USA: cruel empire?

    • Re: USA: cruel empire?

      jnifw3nloi wrote:

      When the bomb was being developed, the only way they would know if it worked was to test it in the Los Alamos desert in New Mexico. They would not drop an untested prototype on the slim chance that it would work. This is one of the most unintelligent questions I have ever been asked.

      I would like a source that proves this to be true. I didn't ask for you to elaborate, just for a source.
      “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be the doubts of today.”
    • Re: USA: cruel empire?

      Neo wrote:

      Sometimes the extent of American stupidity surprises me. Are you trying to say US never tested the nuclear bomb before dropping it on Japan? Grow up.

      AHAHAHAHAHAHA. Yes, yes, of course! I was thinking that entirely! Great perception! Excellent! Superb! You should reward yourself by gassing another innocent Jew, Gypsy, homosexual, or disabled individual! The sky's the limit!

      Check this link about the first test, months before the dropping of nuclear bomb. They knew the destruction it would cause.

      You're not capable of a rational discussion without overusing and dulling the word "stupid", so I won't waste my time on this argument. I would make a suggestion, but I'll refrain.

      You give me Wikipedia as the source? Hahahahahaha.

      Come one, you made a stupid comment above, n ow are you trying to outdo yourself? Do you have any proof American is a melting pot of nationalities? It has as much foreign nationals as any other country in the world of that magnitude has. Check UK, France, Netherlands, Germany, China, Singapore, Malaysia. These countries have much larger cultural diversity than the black and white US peppered with occasional yellow or red.

      “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be the doubts of today.”
    • Re: USA: cruel empire?

      Neo wrote:

      Sometimes the extent of American stupidity surprises me. Are you trying to say US never tested the nuclear bomb before dropping it on Japan? Grow up.

      America of course tested the bomb before droping it.
      But they needed to test it on living people.
      Japan it self was the test.
      [SIZE=5][SIZE=3]:kiss: Married to Fay :kiss: [/SIZE][/SIZE]
    • Re: USA: cruel empire?

      Tray-Killo wrote:

      My opion is that America is not an Empire, there are no more empires in the world, the only thing close to an empire is the British Empire, but thats now called Common Welth

      We arent talking about the name "Empire".
      USA may not be called an "United States Empire" but USA's actions
      proove that America is doing an imperiolistic policy.

      P.S. Sorry 4 my bad grammar :D
      [SIZE=5][SIZE=3]:kiss: Married to Fay :kiss: [/SIZE][/SIZE]
    • Re: USA: cruel empire?

      Neo wrote:

      Aren't you going a bit off topic or is it you are drunk? What does gassing of Jews or disabled has to do with American Empire or nuclear testing?

      In our language we have only a couple of words to call a stupid person as stupid. And since English I don't real with idiots on a regular basis I can make do with the popular English words I know to describe a person with mental incapability to think rationally (like stupid, idiot, etc.). I know they are not the politest words but if you have any polite synonyms feel free to point them. We are generally frank and open people don't meddle like politically correctness so much like Americans that facts and fiction interchange places.

      What source did you want? "A Republican Idiot's Guide to How the America is God's Country"? In internet you have to do with internet sources, or perhaps you are too mentally challenged to realise you are discussing online? Wikipedia is pretty accurate and reliable, especially when dealing with historically sensitive topics. It is only the snake venom politicians and diehard religious fanatics who find problems with Wikipedia.

      You are showing extreme stupidity by denying facts, you can look in a normal library (not church library or conservative library) about the first nuclear test and see if it doesn't tally with the Wikipedia source. Or you could ask any sane, knowledgeable person about the first US nuclear test. If none are available then bask in the bliss of ignorance while I make your comment a testimonial how some Americans don't know about their own history.

      Now give us a laugh with your next bout of idiocy/hilarity or whatever you want to call it. :rolleyes:

      I didn't read any of that, aside from the first sentence of your post. I felt that the content below was full of ignorant, simple-minded bullshit that is in your usual posts. Tell me, was I correct?

      And, I did not state anywhere that the United States did not test nuclear bombs before dropping them on Japan. You're foolish for patronizing me about something I did not post; it's not my problem that you assumed wrongly. I just wanted a source so I could know the facts. Obviously, when it comes to your like, asking for a source of credible information is not a possibility.
      “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be the doubts of today.”
    • Re: USA: cruel empire?

      Neo wrote:

      No you weren't. Because your brain can't process logical arguments, you couldn't understand what I posted. Apparently I shouldn't try to argue with a foolish and ignorant person whose brain is filled with the thing that comes out of a bull's bottoms.

      I can give you xerox copy of hard copy sources if you can send me your mailing address. Fair enough?

      You don't make sense. I presume that's due to your mental retardation. But, whatever the cause, you're a stupid fucker ...... regardless. Congrats. You're right; as you stated, it's foolish to argue with you.
      “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be the doubts of today.”
    • Re: USA: cruel empire?

