15 yr. old has seizure after 20 consecutive hours of WoW

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    • Re: 15 yr. old has seizure after 20 consecutive hours of WoW

      omg! How could any1 play a game 4 20 hours straight!!!??
      My eyes would start hurting if I tried that! lol
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    • Re: 15 yr. old has seizure after 20 consecutive hours of WoW

      bombolino wrote:

      what the fuck is wrong wit that kid, i should bomb his ass

      Unfortunately, I'm sure there are many other kids like him out there. You'd be doing lots of bombing.
      [CENTER][LEFT][SIZE=2]"Anyone unable to understand how a useful religion can be founded in lies will not understand this book either.[/SIZE][SIZE=2] So be it."
      -Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.
    • Re: 15 yr. old has seizure after 20 consecutive hours of WoW

      AEBerg wrote:

      I agree with what you, but I also agree that, to some extent, the parents still had a part in all of this.

      When I was 15, my parents still had a time limit that I was allowed to be on the computer. And there was no computer time past 9, even on the weekends. If this was disobeyed, you were grounded, plain and simple.

      I hated it then, but I've grown to realize it was something most kids need - otherwise stuff like this happened.

      My brother used to play Runescape, and he played for three hours once, while my parents were away. He was 16, and he still wasn't allowed to touch that keyboard for a week.

      I know that not all parents are like mine. But 20 hours is a bit ridiculous, dontcha think? I mean, when did the kid even eat?

      If I were his mother I'd have been very concerned.

      I'm allowed to play the computer as long as my schoolwork gets done and I eventually sleep.

      I wouldn't play for 20 hours straight, most especially without eating. It's called being responsible.
      She kept lookin' at her watch (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      But I cried the whole time (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      I think she might've been a racist (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      She put a bag on my head (Still counts)
    • Re: 15 yr. old has seizure after 20 consecutive hours of WoW

      Ammon wrote:

      I'm allowed to play the computer as long as my schoolwork gets done and I eventually sleep.

      I wouldn't play for 20 hours straight, most especially without eating. It's called being responsible.

      And should a parent not intervene when it's obvious they've not taught their child responsibility? Especially when they're not an adult, and not even 16.
      [CENTER][LEFT][SIZE=2]"Anyone unable to understand how a useful religion can be founded in lies will not understand this book either.[/SIZE][SIZE=2] So be it."
      -Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.
    • Re: 15 yr. old has seizure after 20 consecutive hours of WoW

      AEBerg wrote:

      And should a parent not intervene when it's obvious they've not taught their child responsibility? Especially when they're not an adult, and not even 16.

      ANYONE should've intervened. It didn't have to be a parent, it should've been anyone.

      However, kids are sneaky, and who says the parents KNEW he was doing that? You *can* raise a child without peaking over their back every 5 minutes, this is just one of those situations where that freedom was abused.
      She kept lookin' at her watch (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      But I cried the whole time (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      I think she might've been a racist (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      She put a bag on my head (Still counts)
    • Re: 15 yr. old has seizure after 20 consecutive hours of WoW

      DamnImGood wrote:

      He played for 20 hours, there was plenty of time to "look over his shoulder".

      I do agree that he had free-will and I always endorse freedom of choice; however, I also do agree with AEBerg that if you see your child fucking up, you step in to intervene. So while majority of the blame is placed on the individual, part of it is placed on the parents. None of it should be placed on the game, though. The media will always try to twist that so parents and players think they're no longer liable.

      Well, A) He DID eat. Not much, but he did, so they did try to get him to eat. B) He could've easily pretended to be asleep, then went and got back on.
      She kept lookin' at her watch (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      But I cried the whole time (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      I think she might've been a racist (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      She put a bag on my head (Still counts)
    • Re: 15 yr. old has seizure after 20 consecutive hours of WoW

      Ammon wrote:

      Well, A) He DID eat. Not much, but he did, so they did try to get him to eat. B) He could've easily pretended to be asleep, then went and got back on.

      One meal in nearly 24 hours?

      I'm not trying to place all blame on parents, at 15 you should have self control, and you should have at least been taught some responsibility. But parents of 15 years old, probably know just how 15 years olds are. And probably remember themselves at 15 years old.

