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  • Re: Abortion-

    LuklaAdvocate wrote:

    A cow has more comprehension of the world around him/her than an infant does. Not to mention the fact that a cow can live on its own; an infant cannot. What makes an infant illegal to kill compared to a cow, then?

    How about the fact that the infant is human. As humans are the most developed of all things living, I would say that the infant has the right to life for the simple fact that it is human. Besides, A cow will never be able to think or reason in the way even a severely disabled person with an IQ range of 20-40 could. Given even a year, the infant will already have surpassed the cow in reasoning ability, though the child will still rely on the parents for support. But then, some 30 year olds still rely on their parents for support... Point is, as judged by humans, the only species on the planet capable of such a function, the infant has the right to life by the very nature of its being human. The kid may be more clueless than the cow, but that is something humans can outgrow.
  • Re: Abortion-

    Aannddyy wrote:

    And what if the child grows up to be a mass murderer and a rapist?

    I'm sorry I didn't post this earlier. the point is not what the child becomes, but what it has the potential to become, which is something that can not be proven. It is, however, statistically much more likely that a child will grow up to be normal, rather than a rapist or murderer.
  • Re: Abortion-

    Theophilus wrote:

    How about the fact that the infant is human. As humans are the most developed of all things living, I would say that the infant has the right to life for the simple fact that it is human. Besides, A cow will never be able to think or reason in the way even a severely disabled person with an IQ range of 20-40 could. Given even a year, the infant will already have surpassed the cow in reasoning ability, though the child will still rely on the parents for support. But then, some 30 year olds still rely on their parents for support... Point is, as judged by humans, the only species on the planet capable of such a function, the infant has the right to life by the very nature of its being human. The kid may be more clueless than the cow, but that is something humans can outgrow.
    I was following her logic, not my own. A newborn infant does not have as advanced reasoning as a cow does. As such, if she has no problem with cows being killed for nutrition and taste, then why should killing an infant be illegal? Both the former and latter don't have high reasoning skills. The entire "the fetus cannot comprehend" argument is a load of crap. There are dozens of animals with more comprehension than an infant, yet I you don't see people getting charged with Murder 1 for killing them.

    There is more to a human than its ability to comprehend.

    Not only is the infant a human, but so is the fetus and zygote.
  • Re: Abortion-

    LuklaAdvocate wrote:

    There is more to a human than its ability to comprehend.

    Not only is the infant a human, but so is the fetus and zygote.

    Yes, thank you. I did mention that in an earlier post.

    on a bit of a side note, don't you think that it is rather a bit odd that under US law if a pregnant woman is killed, and she is in her second trimester, the person responsible is charged with two counts of murder/ manslaughter, even if she was traveling to an abortion clinic, yet that same child's life can be legally taken at a clinic. Rather contradictory, don't you think?
  • Re: Abortion-

    Theophilus wrote:

    Yes, thank you. I did mention that in an earlier post.

    on a bit of a side note, don't you think that it is rather a bit odd that under US law if a pregnant woman is killed, and she is in her second trimester, the person responsible is charged with two counts of murder/ manslaughter, even if she was traveling to an abortion clinic, yet that same child's life can be legally taken at a clinic. Rather contradictory, don't you think?

    It is also illegal to poor shampoo into your pet rabbit's eyes, you will be charged with animal cruelty but 'scientists' practice it in animal testing labs all the time.
  • Re: Abortion-

    Theophilus wrote:

    Yes, thank you. I did mention that in an earlier post.

    on a bit of a side note, don't you think that it is rather a bit odd that under US law if a pregnant woman is killed, and she is in her second trimester, the person responsible is charged with two counts of murder/ manslaughter, even if she was traveling to an abortion clinic, yet that same child's life can be legally taken at a clinic. Rather contradictory, don't you think?
    If I recall, you're not automatically charged with two murders, but I could be wrong.
  • Re: Abortion-

    It may not be automatic, but the fact that it can legally be added as a charge provides some small legal acknowledgment that the baby is alive, and has a legal right to life, starting at the second trimester. That being said, abortion from the second trimester on can thus be considered illegal, and even murder, under at least state law.
  • Re: Abortion-

    who said anything about humans im talking about the mass of cells that resembles a person it cant think or reason its a parasitic tumor that under the right conditions can turn into a human infant but untill its born its a tumor and if it is unwanted it should be removed
    [I]Any man can have one really bad day and end up just like me HA HA HA[/I]
  • Re: Abortion-

    punk13 wrote:

    who said anything about humans im talking about the mass of cells that resembles a person it cant think or reason its a parasitic tumor that under the right conditions can turn into a human infant but untill its born its a tumor and if it is unwanted it should be removed
    You're a mass of cells. I'm a mass of cells. We just have a lot more of them.

    The fetus is human, and last I checked, an infant can't exactly think or reason to a large extent.
  • Re: Abortion-

    punk13 wrote:

    a fetus can evolve into a human but i dont see it as 1 untill its born the second it take its first breathe its a living human untill then its a glorified parasitic tumor
    So a fetus with 46 chromosomes, comprised of genetic information that will determine everything from its sex to eye color, along with human DNA, isn't...human?

    Believing the right to life should start at birth is debatable, but you're ignoring basic biology when you don't call the fetus human.