keep falling back though. ive tried to get better really i have but is life really worth the pain?? i really dont have a family...they kindda abonded me. the only reason i have to live is my bf who i love with all my heart but i am hurting him and i cant do that anymore

      you want to stop hurting him? wtf do you want to kill yourself for? god. dont be stupid! yolur being selfish!


      dont do that to the one person that gives a fucking shit about you! dont be selfish.
      [SIZE=2]Gay and looking for a friend? Hell, any sexuality is welcome. PM ME FRIENDS VERY WELCOME! hehe[/SIZE]

      Reliving life as I should. :)
    • Re: Someone please help me!!


      he loves you, loves you enough to put up with how you are now. he could have left, he could have walked out because of your depressed nature...did he? NO! because he actually gave a shit! and your gonna do what? kill yourself? tear his heart open and stamp on the pieces all because you cant be arsed to have another go at it? thats being selfish!

      strength in life is not about never falling! but in rising each time we fall!

      he has given up a lot of stuff and gone through a lot of shit with you! you owe him this! you owe it to him to stay alive!

      or just dont give a shit about him enough to care. because if thats the case, then just go ahead.
      [SIZE=2]Gay and looking for a friend? Hell, any sexuality is welcome. PM ME FRIENDS VERY WELCOME! hehe[/SIZE]

      Reliving life as I should. :)