Are you all serious?... [Yes, I dislike all of you]

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    • Re: Are you all serious?... [Yes, I dislike all of you]

      Aly05 wrote:

      First, I'd like to say that I did enjoy reading your post. Congrats for having a concise thought process that is understandable.

      Second, I'm not sure I understand the reason for your post. While you are certainly correct in many of your assertions, I can't see why you need to express them. You are obviously intelligent, and surely you must know that some people may get their feelings hurt from your opinions.

      And I'd just like to add that while, indeed, many people just sit and cry about their life and what they don't have, there are some who desperately try to be happy and who just aren't. What about people who have everything and who are still miserable? While it is good in theory to actively live a better life and be a happier person, happiness may just be unattainable for some people.

      Thank you for replying with an intellectual post.

      I understand that there may be some people who just can't obtain happiness. But like I said, my bestfriend's dad was shot in the face and killed last year, and I just believe that if this kid can still go outside and be happy, anyone can. I look at other people I know too, people's who parents are divorced, people who are poor, just unhappy people in general. But those people are still kicking ass in life. They are becoming stronger from everything. They seek happiness, because that's what they want.

      I just believe that people who cut themselves, could spend less time thinking negatively, and saying for once, "You know what, why waste my life being sad? I'm going to try my hardest to be happy. I am going to find other coping methods, or seek professional help. I am going to find a hobby. I am going to meet some new people."
    • Re: Are you all serious?... [Yes, I dislike all of you]

      janegsd014 wrote:

      Ok, i'll try not to be sad or cut myself. I promise, even though i've never met you, or know you. but trust me I do keep promises.
      You've actually really helped me. Thanks. :)

      See, there you go.

      I bet your life will be so much better with a positive attitude. Life sucks. Everyone has their ups and their downs. But if you just try to make the best out of every situation, you're life will be so much better.

      Smile. Instead of cutting yourself, go read a book, or watch a movie, or listen to music, or go hang out with friends, or do anything. I bet any activity you do, will be a lot more fun then sitting inside and hurting yourself...

      Listen, maybe a little while from now, something bad will happen in your life again. I've been at an all-time-low before, and things seemed as if nothing was going to get better. But things got better, then they got worse, then they got better, and so forth. It's life. You aren't the only one who experiences it.

      Just live your life with happy thoughts, rather than sad thoughts. It seems cliche, but I am serious.
    • Re: Are you all serious?... [Yes, I dislike all of you]

      mikeyk wrote:

      Thank you for replying with an intellectual post.

      I understand that there may be some people who just can't obtain happiness. But like I said, my bestfriend's dad was shot in the face and killed last year, and I just believe that if this kid can still go outside and be happy, anyone can. I look at other people I know too, people's who parents are divorced, people who are poor, just unhappy people in general. But those people are still kicking ass in life. They are becoming stronger from everything. They seek happiness, because that's what they want.

      I just believe that people who cut themselves, could spend less time thinking negatively, and saying for once, "You know what, why waste my life being sad? I'm going to try my hardest to be happy. I am going to find other coping methods, or seek professional help. I am going to find a hobby. I am going to meet some new people."


      There are so many unhappy people who don't even make an effort to improve their lives or themselves. I found out today that I know someone who does drugs. I can't imagine why; she is rich, popular, smart, pretty... Some just can't realize how much they have going for themselves, I suppose.
      [SIZE="2"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]The success or failure of your deeds does not add up to the sum of your life. Your spirit cannot be weighed. Judge yourself by the intention of your actions and by the strength with which you faced the challenges that have stood in your way.
      ~Oma Desala, Stargate SG-1, Episode "Meridian"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
    • Aly05 wrote:


      There are so many unhappy people who don't even make an effort to improve their lives or themselves. I found out today that I know someone who does drugs. I can't imagine why; she is rich, popular, smart, pretty... Some just can't realize how much they have going for themselves, I suppose.

      Which leads to me an unanswered question.

      Why be suicidal? Why hurt yourself?

      I know the common, rehearsed answers, but I never really had a logical answer.

      You can seek happiness, you just have to want it. Being optimistic goes a long. Only you can control your emotions, so I believe it has to be YOUR fault if you decide to be sad all the time.

      Yeah, it's fine to be sad and depressed, but it's time to get things together. Become stronger, live life, smile, be happy for what you have.

      janegsd014 wrote:

      Ya, and i think i'll ignore the person who got me started into all this.
      You might not believe me but you just might have saved my life. THANK YOU & i really mean it!!!!!!!!!!!!

