i need advice. help please

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    • i need advice. help please

      im a 17 year old girl and i met this girl when i was downtown almost 2 months ago with some friends and shes a bit older than me. and i asked her for her number and we hit it off automatically. weve been seeing eachother at least once a week since we met abd talking basically everday. and we were actually getting pretty close and its almost to the point where we're like a couple. but this past saturday i went and saw her at her work and things went fine and she texted me that night for a bit after i left and then she stopped but i just figured work got busy cuz that happened often. so i didnt hear from her the next day which was wierd cuz she texted me everyday. so i texted her that night and never got a reply until midnight and shee said she was sorry she didnt text me cuz she was sleeping. but i didnt get that text until iwoke up in the morning. and i didnt hear from her the next day so i texted her that day and never got a response. so i didnt text her again until tonight and never got a response. im really confused and dont know if im just being insecure or paranoid or what. i dont understand why she would just stop talking to me cuz she was really into me or at least i thought she was.:confused:
    • Re: i need advice. help please

      i think you should relax and don't stress yourself about it. There could be a lot of reasons why she didn't reply right away. It's probably a timeing issue. You're awake when she's going to bed so that would make it hard. I think you should let her come to you for a change. Personally, i think constantly trying to get a hold of her does seem desperate. If she really is interested she'll text you back. Give it time you have to allow for some breathing room.
      hope this helped :)

      Support Leader,
