1. The day before.

    • 1. The day before.

      Comments please =D

      This is the rough draft.

      Word count; 1,190

      "Awkward," was the first thing that came to mind when I thought about the camera guy's following us around as I was doing my last minute wedding stuff that needed to be done. As I walked into the dress shop to see the finishing details to my dress with my mom and best friend.
      The both started drinking wine while I was in the dressing room putting my dress on with the help the dress maker. As I stared into the mirror it struck me that I was getting married. “Me, " I thought. “Allison hunny." my mom said out of concern. “Yes mom." I called out. “You finished." she asked. Once I walked out of the dressing room and onto the circular platform, my mother started to cry as she hugged me. "You look beautiful." My mother said. “Thank you, its beautiful thank you so much." I told the dress maker as I walked back into the dress room and got undressed after taking a small sip of the champagne.

      As I got back into the car with my best friend, my mom had followed us there we started talking about tomorrow. The camera men would often make jokes about someone messing up or something going wrong which started to make me a little nervous. As I drove the car I totally forgot about the garter I needed to pick up from the store. My best friend Lana laughed after we realized what type of store we were in. The Clerk looked at us weird thinking we were under the age. “Can I see your id’s please?” he asked. A million and one thoughts ran through my head as I pulled my Id Out and showed it to him. “Ok, “ he said simply letting us through. This store is Sick, “ Joe the camera guy noted. As I was looking around the store as clumsy as I was, I knocked a couple things off the shelf. I could feel the whole store stopping what they were doing and looking at me especially on TV. God I’m such a loser.” While in search for the garter I came across a little toy, it was cylinder shaped, a little pointy at the end. “What the hell.” I thought. “Come on don’t tell me you don’t have one of these.” Lana asked. “No,” I answered. “Kristin, I’m going to have to get you one.” Lana joked. “Oh god.” I rolled my eyes and finally found the garter I was looking for. As I walked up to the counter one of my high school teachers had walked in, I hid behind the shelf quickly before she could see me. “ What the devil is she doing here, she’s old she can’t have sex.” I thought to myself. As I thought the coast was clear I run into her. “Kristin Barker is that you?” she asked. “Yes, it’s me.” I replied to her. “ How are you dear!” she asked me. “Um, I’m going well,” I said a little absent minded. “ I know your wondering why I’m here.” She asked. “No, really.” I rolled my eyes. My mind started going to goo as she talked about her sex life. “Um, I have to go.” I said quickly paying for my stuff and heading out the door to my car.

      “ Oh Jesus, my mind will never be right again.” I said as I started to drive to the location to make sure everything was perfect. I sat on the stairs behind the little area we were going to say our vows. I sighed happily. “Tomorrow.” I spoke as the camera was all in my face. I felt like I didn’t have any privacy at the moment to reflect. Hearing my phone go off in my pocket I looked at the screen and then answered. “Hello, Hey nothing just at the location making sure everything is perfect.” I answered; All of sudden I went from happy to pissed in matter of seconds. “What why? Why did you invite her, I don’t care she’s annoying, Okay fine you deal with her drama then.” Holding my head out of frustrations I asked the location manager a couple questions before heading back home to rest ignoring Jack for a bit till I cool off. “ I’m going out with the guys Jack “ said as he was leaving the door. “ So you’re going to leave with out saying goodbye to me? I asked with great sarcasm and wit. “Yes.” He said jokingly and walked back and brushed his warm lips against mine. “No, don’t leave me.” I wined feeling my heart break as he left the house. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He smiled shyly at me. I tilted my head to the side and looked
      started to frown. It started to get a little boring being in the house by myself while Jack was staying a the hotel for the night “Stupid traditions.” I told myself. I sat there and watched other bridal shows waiting for the time to past.

      I kept moving positions till I was comfortable I ended up upside down with my feet on arm of the couch. “Awkward position.” I told myself staring at the TV as the girl who looked to be around my age was yelling at her mom for some weird reason. I sighed as my ringtone went off on my phone I picked up my phone and answered without looking at the ID. “Yeah sure, let me get dressed.” I said before hanging up the phone. I quickly got on a black dress and some flats and waited for the horn to be beep to let me know she was there. “Hey,” Lana said as I got into the car. Her car was very cold, she had the ac doing for god’s no why it was really cold out. As we road along, a ton of thoughts were running through my head especially about tomorrow. When reached a restraint, I wondered what we were here for. I climbed out of the seat and headed inside with her. Lana took me to the back room; the room was completely dark and quiet. The lights flipped on and everyone came out and screamed SURPRISE!” My heart suddenly stopped I didn’t know what was going on. “It’s your surprise Bachelorette party.” Lana told her. “Ahh thanks.” I said walking around to greet people, people I haven’t seen in a long time that were friends & family of mine and my mothers. I started to relax after a little while taking a few sips of champagne and eating dinner. My phone rings yet again, “ Hello,” I answered. All I can hear is someone being drunk on the other line. I hang up the phone after a few mins rolling my eyes. “ Who was it.” Lana asked. “ Our Drunken Men.” I replied scooting my table up. As the night went by Lana decided to spend the night over so I wouldn’t be alone. We sat and watched romantic sappy movies and ate popcorn. I seriously couldn’t wait till tomorrow. " So how are you Matt, Working with you marriage." I asked curiosity. " It's hard, but I love him more than you can could ever imagine. I simply smiled and looked back the screen.
    • Re: 1. The day before.

      your stories are really good, but just a little thing i notice.

      you jump from one thing to another without linking, its a little confusing for me!
      thats all.

      [CENTER] Cassie: Do you remember when you rode with me in the ambulance after I tried to kill myself?
      : Of course.

      : That's what love feels like.
      [SIZE=4]I Love You Dylan[/SIZE][SIZE=4] [SIZE=3]♥[/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=1]