homosexuality: natural or not

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    • Re: homosexuality: natural or not

      for those of you who say its natural because its been around for thousands of years, that makes no sense. clothes have been around for millions of years, but theyre not natural. do you see clothes growing on trees or babies being born with clothes on? no. just because people are gay, doesnt mean its natural, but its not bad either

    • Re: homosexuality: natural or not

      John195 wrote:

      for those of you who say its natural because its been around for thousands of years, that makes no sense. clothes have been around for millions of years, but theyre not natural. do you see clothes growing on trees or babies being born with clothes on? no. just because people are gay, doesnt mean its natural, but its not bad either


      Gay basher!
      She kept lookin' at her watch (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      But I cried the whole time (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      I think she might've been a racist (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      She put a bag on my head (Still counts)
    • Re: homosexuality: natural or not

      John195 wrote:

      for those of you who say its natural because its been around for thousands of years, that makes no sense. clothes have been around for millions of years, but theyre not natural. do you see clothes growing on trees or babies being born with clothes on? no. just because people are gay, doesnt mean its natural, but its not bad either


      That's not a good comparison. Clothes are physical things created by people while sexuality is something that's involved with our brains. We can't create it.
    • Re: homosexuality: natural or not

      Well I dnt think it's natural...cuz lyk ppl were meant 2 u kno reproduce and a guy and a guy cant do that..same as a gurl and a gurl cant either...so it is acceptable and I'm not a homophobe. (I have a lot of bisexual friends)...I just dnt think u could call it natural...
      [CENTER][SIZE=3]Don't hate me cuz I'm BeAuTiFuL...[/SIZE][/CENTER]
      [CENTER][SIZE=3]Hate me cuz ur boyfriend thinks so![/SIZE] :p[/CENTER]
    • Re: homosexuality: natural or not

      Stefi_Cutie63 wrote:

      Well I dnt think it's natural...cuz lyk ppl were meant 2 u kno reproduce and a guy and a guy cant do that..same as a gurl and a gurl cant either...so it is acceptable and I'm not a homophobe. (I have a lot of bisexual friends)...I just dnt think u could call it natural...

      Two women can reproduce, actually.
      She kept lookin' at her watch (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      But I cried the whole time (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      I think she might've been a racist (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      She put a bag on my head (Still counts)
    • Re: homosexuality: natural or not

      First of all, they can go through artificial insemination. One might say that still requires a male, but the male doesn't need to be in relationship for it to happen.

      Second of all, like S1 said, they haven't done it with humans yet, but they are working on making it possible to create a baby by combining the nucleus of two eggs.
      She kept lookin' at her watch (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      But I cried the whole time (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      I think she might've been a racist (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      She put a bag on my head (Still counts)
    • Re: homosexuality: natural or not

      Ammon wrote:

      First of all, they can go through artificial insemination. One might say that still requires a male, but the male doesn't need to be in relationship for it to happen.

      Second of all, like S1 said, they haven't done it with humans yet, but they are working on making it possible to create a baby by combining the nucleus of two eggs.

      I dont think they should do that unless the baby agrees.
    • Re: homosexuality: natural or not

      This may sound slightly paradoxical, as I'm gay, but I don't think it's "natural." I think that in a perfect world, free of gene defects, bad environmental factors, misplaced hormones, etc, there would be no gay people. But I have no problem with people of a certain orientation because of that orientation.
      (I'd also like to point out that I'm not homo sapiens, I'm homo sapiens sapiens.)
      @penguin: It's not a choice. Especially seeing as young children have little to no sense of anything abstract, like the idea of "tomorrow."
    • Re: homosexuality: natural or not

      DamnImGood wrote:

      That's not two females reproducing; that's one female reproducing with the assistance of a male. The relationship part has nothing to do with it.

      Parthenogenesis is something that's far away for humans, if possible at all.

      And it goes without saying that anything done in a lab is definitely not natural, so I don't see how artificially getting two female humans to reproduce can be used as an argument that homosexuality is natural.

      That wasn't my point, but all right. =D
      She kept lookin' at her watch (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      But I cried the whole time (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      I think she might've been a racist (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      She put a bag on my head (Still counts)
    • Re: homosexuality: natural or not

      Joemoe93: little kids are like sponges. what I mean is that they are able to retain things better at that age then we can. So for example: lets say that we have this family of 1 mom, 2 girls and a boy. And lets say that the mom pays more attention to the girls or at least in the boy's mind she does. because children like attention, the boy is going to start acting like his sisters. Now another thing that could affect a child is if they are around other boys and for some odd reason they're naked... may sound odd but happens quite often. Eventually they are going to be shaped by that. and in the bad case, they could've been raped by a guy older then he which could make him think that its normal and that its right.
    • Re: homosexuality: natural or not

      Red Roses wrote:

      I think it's natural - homosexuality is caused by an imbalance of hormones in the uterus when the fetus is developing, and causes something (I can't really remember, it's a certain gland or part of the brain or something) to not develop properly or to the right size. So you can't help being homosexual or not.

      your thinking of transexuals./ part of the human brain that controls emotional distcharge, its bigger in males and smaller in females. transexuals appear when their brains are physically female, IE smaller gland, when their bodies are male. or visa versa anyway.

      homosexuality is likely a gene defect.

      penguin10916 wrote:

      Joemoe93: little kids are like sponges. what I mean is that they are able to retain things better at that age then we can. So for example: lets say that we have this family of 1 mom, 2 girls and a boy. And lets say that the mom pays more attention to the girls or at least in the boy's mind she does. because children like attention, the boy is going to start acting like his sisters. Now another thing that could affect a child is if they are around other boys and for some odd reason they're naked... may sound odd but happens quite often. Eventually they are going to be shaped by that. and in the bad case, they could've been raped by a guy older then he which could make him think that its normal and that its right.

      this is true, past experiances can contribute, but not everyone has gone through said trauma. so not every gay will have such a reason to be gay. as I've said before, its most liely a gene defect in the mating parts of the human genome.
      [SIZE=2]Gay and looking for a friend? Hell, any sexuality is welcome. PM ME FRIENDS VERY WELCOME! hehe[/SIZE]

      Reliving life as I should. :)
    • Re: homosexuality: natural or not

      ^They've looked and found nothing. they thought they found something, but when they redid the experiment, the results kept changing. A few years ago, I read a study which hypothesized that people are gay because when their mothers are pregnant, something goes wrong with the hormonal changes that occurs with pregnancy.