      It's no problem. It makes me feel good, that you finally understand something, and I helped.

      I don't want people cutting themselves or being suicidal, and I wish everyone who hurts themselves could just take some advice into consideration, just like you did. Which is great.

      Then no one would have this problem. I wish you good luck, and hopefully things will get better from here. And if it doesn't, keep trying. Happiness will come, you just have to really want it. Only you can control how happy or sad you are. No one else.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Matt: Merged Double Post ().

    • Maybe because people didn't want to deal with the truth.

      It's almost 4, i gotta get up for school in 2 hours, o well, it was worth not going to sleep at all.

      But what do i tell my friend who always cuts?

      I'll keep that in mind.
      Thank You for saving me

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Matt: Merged Double Post ().

    • Re: Are you all serious?... [Yes, I dislike all of you]

      janegsd014 wrote:

      Maybe because people didn't want to deal with the truth.

      It's almost 4, i gotta get up for school in 2 hours, o well, it was worth not going to sleep at all.

      But what do i tell my friend who always cuts?

      Don't even tell her anything yet.

      Just go live your life, and be happy. And maybe a little while from now, and you've stopped cutting, and you're still happy, you can tell her: "Hey, I stopped cutting last month, and I've been happier then ever."

      And maybe she'll stop.

      If she doesn't, it's her choice. A bad choice, but I'd just talk to her. Let her know that you two can hang out all the time and have fun, and not have to cut yourself to get by the day. Just tell her what I told you. But I'd wait a little bit. You worry about your life right now, no one else's.
    • Re: Are you all serious?... [Yes, I dislike all of you]

      Heh, that was a really interesting post there. Now a few things - first off, your looking at the world as flat out black and white, you either fail or not. Lets introduce you to the real world. Take a look at my story eh? Tell me the simple answers to why I've been depressed?

      My IQ is in the 150+ range. I am highly gifted. I am relatively good looking. Most people find me hysterically funny. They also find me whiny and self centered. They find me non empathetic and emotionless. They find me elitist too. So they put me down, A LOT.

      So, lets take a look at whats going on here. I know the answers, yet they're impossible for me to fix. My higher IQ gives me the same factors that most gifted kids run into, which is trouble communicating with others. I cant empathize very well because I break things down in my head to a simple and basic level, people come to me with they're problems and I am clueless on how to just be empathetic, because they're fairly basic to me. When some girl comes to me with something like my BF broke up with me, what pops into my mind is who the BF was and signs of it coming and why it didnt work, not omg I feel sorry for you and a whole lot of other stuff to say. Dont work like that. So naturally, I can rant all I want, but I cant think of a single thing to help other people.

      Now I have a LOT to complain about. Im the cute smart funny guy at my school who no girl is willing to date because I cant communicate emotionally very well. Guys all get jealous of me because I have girls hugging me and grabbing me and poking me 24/7. Girls just see me as a toy in the long run, and I wind up being their little f*ck buddy when their BF's break up with them. So I really dont have a lot of friends...

      My teachers try to fail me, so much that I had to start taking online classes. My chem teacher, who is a complete retard, was preaching the wrong shit to my class, so my friends started coming to me for help, she got pissed that I was "teaching" and started nit picking everything and assigning essays so she could mark me down.

      My family is weird, to the extent it actually screws me over. One of the few girls that actually wanted me as a BF last year didnt take the hint and went out with some other guy because she was convinced that even though I was flirting with her, my sister was my GF - yet she never asked about it so I assumed otherwise and I asked her out too late. So yea, my sister is sooo rediculously emotional that people in my school mistake her for my GF. Joy it is to be around her.

      Mom and dad argue a shitload, hell we cant even watch a movie together without someone fighting.

      So yea, want to tell me what makes my life so la di da that I shouldnt be pretty sad? I have few friends, horrible family, and a tough education. Most of it because I am smart. Blessing or a curse? Either way, I'll continue to think it sucks.

      Now Ill give you the benefit of the doubt saying you've read this far, hell if anyones read this far tell me and I'll give you a cookie. I just feel like joining the supposible losers here who need a little bit of encouragement and attention.

      And hell, if I were to commit suicide, or attempt it atleast, if anything I would hope for it to be seen as a cry for attention? It'd be great if girls could start seeing me for who I am, and my parents would get along, and my teachers could relax and realize im not trying to ruin their career. And thats why I would do such harmful things, because its not about crying for attention, its about needing attention that I cant seem to get no matter how I try.

