Are you all serious?... [Yes, I dislike all of you]

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    • Re: Are you all serious?... [Yes, I dislike all of you]

      So then maybe some people do make things bigger then they are, but some people don't. Everyone's different, and deals with stuff differently. Some people can't talk to others, because they think they're wasting their time, or stuff like that.

      Most of you think it's stupid to cut yourself, but to some people it's a way out.
      It's not like everyone who cuts themselves goes around showing it off.
    • Re: Are you all serious?... [Yes, I dislike all of you]

      Plus, If he's also commenting about the "I HATE MY LIFE IMMA GO KILL MYSELF" threads... he got suckered in by a troll, and a troll wants exactly this, a raging rant by a member that causes arguments.
      [CENTER]~In a world that i dont want to know~
      ~With a message that i never want to send~
      ~To be free from all of this~
      ~I want you to quicken my end~
    • Re: Are you all serious?... [Yes, I dislike all of you]

      Ghsthunter23 wrote:

      Again, please read my above post and read the quote.

      Then perhaps I misunderstood you?
      Aren't you talking about actual mental illnesses?

      I read the quote I see where you are coming from but I think that (the quote) was maybe put in a wrong way if I were to compare it to the original post.....

      But if the OP actually meant that you can "fix your own mental illness" then no I do not agree, at least not to an extent.
      The King of Mind-Fuck
    • Re: Are you all serious?... [Yes, I dislike all of you]

      x-mercedes-x wrote:

      Not directly related to the thread but i needed to point this out because it annoys the hell out of me. You're not that way because you have a high IQ, you're that way because you choose to be, whether you believe that or not, it is true. I've always had a really high IQ and so have some of my friends but we don't let that take over our lives, you only have the trouble communicating with others because more than likely you've always looked down on people who aren't as clever as you or because they can't see things as clearly as you do. Just because you saw it coming doesn't mean you can't be sympathetic and need to act like a snob because you knew all along and feel nothing for them. Intelligence doesn't give you a right to act self centered and elitist, because you can deny it as much as you want but your obviously doing something to give off that impression. This is the reason us gifted and talented get such a bad name.

      p.s. sorry for going off topic but it kind of relates as to being that way because you're making yourself that way.

      Snobby? thts why you sound like buddy. Thinking you have the ability to catagorize me into one of the bad people in the smart world. Hell, I dont think I am better then any of my friends, I think I am worse. But because I can pull of mathematical feats they cant, makes them think I am elitist. I actually fuck up helping my friends just so I can sound stupider. Look down on people - umm hell no. I look up to most people, seeing as I have a lower self esteem due to my depressiveness. And, with you line about me seeing it coming, did u actually read my text? +1 ignorance for you my friend. But in my post I specifically said that thats what jumps in my brain, and no matter how much I try to be sympathetic, nothing flows out from me, just pure logicistic's of the situation. Look, I barely see myself as equal if you haven't figured that out. Who gives a rats ass if I can do math faster then you. The real difference is in how we think, and statistically, gifted and talented kids do have communication problems. Don't try to talk up to me and act all smart, like haha I figured you out by partially reading one post. And don't tell me that I am better then non-intelligent kids, and then that I suck for having a attitude that intelligent people are better then normal and it puts a smear on you.

      Btw, if it is a choice, then why don't you tell me the same question that I've been asking. Your all dodging it - If I am choosing to not have friends or a life, and I'm really smart, then why haven't I found what choice I'm making after years of looking? Me being elitist. Isn't it - ask anyone of my few friends - I need more confidence.


      Ghsthunter23 - You really hit the nail on the head with this. Everyone seems to be running around as if depression was just a simple choice, and its not. Depression can seem like a simple choice when your not really depressed, and all it will take is the words of a few people encouraging you and everything's back to normal. Yet when there's physically something wrong with you, such as a serotonin deficit, the idea of making a choice seems a little far out.

      Why did you come to this forum? Why did you make a general rant when there was no reason to be ranting? You want attention, and you were expecting no one to agree with you. Thus when people do agree with you, you reward them by calling them "intellectual." They boosted your mood by complimenting you and agreeing. I'd say your the one in some serious need buddy. Your lost. Your stuck hiding in the fact that your life problems are little and you realize it, but they still depress you. You try to hid that by saying your better then that, and hanging out with your friends because you "have balls." Then you come on a forum picking fights and looking down on people. If anything, it seems to me like you lack self confidence, you get out of the house and hang out with your friends, and seek further reassurance by coming on these forums and putting people down.

      There's plenty of people who agree with you here, Hell I share the same opinion about a lot of the posts here, but you don't see any of us picking fights about it. If your the prince of happiness, why are you so negative and argumentative.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by DrunknIrish ().

