Retaking a college class

    • Retaking a college class


      I may have to retake another class to salvage my wonderful 3.8 college GPA. Do you think this is worth it if my lower grade on this class will stick permanently on my transcript? OR to fuck it and move on?

      I am annoyed, seriously, I feel like ripping my hair out like Homer Simpson.

      When commenting on a Joke forum. ;)Sieg Heil like an iron fascist fist, mein Fuhrer. :)
    • Re: Retaking a college class

      Do you need the class to graduate? If not, I'd say move on and take something else. Did you have a passing grade, or just one that is lower than you wanted? I wouldn't personally waste my time or efforts just trying to get an A over a B (or something like that). It just seems like a waste of money to me, and my efforts would be better spent attaining new credits.

      Plus, many colleges only allow you to take a certain amount of classes, or to retake only a certain amount. You'd want to save the retakes until you really need them.