      So now, if me logging on a forum for encouragement and communication is anything but a good idea, please explain. Im in dire need for attention, and if this is the only place I can get it, its sure as hell a lot better then nothing.

      I dont know whats going on in your life, and you dont seem like the type to tell. So I wont give you any sympathy, and I'll assume your problems are negligible or your really strong. If its the latter, then I commend you for that. Be it a blessing or a curse, I dont have your strength, and so forums like this are here for people like me.

      No intent on trying to sound like I'm flaming. Its just that your post seems quite... radical? if u ask me. Yet it sounded untroll like enough to warrent a response.

      Edit -

      Just read a bit more of your posts. Thought Id append some useful info in here - my one friend just became an orphan when his single mom got stabbed in his house and he woke up the next morning to find the body. He goes on living just fine, but thats a gift I dont seem to have. Maybe he isnt just fine, and hiding it? Thats my belief - hes always been different since its happened, hes gotten more serious and less easy going. I'm not so quick to jump on the train that people dont feel sad inside and try to cover it up - I believe most people do it.
    • Re: Are you all serious?... [Yes, I dislike all of you]

      Fuck. Janegsd014, you need to learn how to use the freaking edit button. Stop triple and double posting!
      Australian | 20 | University Student | Epic
      (818): dude you made out with his girlfriend and stole his credit card to buy more drinks.
      well when you put it like that, I sound like a terrible person.

    • Re: Are you all serious?... [Yes, I dislike all of you]

      I gotta agree with the OP, I've lost one of my parents, I'm not exactly popular but that's because I don't try to be I'm content liking what I like with the group of friends I have even though they have bad music taste as everyone else around here, sure I get depressed but that's for other reasons and even then I don't think about suicide I rather think about fixing what's making me depressed.
      [COLOR="Plum"][FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="4"]Shoegazer...[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
    • Re: Are you all serious?... [Yes, I dislike all of you]

      Hmm, wow... very interesting posts. I actually went through this whole topic to read everyone's posts. Although the thing is, it's quite hard to remember everything... but I'll try my best to reply to each and everyone. XD

      First of all,
      "Why do teens become suicidal ??"

      You know mikeyk, your answer may just be right... although... the thing is... for SOME. Honestly, I've thought about being suicidal myself... Have I ever cut? No! I don't plan on to because I don't see any point of it. Yes, I've actually attempted to do some dumb things, but the thing is I'm scared of dying! L0l. As ironic as it sounds... yes. I'm scared. 8| I also think about the consequences of what will happen if I do... "Pass away" If it's at a mall or store or a property owned by someone I think, "what will happen to the owners, who would want to come here after knowing someone passed away?" I think about my parents, my siblings... my friends... my boyfriend...

      But honestly... the reason why I think suicidal thoughts? Yeah, attention is part of the reason... but it's mostly because I don't feel loved by my bf. It's the whole trust issue and the many problems that we've been dealing with or two years and a lot of months... Hmm, it doesn't have an effect on you guys because I don't feel like writing a whole book about what exactly I've been through, but you get the point. I guess. It's just that I've been going through depression and feeling unloved or uncared about... or being lied to... and all that that sometimes it feels like

      "oh, I just wish I wasn't alive because it seems like he (they) take me for granted!"

      But you know what? I know that even if you do take your life away... and it's because you feel uncared about, unloved, or want attention? That taking your life away isn't gonna do anything! You won't be alive to see how much those people actually care about you... If it's for revenge, hell no are you gonna see them crying!!! Because of course you wouldn't be in this life... Then again if you believe in God, you still wouldn't be able to do anything about it, or go back !

      Those are all the reasons why I am still here. :) As much as it's hard to deal with a lot of things ... I'm trying my best to be happy... I'm trying. There are a lot of times when I am, but it seems like it's not to the fullest. Something is just missing.

      I also said it only applies for some, because just like how people can relate to problems, it doesn't mean it's exactly the same.

      "Why don't I do other things to cope with my depression? / suicadal thoughts?"

      Well, have you ever thought about the fact that even though you do do other things it is hard to concentrate on doing those things? That is why a lot of parents don't want their kids having boyfriends/girlfriends or hanging out with the wrong people because they think they wouldn't be able to concentrate on their studies. Yeah, it may depend on the person but one only has so much they can handle.

