player player

    • player player

      i'll let yall read this and tell me how messed up u think this is. here goes.

      if some of u remember i posted a thread on here a few days ago saying how my so called "friend" was trying to get the guy i liked hooked up with another girl. well as u know i ended up telling the guy i had feelings for him and it went well. he looks at me the same way blah blah blah, but it hasn't really went anywhere since then expect we txt more often and i called him once.

      thursday afternoon me and him were txting and i sent him two pics of me in my bathing suit(without him asking for them) and asked which one he liked better for my trip to florida. he doesn't txt back for like 20 min at which point i'm worried cause i'm thinking, oh crap...he thinks i'm a skank and he ain't going to talk to me again cause he had been txtin right back on the other ones. so i sent him an apology but still no reply for like 10 minutes i guess. he replied, definitely sexy and said sorry it took him so long but it hadn't been a good day. he said he was crying cause they were fixing to have to put his dog down cause she was so old and crippled so i called him to make sure he was ok.

      we didn't talk for long but after he said thanks for checking to make sure he was ok. then he said, by the way i liked the first one. so we txted a little after that then he had to go to bball practice so i let him go.

      so here's the fun i found out from my "friend" that the other girl was talking to another guy while trying to hook up with the guy i like. i was steaming mad. if she wanted my crush then fine, but she wasn't about to play him. then i found out that thursday night this girl sent a pic to nathan(the guy i like) asking if it was hot. it wasn't nothing bad. but he was like hot don't even begin to describe it. he was getting pics from both of us in the same day and saying both of us looked good!PLAYER!!!

      so my "friend"(lol) asks if i'm mad at nathan. i said, i don't know who in the hell to be mad at...the other girl for talking to another guy besides nathan while leading him on...nathan for being a player and getting pics from both of us the same night and never letting on plus pulling that puppy-dog crap on me to make him look like mr. sensitive...or my "friend" for being in the middle of it and trying to please everyone which is damn near impossible in this situation.

      who should i be mad at? everyone? it is so messed up. i don't think anyone's in the right to be honest.
    • Re: player player

      Eh, I can see why the whole picture thing would bug you, but that doesn't really sound like a player thing to me. If two guys sent you a picture and asked you to rate them, then you most likely would. If you didn't, then the guy might get offended and over think it. Kind of like you did when he didn't say anything about the picture. =\

      Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year! I'm so sick of watching while the minutes pass
      as I go nowhere, and this is my reaction to everything I fear. Cause I've been going crazy, I don't wanna waste another minute here.
    • Re: player player

      Empyraa wrote:

      Well, I wouldn't really call him a player. If he said he likes you as much as you like him, it'd be pretty shitty of you to make him feel bad about saying one thing to another girl that asked him something. He was probably just trying to be nice.

      i don't u really think he'd say that just to be nice? its kinda seeming like he's just trying to see what he can get out of both of us.
    • Re: player player

      Mm, well I wouldn't call him a player per say. But I doubt he's being honest. At this point, he's just trying to attract as many girls as possible to find himself a good candidate for a girlfriend. You being one of them...kind of makes you the one being played. He doesn't sound like a decent guy, so you should just leave him be. The girl that was flirting with two guys...she can get together with Nathan. They deserve each other. You deserve better. As Hitch said, you guys aren't anything official.

      Who you could be mad at? Probably everyone, as well as yourself.
      Who you should be mad at? No one. Let it go.
    • Re: player player

      I can see why you're upset, but you just have to let it go. You two aren't official or anything so he has the right to do whatever he wants. I wouldn't call him being a player really. He probably didn't even think anything of it. If someone asks you what you think of their pictures, you're most likely going to tell them. Since he isn't committed to you, or anyone, he probably just replied, like anyone would, and gave his opinion.

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