      Neo wrote:

      First point, your presumption of intelligence as mental retardation is....well..shall I say, stems from low self esteem?

      Ah.....insults and abuses is it? Is that all you say when you lose a debate? The sign of a true loser, get crazy when you can win a debate. ;)

      Hahahahahahahahaha. I find that quite funny. I am many points above the average IQ of any country and I'm stupid? That goes against all of your standards, doesn't it?

      The sign of a true loser is getting crazy when winning a debate? Sure! Your words, not mine.
      “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be the doubts of today.”
    • Re: USA: cruel empire?

      Neo wrote:

      You have any proof of your IQ? And even if your claimed IQ is true my IQ score is still way higher than yours which makes it really silly that you call me mentally retarded.

      And by the way, your expletives show the kind of person you are, mentally crazy.

      Do you have any proof of your IQ? I wasn't bragging like you; I was trying to prove a valid point.

      So you've never heard of sarcasm? Not my problem.
      “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be the doubts of today.”
    • Re: USA: cruel empire?

      I will agree that America is an Empire, and sometimes can be 'cruel'.
      While I may not agree with my government at all, I still will not be cliche and go "OMG I HATE AMERICA"
      It takes less brains to come to a conclusion like that.
      There have been many empires in human history, and America is just the current one, it won't last forever, but for now America is the sole world power.
      Think whatever you like, but if you hate America so much and think it is an evil empire, please just start a freaking rebellion or something to fight the Dark Sith Bush, or just gather all your countries together to try and fight Amerika. Oh wait...I forgot...every nation is 'pussy whipped' by America', no offense, but it is true.
    • Re: USA: cruel empire?

      Neo wrote:

      Actually I do have not a proof but many of them. And I am not bragging, probably it is you who are which may be why you think others are bragging.

      'I do have not a proof but many of them'? 'Probably it is you who are which may be why you think others are bragging'?
      I don't understand what you are trying to tell me, since you're missing words and segments in your sentences. Try again?

      I haven't even brought up the subject of my IQ till some of you thought you can put me down with your lower IQs without realising how high is mine. Really, you think you should look up a bit before you spew things? :rolleyes:

      What the hell are you going on about? You've mentioned IQ several times in your posts in the Debates and Discussions forum.
      ;) Try specifying next time, sport.
      “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be the doubts of today.”
    • Re: USA: cruel empire?

      Tray-Killo wrote:

      My opion is that America is not an Empire, there are no more empires in the world, the only thing close to an empire is the British Empire, but thats now called Common Welth

      The title of a nations raerly reflects the government or policy of that nation. An empire need not call itself an empire. The requirement to an empire is that it must force other smaller nations to serve it in some way, economic, political or militaristic. The US does all these things all over the world. It has done these things before in its history. The US is an empire, and it is cruel. Far more cruel than Rome or Britain.
      [SIZE=1]"Religious suffering is the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature... It is the opium of the people." ~Karl Marx [/SIZE][SIZE=1]
      “Everything must justify its existence before the judgment seat of Reason, or give up existence”~ Engels[/SIZE]
    • Re: USA: cruel empire?

      So no country besides the US has ever commited atrocities? Stop making yourself look like an idiot. You clearly don't know much about world history and are so focused on finding fault with the US that you offer a weak, badly focused argument. Might I recommend a history book?
      It is a sad day when an innocent nation's flag is decried as hate speech.

      If I say it, I believe it. Most of the time, anyway. :lol:
    • Re: USA: cruel empire?

      I never said no country has done anything evil or destructive. I would appreciate it if you would stop putting words in my mouth. However, at the current time the US is the most influencial empire in the world. It is also the empire that is currently causing the greatest amounts of damage to humanity.
      The fact that the US is not the only empire in the world does not absolve you from blame. You are the strongest empire, for the moment, and are worthy of the greatest blame. Your imperialism is more destructive than any other has been in history, or even at the current moment. Where as emperors and despots like those in the middle east or Korea are able to terrorize only their immediate regions, you terrorize the entire world.
      If this was not bad enough, you try to hide this imperialism behind the guise of democracy and progress.
      [SIZE=1]"Religious suffering is the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature... It is the opium of the people." ~Karl Marx [/SIZE][SIZE=1]
      “Everything must justify its existence before the judgment seat of Reason, or give up existence”~ Engels[/SIZE]
    • Re: USA: cruel empire?

      FutureNavyMan08 wrote:

      So no country besides the US has ever commited atrocities? Stop making yourself look like an idiot. You clearly don't know much about world history and are so focused on finding fault with the US that you offer a weak, badly focused argument. Might I recommend a history book?

      This thread is 4 discussions about USA, so nobody needs to say anything about world history just for you...Navyman...
      Of course USA was and is not the only empire in the world!
      Duh... But we are discussing USA as an ampire, NOT other one's.
      [SIZE=5][SIZE=3]:kiss: Married to Fay :kiss: [/SIZE][/SIZE]