Help With My Mom

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    • Help With My Mom

      I'm bi.
      and today I got asked out by this girl I've had my eye on for a while.

      Now, my mom knows I'm bi, but she doesn't accept it, like she think it's a phase and is always yelling at me for being bi.

      and I'm going to go hang out with taylor (the girl that asked me out and that I've had my eye on for a while.) probably tommorrow and we're gonna take pics.

      I know if we take pics of us kissing and put them up on my myspace like everyone does when they're in a relationship my mom will flip. She'll also flip when I tell her I'm dating taylor.

      I go see my shrink on the 9tha nd my mom has seen the same one since my dad pasted away and I was gonna bring it up to her and let our shrink try to talk to her about it. But I know she'll bitch after we leave the shrink's office.


      How do I deal with my mom?
      How do I tell her?
    • Re: Help With My Mom

      I'd suggest that if you want to go through with this, you think about your options. I'd suggest that you just tell your mom the truth. If you don't feel comfortable doing that, why exactly must you post pictures of you and your girlfriend kissing on Facebook? Not *everyone* in a relationship does that. I think it's immature, to be honest. Anyway, I'd suggest that you tell your mom anyway. Just tell her the truth and see what she says. Perhaps you can try telling her that you're only doing this to try and figure out your sexual orientation and try new things. Good luck with everything.

      Take care.
    • Re: Help With My Mom

      talk to your shrink. if she bitches ignore her! even if she says stuff that offensive just ignore her.

      she`ll probably notice her actions and if shes doesnt by the time you get home bring up how much she hurt you.

      honestly you just have to tell her everything, the best way to do that ask your moms shrink to have a group talk about it. you your mom and the shrink, and if she bitches more, tell your shrink.

      that whats shes there for, your need to be open about everything.
    • Re: Help With My Mom

      Sabrina wrote:

      I'd suggest that if you want to go through with this, you think about your options. I'd suggest that you just tell your mom the truth. If you don't feel comfortable doing that, why exactly must you post pictures of you and your girlfriend kissing on Facebook? Not *everyone* in a relationship does that. I think it's immature, to be honest. Anyway, I'd suggest that you tell your mom anyway. Just tell her the truth and see what she says. Perhaps you can try telling her that you're only doing this to try and figure out your sexual orientation and try new things. Good luck with everything.

      Take care.

      expressing your affection publicly is anything BUT immature, thats like saying that kissing in public is immature. and if you think that is immature.. then you need to get in touch with your inner self.
    • Re: Help With My Mom

      Argh...I find this retarded.
      Why can't parents accept their kids for who they are.

      It is not like you are hurting anyone....and thats jsut too damn bad if you don't fit their "standards" and they can't live their life through you...bah!

      Anyway, try to talk to the shrink. She may listen to the 3rd party VS listening to her own family (families are like that...). If she does end up bitching...well I guess that is too damn bad. No one can tell you who to like....this is equivalent of someone telling you what music you should like.
      The King of Mind-Fuck
    • Re: Help With My Mom

      DeamonD wrote:

      Argh...I find this retarded.
      Why can't parents accept their kids for who they are.

      It is not like you are hurting anyone....and thats jsut too damn bad if you don't fit their "standards" and they can't live their life through you...bah!

      Anyway, try to talk to the shrink. She may listen to the 3rd party VS listening to her own family (families are like that...). If she does end up bitching...well I guess that is too damn bad. No one can tell you who to like....this is equivalent of someone telling you what music you should like.

      I agree with you 100%:)
      stupid parents grrrr.
    • Re: Help With My Mom

      Just wanted to say, there are some parents out there that just never really accept their children for being bi/gay. Not trying to scare you or be negative but its just something to keep in consideration. You can only do so much to try and get your parents to accept the idea of being bi/gay. Just don't give up on yourself and just try your best to not let it mess up your relationships.

      Sometimes parents take a short while to come through. Sorry that she is that way though.

