homosexuality: natural or not

    • Re: homosexuality: natural or not

      doolie wrote:

      That doesn't mean it's natural....

      Yes... that's what natural means.

      Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This
      nat⋅u⋅ral   [nach-er-uhl, nach-ruhl] Show IPA Pronunciation
      1. existing in or formed by nature (opposed to artificial :( a natural bridge.

      Homosexuality exists in nature a lot, it is natural by the very definition. Just because it is not of the norm doesn't mean it's not natural.
    • Re: homosexuality: natural or not

      S1919 wrote:

      Yes... that's what natural means.

      Homosexuality exists in nature a lot, it is natural by the very definition. Just because it is not of the norm doesn't mean it's not natural.

      The problem with definitions of words is that people have different definitions.

      "nat·u·ral (nchr-l, nchrl)adj.Conforming to the usual or ordinary course of nature: a natural death."

      That definition clearly states that being out of the norm or nature is in fact NOT natural.
      I just needed to respond to that, I'm going to leave this thread alone now.

      And Kilbykins, next time you take a shit just reach in and you'll get your cookie.
    • Re: homosexuality: natural or not

      doolie wrote:

      The problem with definitions of words is that people have different definitions.

      "nat·u·ral (nchr-l, nchrl)adj.Conforming to the usual or ordinary course of nature: a natural death."

      That definition clearly states that being out of the norm or nature is in fact NOT natural.
      I just needed to respond to that, I'm going to leave this thread alone now.

      And Kilbykins, next time you take a shit just reach in and you'll get your cookie.

      Problem is, that definition is of a different context - 'natural death'.

      Many animals in nature are weird, so you'd say they're not natural? Narwhal are a type of whale with a single horn. Definitely not normal, so you'd say they're not natural? :rofl: what are they then - man made?
    • Re: homosexuality: natural or not

      S1919 wrote:

      Problem is, that definition is of a different context - 'natural death'.

      Many animals in nature are weird, so you'd say they're not natural? Narwhal are a type of whale with a single horn. Definitely not normal, so you'd say they're not natural? :rofl: what are they then - man made?

      The context of my definition applies to this whether or not you want to believe it.
      And now the narwhal. They're not unnatural at all since they normally grow only the single horn. I would say that narwhals(and them growing one horn) are natural, don't put words in my mouth. Now if a narwhal deviated from this and say grew no horn or two horns, that would be unnatural.
      Homosexuality is the same type of deviation from nature, it's not normal, it's an anomaly. And now you're going to say that anomalies are part of nature yada yada yada. And yes, anomalies do happen in nature, but that doesn't make them natural. Any deviation from naturality is unnatural.
      Now I'm sure tons of people are going to think I'm homophobic because I think homosexuality is unnatural. Honestly I don't like gay people, but I don't hate them either, they're pretty much a neutral nothingness to me since they don't have any significant impact in my life. Just because homosexuality exists in nature, and has for a long time, doesn't mean it's natural.

      And yes I said I was going to give this thread up, but when someone tries to put words in my mouth I'm going to respond.
    • Re: homosexuality: natural or not

      Most Vicious Pitbull wrote:

      I strongly believe it is a disease and is not natural.

      Ever heard of ignorance? That's the only way to get around it.

      By definition, natural means "of occuring in nature." And homosexuality we observe in animals all the time. Humans too.

      Anonymous1 wrote:

      stop lying to yourselves and convincing yourself with stuff that you know is not true, wake up to reality, homosexuality will never ever be natural

      See above.

      Anonymous1 wrote:

      and will never ever be accepted in society

      Correction: will never be accepted in extremist Muslim society. Or Islamic society.

      It also depends on what society you are talking about, even.
      Nice guys talk because they have something to say; pick-up artists talk because they have to say something.
    • Re: homosexuality: natural or not

      hheartstrongg wrote:

      homosexuality is natural, and accepted.

      I love how you just continuously repeat yourself! :)
      Australian | 20 | University Student | Epic
      (818): dude you made out with his girlfriend and stole his credit card to buy more drinks.
      well when you put it like that, I sound like a terrible person.

    • Re: homosexuality: natural or not

      Well, the instinct of the vast majority of animals in any species is and has always been to breed, so in this sense homosexuality is not natural.

      I do not believe that homosexuality is a defense against anything at all. There is no such thing as defense against over population. When an ecosystem becomes over populated with a certain species, and resources that species needs for survival start to dwindle, they will fight for it and only the strong or adaptable of that species will survive through natural selection.

      Homosexuality is most likely a genetic problem in my opinion, although I believe that maybe certain experiences in very early childhood can affect whether someone will be straight or gay. I have no idea what kinds of experiences those would be, though.
    • Re: homosexuality: natural or not

      It is indeed, by practically all definitions a natural thing. I do not think it is due to overpopulation however, as it is exhibited regardless of population in various animals. Genetically it has been considered linked to some other genes that are of benefit to survival (despite it itself not being of benefit). I also believe I've seen research where some where able to 'activate' the gene in...fruit flies I believe (though could be wrong) and deactivate it again.

      If people really want to debate 'words' they should go to the dictionary AFTER looking at etymology, it saves a lot of annoyance with people going to different definitions.

      c.1300, naturel, "of one's inborn character, of the world of nature (especially as opposed to man)," from O.Fr. naturel, from L. naturalis "by birth, according to nature," from natura "nature" (see nature). Meaning "easy, free from affectation" is attested from 1607.

      Now in that definition there is plenty to show it is natural. It occurs in animals in the wild...free from 'affectation' of men etc etc.

      The fact is, if anyone claims that homosexuality is NOT natural...they are no longer likely to have a logical debate, because it has then become an EMOTIONAL issue. And emotions rule over logic when it comes to most people...so it is thrown out.
    • Re: homosexuality: natural or not

      "Natural" is a pretty obsolete term, since different species exhibit different behavioural traits that aren't uniform for all living creatures. Someone mentioned coprophages earlier (eating your own droppings). It happens it nature, so it's "natural," but that doesn't mean it's acceptable for us to do since firstly, we don't need to digest our food more than once, and secondly, you would quickly lose your friends due to your offensively bad breath (!)

      Inbreeding is also "natural," but that doesn't mean it should be an accepted thing. Having sex with thirty of your sisters while in the womb and being born dead is also "natural," but that's neither acceptable nor physically possible for humans!

      Anyway, I'm not saying that homosexuality should or shouldn't be accepted, all I'm just saying that the argument of "it occurs in nature, it must be all right" is not a very valid one. But for all intents and purposes, yes, homosexuality is entirely "natural" is the truest sense of the word.

      However, in terms of evolutionary biology, it certainly is a perplexing phenomenon. As organisms, we should be pre-programmed to propogate our genetic information, and this is pretty much a dead end for your DNA. This goes in the same vein as celibacy and suicide, it's entirely bizarre in an evolutionary point of view, but it certainly wouldn't be a "defence against overpopulation" since a species would not promote a genetic change that limited breeding. Whether it's morally-right or wrong (which seems to be the real underlying question that people are trying to get here...) is an entirely different question .