Another Gay Dilemma

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    • Another Gay Dilemma

      Hi to all as this is my first ever post.:)

      this has probably been posted time after time again but i just needed to tell someone before i explode.
      im a 15yr old from australia and i have major feelings for a friend of mine(asian) and i just dont know to express it.:(
      no one seems to knows im gay, even when ive given tons clues (not to my parents of course!!!)
      anyway iv known this guy since the beginning of high school (now currently in year 10) and we'v never been realy REALY close, just friends.
      he seems to act straight in front of all the guys when they talk about chicks, but something tells me could be gay.:rolleyes:
      he never starts a talk about chicks, like my other friends, and dosent seem to take that second glance at a really hot chicks, if you know what i meen.
      he is always quite fashionable (in a Hong Kong sense) and loves clothes shopping.
      and you'd think a guy this good lookin would have a girlfriend, no??
      i am madly in love with this guy but i just dont know what to do. there's just not enough evidence to suggest he's gay

      plz o plz help me im hopeless with this

      thanks for readn' my story (shared by many),

      krisP :love1:
    • Re: Another Gay Dilemma

      A lot of friends are people who love you in a platonic way. They love you like a brother, not a lover. But, you might find that the two of you are waiting for the other one to get the discussion going.

      The simple solution is to ask him if he is gay, or to tell him that you are gay. However, you could be misreading his 'actions' and find that he is just really a great guy who loves you as a friend, but not as a boyfriend. Somewhere in your life, you are going to have to be honest with your friend(s). Could this be the friend who you trust to come 'out' to? idk..

      Good luck
    • Re: Another Gay Dilemma

      krisP wrote:

      Hi to all as this is my first ever post.:)

      this has probably been posted time after time again but i just needed to tell someone before i explode.
      im a 15yr old from australia and i have major feelings for a friend of mine(asian) and i just dont know to express it.:(
      no one seems to knows im gay, even when ive given tons clues (not to my parents of course!!!)
      anyway iv known this guy since the beginning of high school (now currently in year 10) and we'v never been realy REALY close, just friends.
      he seems to act straight in front of all the guys when they talk about chicks, but something tells me could be gay.:rolleyes:
      he never starts a talk about chicks, like my other friends, and dosent seem to take that second glance at a really hot chicks, if you know what i meen.
      he is always quite fashionable (in a Hong Kong sense) and loves clothes shopping.
      and you'd think a guy this good lookin would have a girlfriend, no??
      i am madly in love with this guy but i just dont know what to do. there's just not enough evidence to suggest he's gay

      plz o plz help me im hopeless with this

      thanks for readn' my story (shared by many),

      krisP :love1:

      well get talking about guys then, homosexuality and stuff like that, then ask him what he would say if you told him you were gay and liked him, see his reaction. you should know what to do from there. and if it doesn't well you can always use deniel as a fall back say you were speaking metaphorically. :)
      [SIZE=2]Gay and looking for a friend? Hell, any sexuality is welcome. PM ME FRIENDS VERY WELCOME! hehe[/SIZE]

      Reliving life as I should. :)
    • Re: Another Gay Dilemma

      If you do decide to just ask him hypothetically, I highly recommend not saying that you like him or even asking what if you liked him. Just say you're gay and leave him out of it. I've seen things go badly because someone told a straight guy that he liked him. It freaks them out. If he finds out you're gay and he does like you, then he'll let you know. By saying that you like him before you know his sexuality, it's an unnecessary risk.
    • Re: Another Gay Dilemma

      i have brought up the topic homosexuality before, but it never lasts very long. and, i know for a fact that if i was to tell him i was gay he would be a completely different person.
      today i had a fantastic day with him whilst playing some after school sport. the more i studied his actions the more i realise that it is just platonic love i sense within him. i have now somewhat come to accept the fact that in order to keep this friendship i must not aproach any farther. maybe it just wasn't ment to be... *tears*