      Good luck!
    • Re: Help With My Mom

      dadadave wrote:

      Just wanted to say, there are some parents out there that just never really accept their children for being bi/gay. Not trying to scare you or be negative but its just something to keep in consideration. You can only do so much to try and get your parents to accept the idea of being bi/gay. Just don't give up on yourself and just try your best to not let it mess up your relationships.

      Sometimes parents take a short while to come through. Sorry that she is that way though.

      Good luck!

      Well, I knew that that could happen. and it seems to me that she just wants to work her way around the "problem" and pretend it is't there and I don't care if she has rules, like she doesn't want us to kiss or whatever around her. But it would be nice to her to accept or at least know that Taylor is my girlfriend.
    • Re: Help With My Mom

      DeamonD wrote:

      Yeah...sorry for the rant but it just annoys me so god damn much >.>

      Everyone has their own I said...if it is not hurting anyone...who gives a flying fuck....but noooo >.>

      It's okay, don't be sorry. Like I said I totally agree with you and I don't think I could have said it better myself.
    • Re: Help With My Mom

      Umm your mum is probably not accepting the fact that your Bi because she herself has grown up in different times, when you saw less Gay/Les/Bi people.
      Shes probably just thinking like how akward it would be for you to be dating a girl. I think what you should do is just sit down and have a proper conversation with her. Tell her that its not your fault your attracted to both boys and girls in some way and you'd want her, as your mum, to support you and consider your feelings. I mean, your not doing anything bad...she should understand.

      Hope everything works out! :)
    • Re: Help With My Mom

      It's your life and while your mum might shun you - you have to remember it's YOU that needs to be happy at the end of it all.

      Talk to your mum. Tell her you like this girl and that you want to make a go of this blossoming relationship and that you need your mums support not venom.

      If she truly loves you (Your mum) she'll come round eventually.
      :hugs: The Heartbreak Kid is in the house. :hugs:
    • Re: Help With My Mom

      Well, i suggest that at therapy, you ask your mom if she loves you. now, obviously she'll reply with a yes, and then ask her if she wants you to be happy. and most likely there will be a yes there as well. then tell her if she loves you and wants you to be happy, to accept you for your sexual orientation.
      maybe this will help?
      [SIZE=2]For if we are not within ourselves; We are without.
      -Chris Crocker

    • Re: Help With My Mom

      Paramore1264 wrote:

      Well, i suggest that at therapy, you ask your mom if she loves you. now, obviously she'll reply with a yes, and then ask her if she wants you to be happy. and most likely there will be a yes there as well. then tell her if she loves you and wants you to be happy, to accept you for your sexual orientation.
      maybe this will help?

      That won't work =\
      She will catch on it and think that she is being manipulated by being cornered and answering without an actual choice...that is going to make her angry. That would be the case in most parents..HOWEVER this will depend on how much she respects her child and if she is actually willing to listen to what she has to say VS just hearing it...
      The King of Mind-Fuck
    • Re: Help With My Mom

      Cheetolemur wrote:

      I'm just sort of curious why it's so important to put kissing pics of you and Taylor on your myspace. If the pictures don't matter that much, then one solution could be to just not post any.

      Well, I wouldn't say it's important.But I know I'll do it and even if I don't taylor will for sure and than if she tags me in the photos, like you can do on myspace than yeah
    • Re: Help With My Mom

      Mother always have this expectation that their daughter will grow up, marry a prince charming and then have children. Although this doesn't always go as planned.
      Just tell her tht you really love her, and you're happy with her. Tell her it doesn't matter if she's a girl too, but you feel close to someone and she should accept whoever your with as long as your getting treated properly.
      Are you able to talk to your shrink alone ?

      People will always talk about you
      Might as well give them something to talk about
    • Re: Help With My Mom

      talk to your mom face to face about this. ask your mom tosit down have a good talk about the way you and your mom feel about this situation. just remember to have your talk in the most adult way possible: be careful to not use rude tones and let your mother finish what she has to say, no matter how irrational she might be. if you can do this, she might realize just how grown up you are and how well you've thought it through. best way for asking for acceptance in my opinion. :/ hope i could be of help.
      [CENTER]i found jesus
      in a gay bar.