My father is an alcoholic

    • My father is an alcoholic

      Dear Teen Forums,

      My father is an alcoholic and the kids at school keep teasing me with it. He has tried to have sex with me several of times, but it luckily never worked (he did touch me often though).

      The kids at school keep saying my father's name is Jack Daniels and he comes from Tennessee. Tennessee and Jack Daniels are both alcoholic drinks. They also call me Johnny Walker, which is an alcoholic drink, too.

      Yesterday, the anger grew up inside of me and I beat up that one kid. He was calling me Johnny Walker, and I took a chair and beat him up with that. We were alone. I beat him up for about 20 minutes, with a chair. After that, I ran away as fast as possible and I think no one saw me. No one knows it was me, the kid I beat up is in a Hospital at the moment, he has a coma.

      Should I visit him and end it all, before he tells anyone it was me? :love1:
    • Re: My father is an alcoholic

      You need to come clean about what happened, before he comes to and tells the police. But you also need to go talk to the school councellor about what is happening with your father, and why you did what you did. It's imperative (sp?) that you speak with someone about what has been going on before he rats you out, because that will look SO much worse for you. It will look like you feel no remorse for your actions, and once you tell someone what your father is doing to you, they won't believe you, because they'll think you're just making up excuses. And of course your father will deny it as well. Do you have anyone that you've spoken about this with, before the fight? You may need to involve them, just so it can be pointed out that this was going on before you beat this guy up.

      What you should have done was talk to the police, or a councellor about what your father was doing, as soon as it happened the first time. But tell someone you trust, ASAP. It could keep you away from criminal charges when this guy comes to.

      If you need any more advice or help with this, PLEASE PM me.