    • Re: Are you all serious?... [Yes, I dislike all of you]

      22J2 wrote:

      I hate the ones who put it in your face, like try to make you feel sorry for them and say a load of shit. Especially ones who decide to follow the trend of "emo".

      I am sorry to all the emos out there..but...In my opinion, emo is a biggest fail.
      Althought I may be wrong but when I think emo, I think of this:
      [ame='']YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

      PS: no offense intended through the video lol
      The King of Mind-Fuck
    • Re: Are you all serious?... [Yes, I dislike all of you]

      I've read most of this thread but not all of it. Here is my take on the subject of teenagers cutting and/or being suicidal.

      The fact is that suicides do happen, and also self harm is a serious issue. SH I won't delve into too much but suicide I will.

      As I said, suicides already do happen. Also there are plenty of kids out there who act suicidal, maybe even actually contemplate it, soley for the attention of their peers. This I disagree with, although I can sympathize with feeling alone and wanting attention. The thing of it is is that acting suicidal does not resolve the underlying feelings. These kids I can sort of understand but think that they should be able to "pull themselves out of it" so to speak and get over their issues. I know that sounds cruel, but just to clarify, I'm really only talking about kids who do it for attention, not those who actually may be suicidal.

      Onto that now. Although there are many "poser" suicidal kids out there, there are plenty of real teens out there who are actually depressed enough to want to end their own life. Many of them have gone through some pretty traumatic things in their life whether it is rape or abuse of some form, or neglect, whatever. There are certain things which can dull a person to the blissfulness of life. If you constantly have clouds hanging over your head, it can be difficult to see the sun.

      For these people life is so utterly depressing and devoid of meaning that the only way they believe that they can be happy is by ending their life, which they believe is the cause of their suffering. Now, I agree with whoever said that you create your own reality, and that ultimately one's emotions are under one's control. However many people do not realize this, hell I'm typing it right now and I'm not even in complete "control" of my emotions. I'm often depressed because I don't have a gf (although nowhere near cutting myself or anything like that, just some longing is all).

      To the OP, it sounds like you had it rough growing up, looks like you were able to pull through it pretty well and come out with a good head on your shoulders. You even said in your post (i think it was on page 2 or 3) that you "have a great life actually." That's fantastic. But again you said that 2 of the things that bring you the greatest joy are hanging out with your friends and your girlfriend. Well that's fine and dandy but what about the kids with shitty lives and no friends or significant others?

      I know it might be hard to imagine a friendless person but trust me they do exist, and there are more of them out there than you might think. In my first couple years of high school, specifically my sophomore year, I had very little friends. All of my close group of friends went to a different high school than me after 8th grade except one. And the one who did go to the same HS as me left after freshmen year. Now I'm rather shy and he was really anti-social and sort of generally disliked everyone, and as a result I didn't really branch out and make that many friends freshmen year. I would just hang out with my one friend I was talking about. And at the time I was fine just hanging out with my one friend. But sophomore year sucked. He left and while I had some friends at school they were just that. Friends at school, no one I really hung out with on weekends except for my neighbor but even me and him only hung out every now and then. Basically every weekend I just sat at home in my room playing video games or being on the computer. I was depressed, and eventually got a little overweight.

      Luckily now I'm back to my ideal weight and have an excellent group of friends, and my life is going pretty well. But the thing is for a while there it wasn't going well, and I was actually pretty depressed for quite some time, and it took me a while to get over it. I never cut myself or became suicidal, though i did think about running away a bit.

      I guess the point I'm trying to make (which I feel I've done kind of a bad job at making) is that the amount of depression one feels is subjective to the individual. There are some kids who will be more sensitive and more affected by the way others treat them then other people are. Or maybe they just perceive things differently. Just like beauty, sadness and depression are in the eye of the beholder as well. While what you went through wasn't enough to make you end your life or cut yourself, there are other kids who might not be able to take it.

      The fact is that people who are suicidal or emo or whatever whether they are doing it for attention or because they are genuinely depressed they have to learn for themselves. The kids who do it for attention will ultimately (hopefully) realize that that what they are doing is a cry for attention (if they don't already realize it, and I would be willing to guess that many don't) and solves nothing and that receiving attention from others isn't the point of life, although of course there are people who never realize that. And also hopefully those who are truly suicidal are able to keep their chin up and manage not to kill themselves and ultimately realize that they control their own emotions. It just depends on how you look at it.

      Well that's my opinion for now.

