Need advice on comeing out as gay

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    • Re: Need advice on comeing out as gay

      personally, i'd say you don't have to come out, especially if your school's homophobic. wait until college when the community's more accepting...if you're set on it though, you could always put out subtly that you're gay like by wearing rainbow bracelets, pins, etc. and eventually people may either assume you are, ask if you are, or disregard your taste in fashion...but seriously, don't feel like you need to come out, especially at 14 in a homophobic atmosphere...
      [SIZE=4]Simul Justus et Peccator[/SIZE]
    • Re: Need advice on comeing out as gay

      If you truly feel that you need to come out, then do so. Ultimately, it's a decision that you need to make on your own. Do you feel the *need* to come out to your entire school? If not, why do so? However, if it'll put yourself at ease if you come out to your entire school, then there is nothing wrong with coming out. How to come out? That's entirely up to you. Perhaps dating an individual of the same sex is an idea? Just be sure that you're 100% comfortable with yourself and are willing to deal with any rude people if you do decide to come out. People can be really mean, remember that. Good luck with everything.

      Take care of yourself.
    • Re: Need advice on comeing out as gay

      Well, im 14 as well, and gay. im going to come out on my first day of high school, mostly because my town doesnt have a high school, and im going to a school one town over. If your school is deeply homophobic, and i dont mean verbal abuse, but physical as well, maybe you SHOULD wait until college/university to come out. But lyk the other posts say, you dont have to come out. its nobodys buisness but your own. im coming out mainly because i want everybody to know, and that idrc what people think of me. But i also understand that you might care about the opinion of your peers, and may want to wait until college/university to come out. which ever you choose, best of luck to you dude.
      [SIZE=2]For if we are not within ourselves; We are without.
      -Chris Crocker