      How about you engage in social activities? Not sit alone at lunch. Spend less time ranting online (no contradiction intended), and go outside. Go read, gather information, work out, do something. Make friends... It's not hard. Look, I'm pretty sure if all you suicidal and self harming people gathered together, you'd have a nice group of friends... But no, you purposely isolate yourselves.
      Well, the problem is ... that when people get depressed they tend to isolate themselves from people because they just don't feel all that social. They don't feel like doing the things they used to like doing, even their hobbies! When you're not very social, it gets hard for people to talk to you... It takes two to communicate. As much as someone may try though nothing may come out of their mouths. XD Also, they know that others will ask them what's wrong and they just don't feel like telling those certain people or talking about it right then and there.

      It's also harder to talk to the ones who are closer to you or you love / they love you for some people because you don't want them to know what's really going on in your mind or you don't want to hurt them or trouble them.

      Also, hanging out with friends ? What if your parents don't allow you to go out as much, or what if it's the other way around? All you can do is stay home, and there isn't much to do that can take your mind off of it. When you're in the mood of depression or whatever you don't feel like doing a lot of things. Sometimes, you just can't help how you feel. It's like having being a graphic designer.. you can't force yourself to design if you don't feel like it! Because it won't turn out right...

      "I'm going to kill myself. I asked my parents for a Nintendo Wii and they gave me a Nintendo DS."
      I think that one is an exaggeration? L0l. I guess others complain because they just need to let it out, to express themselves. Everyone knows that keeping it bottled up can cause a great explosion in someone. I guess that's what kind of happened to me. Complaining is just a way to express...

      Also, "advices on seeking professional help."

      Maybe some of them thinks that they wouldn't help any with their problem? They may just help them become happy for that one moment, or deal with the problem for just that one moment, but what happens when they're alone and end up thinking about it. It can't be every single second or minute you're doing something so entertaining or busy that you have no time to think about things.

      I cope by spending all my free time going out with friends and seeing my girlfriend. They always cheer me up, and I always have a good time when I am with them.
      I do this, but sometimes I think to myself... what happens when they're not able to help you at that time? What if they're working, and coincidentally just busy and can't talk to you?? Or you can't get a hold of them? Yes, there's other people to talk to, but what if you're just not comfortable about talking about it with them because they know you, they see you, and you definitely don't want them to know?

      There are so many unhappy people who don't even make an effort to improve their lives or themselves. I found out today that I know someone who does drugs. I can't imagine why; she is rich, popular, smart, pretty... Some just can't realize how much they have going for themselves, I suppose
      Yeah, a lot of us don't see what we have... We always end up taking a look at what we don't have! XD But, it really hard to see how awesome we are because we don't see ourselves! We don't know how we act through other people's eyes... Also, it's just hard sometimes because all the depressed/suicidal emotions inside a person causes them to think negatively.

      To DrunknIrish:

      I actually have a friend who thinks just like you do... you know... Well, not exactly like you nor are you guys in exactly the same situation. I'm not talking about the 150 IQ thing, but about being put down and just "being a friend" to girls...
      Well, you know... The real truth is that just because most of the girls you talk to think of you as just their friend and nothing else doesn't mean that there's that one girl who doesn't think of you as more. I'm sure there is a girl who thinks that way or will be... Being negative isn't going to help any.
      Trust me, I once ended up liking him. :)
      I also think you're very lucky to have a brain like that! How a lot of people wishes they were smart! Trust me... my friend become depressed sometimes because she isn't smart enough for her parents to be proud of her... or so she thinks. I'm sure they're proud of her regardless.

      "The grass is always greener on the other side."

      Well, in my reply to mikey's and everyone else's stories about their lives. I'm sorry you guys all have to go through that. I'm also glad that janeg has been helped. :)

      I agree with a lot of stuff you say though, like the whole cutting issue and being proactive. But hey, we're humans. We're imperfect. Some of us are not just born that way. We have to try harder. So thank you for pointing everyone to the right paths. For showing everyone that it's possible to be happy despite everything you're going through. It's just that, "it's easier said than done".

      At least everyone knows that they're not going through it alone... That there are others with the same if not worse problems than they have.

      "If you take a look at what you don't have,
      You have nothing...
      If you take a look at what you do have,
      you have everything!"

      Well, thanks for the posts everyone. I'm sorry if I came too strong on a subject or didn't make sense. It's 6 in the morning. :)

      Take care everyone. ! There is always someone there that cares.