      When I was 15 I did plenty of stupid shit. But my parents always got around to catching it, and/or stopping it, until I was to the point of going too far (i.e. having a fucking seizure) and duly punished my sorry ass.

      I'll bet they have a timer on the router now.
      [CENTER][LEFT][SIZE=2]"Anyone unable to understand how a useful religion can be founded in lies will not understand this book either.[/SIZE][SIZE=2] So be it."
      -Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.
    • Re: 15 yr. old has seizure after 20 consecutive hours of WoW

      DamnImGood wrote:

      Intervention of the parents isn't limited to making sure he ate properly. It's about noticing that their child is playing a video game for 20 hours at a time. You can easily eat properly and play video games for extended periods of time. Even if this kid ate three large meals his behaviour is still problematic and warrants intervention on the parents' part.

      Seven friends gathered at the teen's house to play. They all played for an extended period of time. Presumably they were all together within a room or two (as World of Warcraft is that type of game). It wouldn't be hard as a parent (or as anyone, really) to see this entire event unfold, and to recognize that it's not healthy.

      Yes it is. I was 15 once. I wasn't hard to control, but that was also because of the way I was raised. Either way, parents need to start putting their foot down when controlling their children. It's kind of hard to play a computer game behind your parents' back when you physically take away the computer.

      Thank you.

      Like I said, I understand some parents aren't going to be as strict as mine. But there has to be some sort of limitation, and actual parenting going on.
      [CENTER][LEFT][SIZE=2]"Anyone unable to understand how a useful religion can be founded in lies will not understand this book either.[/SIZE][SIZE=2] So be it."
      -Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.
    • Re: 15 yr. old has seizure after 20 consecutive hours of WoW

      Mine too, Jay.

      We had an hour a day for non-homework related activities.
      [CENTER][LEFT][SIZE=2]"Anyone unable to understand how a useful religion can be founded in lies will not understand this book either.[/SIZE][SIZE=2] So be it."
      -Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.
    • Re: 15 yr. old has seizure after 20 consecutive hours of WoW

      I'm afraid I do find myself blaming the parents here.

      Unless the guy had a family history of congenital heart failure, then staying up for 20 hours isn't going to have a real effect except make him tired. Even at a personal point of view, I pull all-nighters every now and then without being hospitalised. Anyway, my point being is these marathon gaming sessions must have happened a lot more often to have made the 20-hour session finally have a significant effect.

      The parents had a lot of time to notice an addictive behaviour and intervene. Their inability to indicates negligence or apathy towards their child. Mind you, I'm not saying that the guy is blameless, but the parents should definitely shoulder the majority of the blame.
    • Re: 15 yr. old has seizure after 20 consecutive hours of WoW

      this remind me of the story of this 15 year old boy in Barrie, Ontario who ran away because his parents wont let him play X-box, which he wasn't addicted to the game call of duty 4. He died soon after when he fall from a tree.

      It just shows any type of addiction can do some serious damage to human being.
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    • Re: 15 yr. old has seizure after 20 consecutive hours of WoW

      I'm guessing the parents had to access to his acct or anything because WoW has 'parental controls'. Unless if he's paying for it himself the parents probably should have some say in how much he plays.

      But in all honesty, that's ... actually pathetic :/ For one thing, WoW has some effects that can cause seizures (it's not as intense as some other games though) and playing 20 hours straight just ain't healthy. Must be a raider lol.

      I'm a WoW player but ... playing video games makes me sleepy. WoW especially, so I can only play for 2-3 hours before I start feeling sleepy.

    • Re: 15 yr. old has seizure after 20 consecutive hours of WoW

      captain_kurenai wrote:

      I'm a WoW player but ... playing video games makes me sleepy. WoW especially, so I can only play for 2-3 hours before I start feeling sleepy.

      I know what you mean. I can be on a comp for a few hours and not feel anything (prolly 'cause it really isn't tiring), but I always felt kinda sleepy after WoW.
      She kept lookin' at her watch (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      But I cried the whole time (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      I think she might've been a racist (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      She put a bag on my head (Still counts)