um i think i need help- maybe

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    • um i think i need help- maybe

      soo to be honest idk what to do.
      i dont think i have an eating disorder, but then again, i think i do.
      i just need some advice i guess on what to do. its either i fast, i eat & purge, i binge & purge, or i eat and feel fat and disgusting if i dont get it out...
      idk i dont think i have a problem...but i thought that if i asked someone then maybe they could help me figure it out...?
    • Re: um i think i need help- maybe

      Then stop eating.
      Or at least cut down on a few of those numerous meals, tubby.

      I don't feel fat, and I'm not.
      Pretty simple, huh?
      Replace 1 or 2 meals with cigarette breaks and your good.
      That's what I do anyway..
      I don't really do it because of any weight loss or some bull shit.
      I just would rather smoke through 99% of my days, the last 1% goes to talking to fat people like you, and trying to make you feel better about yourselves.

      Now put down the fucking cake, tubs.
      Back away from the table and get something to drink or have a few cigarettes instead.

      Well, that's all the time we have.
      Now don't eat more, fatty.
    • Re: um i think i need help- maybe

      u might have bulimia-google the symptons and u may find that u fit into a heap of them!!
      i used 2 have an eating disorder and i spent 3 years telling myself i didnt have a problem until i was admitted into hospital!

      my advise is that u need to tell your parents or some other responsible adult before it gets 2 bad. U shuld probably c a shrink person so u can sort out y u feel guilty and stuff........ Its so much easier 4 u to stop if it hasnt been going on for long.....unless u dont wana stop!
      and if u wana continue what ur doing now then good luck because u will need it !!!!!!!!!!!
      hope everything goes well
    • Re: um i think i need help- maybe

      Sorry to break it to you, YES you have an eating disorder. I do the same things you do. I try not to eat, but when i do, i eaither exercise it off, or throw it up. Its no fun way to live, but it sounds to me like you're past the point of no return, so you probably are like this, or have this mindset for life. My only suggestion to you is to eat as healty as you can and take a multi vitamin. Its important to stay as healthy as you can, but that doesnt mean eating alot. If your a girl, because i dont know your gender, a multi vitamin is key to having a regular period, which is important for overall reproductive function. Im sorry you have to go through this, as an anorexic/bulemic, I get what your going through.
      Yes I do! (no I dont)
    • Re: um i think i need help- maybe

      ok spite i dont think thats right what you said an eating disorder has nothing to do with weight its completely psychological i used to do the same thing and its just like any other addiction you cant just stop you almost have to hit rock bottom before you realize that u can either stop or die.From what it sounds like u have bulimia nervosa ur best bet i guess would be talk to someone whos been through it
    • Re: um i think i need help- maybe

      stay13true wrote:

      are you guys dumb?
      i dont eat.
      when i do i puke.
      thats how it is.
      im 5'8. 99 lbs.
      i smoke.
      i would never even touch a cake.
      i dont need google.
      thanks for the greattttt advice

      We aren't doctors, sweetie, so people are trying to give you the best advice they can. Don't be bitchy about it.

      From what you've said: Yes, you have an eating disorder, and yes, you need to get help. It's not healthy to not eat or to throw everything up that you do eat- everyone knows that. So either tell your parents to make an appointment with a doctor for you or do it yourself. If you don't want to seek medical help, I don't know what to tell you.
      brodie: ladies and gentleman, this tall drink of water headed my way is a pillar of the shopping community who informed me earlier today of a nefarious plan of his to screw my girlfriend in an extremely uncomfortable place
      gil: what, like the back of a volkswagen? -MALLRATS
    • Re: um i think i need help- maybe

      Sounds to me like you do have an eating disorder. It's like you are cycling between anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa (bingeing and then compensation by purging or excessive compulsive exercise).

      My advice: Seek medical help immediately. Tell your parents you have a problem and see a psychologist for counseling. There's obviously some issues you need to work through.
    • Re: um i think i need help- maybe

      I agree with Red Alert. Ask your friends how many of them feel the need to puke up food that you need to live. Talk to a doctor about what's happening, before it's too late. It's either a doctor and/or a psychologist, or a mortician. For your height, you should be about 130 lbs. It's also a proven fact that men unconsiously are more attracted to women with fuller figures, because then that shows that she is able to bare children. And like Red Alert said, you not eating and treating yourself so poorly will affect your reproductive system.

      Please dear, get some medical help. And talk to your parents!