      Edit: My cousin is going through problems right now. She parties, hangs out with her friends, tries to forget about it... or keep herself preoccupied. Tries to make herself happy. The thing is... she's still sad and it's still hard for her despite how preoccupied she gets. The only thing I can do right now is be there for her. Sometimes it's just time that can help.
    • Re: Are you all serious?... [Yes, I dislike all of you]

      You know what....

      The things you wrote is the exact same reason I try to stay away from "suicide/self cutting" threads.

      Certain individuals, yeah, I understand maybe they are so lost to the point where they ARE considering suicide but god DAMN do I know a whole mass of people who do it for attention.
      I mean honestly this is their typical routine:
      A group of friends sitting chatting
      An "acquaintance " comes in and does the following: *sigh* "I think I am going to kill my self"
      And everyone just FLOCKS to them with: "Aww you poor thing, come 'ere ama givez you the biggest hugz eva" and trying to give advice.

      There are two things I noticed that which then are "satisfied":
      a) People fundumentally want to feel superior to others so giving advice makes them feel better about them selves (Although I am partically guilty to that as well, but I help because I like to make others feel it egoistic)
      b) Satisfied the need for attention and brings the mind of an attention-whore-individual to a point of a near orgasm due to all "love".

      Personally I find it annoying, weak and disgusting. Simply due to the fact that I know...for a fact (well that sounded weird) that a person who is TRULY suicidal then they will kill them selves. Even if you stop them the first time, they will keep trying untill they succeed. This has been statisticly proven so there is no way of arguing that. Hence my...dislike of individuals who think that self-satisfaction comes from playing on sympathy of others.

      Even so, ignoring the above, why the hell would you kill your self ffs. If you are such a caring individual who is to in-tune with love and can't stand all the hate and are clearly "too good" for this world, how is killing your self will make that better? Yea sure you may save some oxygen and cost the government some potential taxes but then you leave all the people who actually cared about you...behind. In my opinion, that disregard for others, is unforgiving, selfish and cowardly.

      But then I also understand why people complain about their problems for reasons other than attention-whoring. They are human and humans, perhaps unintentionaly, never satisfied. It is never enough.....never enough money, never enough cars, sex, women, men, clothes, diamonds, music, sleep, up-time, snow, rain....everything....and the crown jewel.....attention. After all what are all the things done for? Attention...atteptance of others, being liked and maybe even looked up to. Why can't everyone jsut live their lives together as a society VS just trying to climb over the heads of others and want to be accepted. That is probably why people write on these forums, to make sure that what they are doing is "ok". WHy the fuck would you want someone elses' approval on what YOU decide to do? If you liek certain shit that no one else likes...who gives a flying fuck, why not just volunteer into slavery at that point if you wanna make sure that your choices are "justified" by others. If what you like doing does not hurt anyoene else, including your self (I am looking at you cutters) then freakin do it. If you need to do something retarded like slashing your hands because a girl doesn't like you, she isn't worth it. Don't god damn dwell on that shit and move on. You only have certain amount of time on this earth and I highly doubt it is worth bitching over what "COULD HAVE BEEN".
      The King of Mind-Fuck
    • Re: Are you all serious?... [Yes, I dislike all of you]

      I read your stories and explanations, but I am still left uncertain why you people self harm and think suicidal?

      "I have a perfect IQ, I am hot, and everyone likes me at school, but I can not connect to girls on an emotional level."

      Are you serious? Listen how amazing your life is, just by your first sentence. I did not want you to describe your life story, and let me determine if you should be depressed out not. Yeah, some things in your story are depressing, but I don't think you understand that everyone deals with similar/worse problems. It seems as if you suicidal people are selfish. You think that you have the worst life, and nothing will change, do you guys keep in account about other kids across the world who don't even have parents, or their girlfriends/boyfriends died?

      Once again, only you can control your emotions, no one else, and I think it is a poor attempt at seeking happiness, if all you have failed. It honestly is not hard, I have a pretty shitty life, and I did it? Am I saying I am better then you? No. I am saying that you guys put yourselves down, and think that life just wants to pick on you, and your lives will never get better, so I am going to self harm and be suicidal because there is no hope.

      There is...

      Following a "suicidals" logic, that when "things can't get better, and life is at it's all time low, I should just give up." Why is it that thousands of children's parents divorce, die, friends get killed, houses get lost, parents lose jobs, etc. etc. etc. But they achieve their aspiration of becoming happy? Why can't any of you? Is it because you are weak? Is it because you do not try hard enough? Is it because you are afraid? Pull yourselves together...

      There is no reason to kill yourself. Life is better happy. I know.