Virtual Friends.......)

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    • Virtual Friends.......) nickname is "Melancolic"... it's not without meaning : I mean I'm realy melancolic, but I also not realy have friends.
      I have one best friend - his bigger than me, he's 18. I talked with him about it and he says something like:
      "you have 2 choises:
      1.change yourself at all and make friends in your schooll.( I hate my school and my class and they hate me)
      2. make some virtual friends - open blogs, talk at forums and chats e.c.t......."
      .......there is one more problem : my dad is journalist ( working at the computer all the time) and we have just one computer at home, so there is a problem with a second advise....
      What should I do? May be I don't need friends at all???:confused:
    • Re: Virtual Friends.......)

      Ahh don't say that, you sound really nice! The only thing I can think of for the second one is to get a laptop or another computer, you can pick one up cheap that will do what you need in town I guess. You live in Israel.. is that... aiyee don't want to sound racist... is that a Muslim country where women are forced to wear the robes and etc.? We'll always be here for ya if you ever need help or support!

      Doughnut is DROP DEAD GORGEOUS.
    • Re: Virtual Friends.......)

      Melancolic13 wrote: nickname is "Melancolic"... it's not without meaning : I mean I'm realy melancolic, but I also not realy have friends.
      I have one best friend - his bigger than me, he's 18. I talked with him about it and he says something like:
      "you have 2 choises:
      1.change yourself at all and make friends in your schooll.( I hate my school and my class and they hate me)
      2. make some virtual friends - open blogs, talk at forums and chats e.c.t......."
      .......there is one more problem : my dad is journalist ( working at the computer all the time) and we have just one computer at home, so there is a problem with a second advise....
      What should I do? May be I don't need friends at all???:confused:

      As fun as it is to chat in places such as this, you do need to have friends in real life as well. Those are the friends that you can call up and hangout with any time. If you make friends online and they don't live anywhere near you, then you can't exactly do that. You don't have to change yourself to make friends. If you have to do that, then they aren't good friends. Try doing activities outside of school or join clubs/sports teams. Try to find something you enjoy doing and find others with the same interests.
      good luck :)

      Support Leader,
    • Re: Virtual Friends.......)

      Don't think of it as strictly 2 choices.

      No, you do not need to change yourself in order to make friends. As much as you need friends in real life for support, they have to be willing to accept who you are, because if you pretend, nothing good comes out of it in the end. Try joining their groups surreptiously at first, and once you've been there for a bit you'll know what they're talking about. Then just follow along in the conversation. Soon they'll consider you part of their group. Stay mellow, but don't just be silent. Or else they'll continue to ignore you. No, not everyone hates you. Go find the logical ones. And think of school as an institution to learn from - it's helping you.

      Why can't you have both? Online friends are advantageous, so those are good to have. Heck, there are lots of people here on this forum. And it's easy to make friends here, as most of them are very accepting. Just say hi, and the hard part is done.
    • Re: Virtual Friends.......)

      Hey there,

      I'm not really a big fan of changing yourself for the benefits of others, however, if you changed yourself for you, then I'm all for it. Have you tried getting to know the kids in your school and tried being friends with them? You'll be surprised to find out how many people in your school are cool. It's really your decision if you want friends or not, but I strongly suggest establishing friendships with good people. Friendships are important in life and developing them is just as important, because it really defines a person. Virtual friends are good, too. However, spending all your time daily on the computer isn't really healthy. Go out, make some friends, have a good time. There's so much out there that you need to explore with people.

      Good luck!
      Support Leader,

      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]
    • Re: Virtual Friends.......)

      I do not see why you have to be stuck with just the 2 options.

      First of all, The second advice you were given does not require you to be on the computer 24/7.

      Secondly, you can join clubs. In fact, I would recommend that over the other two...or actually mix them all together. Once you join a club of your interest, that automatically puts you in the surrounding of people who share that interest so you already have something in common and it will take off from there.

      I hope that helps
    • Re: Virtual Friends.......)

      Well it's important to have friends in real life as well. You can't just go on and have all your friends virtually. It's okay to have some people online who you become friends with and are close with but it can also be a fulfilling experience to have friends in real life who you can hang out with, and talk.

      And you shouldn't have to feel forced to change to have friends. People should like you for who you are. You should try and meet people who are like you. Make friend with people whom you share common interests.