Am I bi?

    • This question's been nagging at me for awhile ... see, I've always liked guys and stuff, but I think I might like girls a little too. Not as much, but sort of...I'm a girl, btw.

      My female friends and I are very close ... with some of them just nothing is sacred, we've seen each other changing clothes and whatnot. xD We've slept together (meaning actually sleeping, not having sex. o__o") without pants on, just because that's how we sleep to be comfortable. But sometimes I think that I might actually be attracted to them, sexually...
      I doubt I'd ever go out with my friends, I don't think I'd fall in love romantically with another girl, but I find females sexually appealing at times...

      Does this mean I'm bi? Or some sort of in-between straight and bi??
      I'm not really sure. 0__o'

      EDIT: Okay, well, I thought of a better way to phrase my dilemma. I don't think I'd actually do something very sexual to a female...maybe a flirty/fun kiss, but that's probably the most of it...but I'm not sure about the other way around, and that's why I don't know really what I am. >_<"
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      The post was edited 1 time, last by Cheetolemur ().

    • Re: Am I bi?

      You have to figure your sexuality out on your own.
      What do YOU think you are? It's a question you have to answer yourself, really.

      Like some guys for example walk feminely but does that mean they are gay? No.
      Just by you telling me something I can't tell you your sexuality when it is for yourself to decide.

      And I am straight, but I've still fooled around with friends. It's called having fun. :]
    • Re: Am I bi?

      This has to be the most commonly asked question.

      Pretty much, it doesn't matter if your bi! And i judge sexuality terms as simple labels, no point trying to put certainty into your feelings. At one moment you might like boys, the next have sexual thoughts about girls.

      Then you also have the question of "What classifies as gay?". If you ask me, you should just live your life and act upon whatever feelings you may have. In my opinion, i think hormones might have a part in this, but i can't say for sure..cause i dont know what your feeling, you'll figure yourself out eventually. Even when you do you might have changes of heart at times, take me for example. I've been attracted to girls since i was 13, ive barely had straight experiences, but thats not saying that on occassion i havnt thought about guys while masturbating and stuff. Don't let it nag you, just live in the moment.

      Also explore your options, i did and it made me realise how much i prefer girls over guys, don't just wonder about it, try something. It could just be curiousness and the thrill of thinking about stuff that you would never do. There are so many things that can influence how you feel, so you can understand how this is a hard question to answer.

      Anyway im done rambling on about stuff, hope everything turns out fine :)
    • Re: Am I bi?

      Personally, I think the defining moment which says if you are straight/bi is when you can see a future with another person of the same sex. Sexual attraction is common, due to hormones, but if you could see yourself walking down the road holding hands with another girl, then the likelihood is that you're bisexual, which is just fine.

      Even if you were to do things with other girls, masturbation for example, it doesn't necessarily mean you're bi, because that's just curiosity. If you were naked with your girl mates in bed, and you both ended up touching each other, that's a classic example of curiosity, not homosexuality.

      Heck, you could look at this thread in a month and think "wtf was I on about?", because that'd mean you were going through an extremely common bi-curious stage.

      Hope this has helped,
      Hey there, I'm Jamie !! Please leave me reputation =] Add me on MSN: [email protected].
    • Re: Am I bi?

      gigitty wrote:

      I think your bi.

      And Cindy honestly how can you call yourself straight...meh I have no place to judge, I won't say anymore.

      you think everyone is bi :P

      well, i just think you are bi curious because all you find them is attractive. you dont think what it would be like to actually date a girl and etc.
      maybe you just want to experiment.

    • Re: Am I bi?

      If you stop trying to define what you are, what you like, what you find sexually attractive, whether it be boy or girl - thats when you will understand who you are.

      If you have feelings for a girl, go along with it. And same with a guy. Live your life open and go along with the feelings you get. Have some fun! Who cares 'what you are' :)