    • mikeyk wrote:

      1.) All right, so for that one out of every 1000 wrist-cutters who actually have not one family member, not one friend, not one teacher and not one peer, then yes, life must suck. But whose fault is it, that you don't have any friends? It's your poor self esteem. Any person, of any religion, color, shape and size can make a friend.... Why can't you? Because you are scared of the world? You are afraid of rejection? You are afraid of society?

      um please correct me if im wrong but i think he may have been refering to when firends and famiyl are dead or killed themselves
      just trying to clear things up :)

      mikeyk wrote:

      "I'll admit it, ya it's stupid..."

      Well there you go, thanks for proving my entire point.

      It is stupid... Thank you.

      Play Video Games
      Go On This Site
      Play Sports
      Watch Movies
      Listen to Music
      Pick Up A Hobbie
      Play An Instrument
      Lift Weights
      Get A Job
      Attempt to Make Friends
      Hang Out With Friends
      Find A Girl
      Eat Food
      Go Outside

      The list goes on and on and on.

      these are good ways to cope.
      dont take me as liek a nerd or anything but when youre depressed killing games take your mind off everything

      but again a lot of the time it doesnt help and for me the only way to get my feelings out is to burn myself

      mikeyk wrote:

      but I don't think you understand that everyone deals with similar/worse problems. It seems as if you suicidal people are selfish. You think that you have the worst life, and nothing will change, do you guys keep in account about other kids across the world who don't even have parents, or their girlfriends/boyfriends died?

      um yes and i actualy know a few people who are liek that and they are depressed and suicidal or they do something to bury the feeling. um i guess thsi could be used to say that your outlook on life is all that matters but i think its that some are stronger than others.

      again im not protecting those with dumb ass reasons to cut.

      and i used ot belong to TeenHelp before it went down. One of my friends on it her closet firend shot himself and it took so much for her to move on. it was os hard for her ot cope that she belived she was talking to him (the kid who shot himself) and thought he told her to kill herself and she amost did. im jsut saying this to show not a cutters and depressed are whiners

      DeamonD wrote:

      I am sorry to all the emos out there..but...In my opinion, emo is a biggest fail.
      Althought I may be wrong but when I think emo, I think of this:

      PS: no offense intended through the video lol


      most emos are a big fail. i personaly consider myself emo and im not a fial liek the steryotype

      oooooooooooh i love that song! its so funny and often times so true!!!!
      but the origina vid is better :P

      sorry i didnt put the song in, ony 5 posts -.-
      god speed on the devils thunder


      The post was edited 1 time, last by Matt: Merged Posts (4) ().

    • Re: Are you all serious?... [Yes, I dislike all of you]

      Wow, you remind me of a friend, well he used to be my friend. Intellectual, witty and humorous and yes all his points of views had logic behind them, understandable but if just he let people have there own opinion and there own moment, needed more empathy and understanding in people (he also liked to used wacky out of line examples to compare). Like all do respect people can think there problems are way worse then they are and you can be like think of all the staving children, you're better off. Yeah, you are, you can still be upset. There's no need to cut yourself or do self harm ever but you can be upset, and this forum is so that people can tell people about their feelings without out getting all the attention if they told people at school.

      I agree in the form of which DON'T CUT YOURSELF, IT'S DOESN'T HELP ANYTHING, no matter how bad your problem is.

      And that in everyone's life SHIT HAPPENS. DEAL WITH IT; but this helps them deal with it and get advice at the same time.
      [CENTER]Maddi Love's Ryan
      >> <<
    • Re: Are you all serious?... [Yes, I dislike all of you]

      Your quite right guy who wrote this thread (soz cant remember your name :] )
      I found it a tad bewildering that some people were sucidal due to not getting the right xmas pressie or whatever.
      Although you have to understand that each person is different. Some people are incredibly sensitive to some things and react much differently than say I would .
      Some people have a history of depression in the family or whatever,
      It just depends what kind of person you are.
      P.s your post made good reading.
      [SIZE="4"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Depuis toujours, dans tes rêves![/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
    • Re: Are you all serious?... [Yes, I dislike all of you]

      I've been depressed before and the thing is its a state of mind, so some guy like you cant just TELL them what to do to be happy, when you're actually depressed you can't thing rationally about how foolish your depression might seem to others, it takes over.

      Ofcourse there are 'emo kids' and that increasing group of people who pretend to be depressed to be fashionable (but who are actually just actively choosing to have a negative outlook) but i disagree with you if you're aiming your (very long) rant at the people who are genuinly depressed.
    • Re: Are you all serious?... [Yes, I dislike all of you]

      Hi Mike, I've taken a little bit of interest in your post and I'd like to take a few minutes to sort some things out.

      mikeyk wrote:

      I've came across this website just browsing around on the internet. I noticed that this forum is well organized, populated, informational and everything else positive I could imagine.

      You know Mike, my first impression is that I'm a bit impressed by you. You can actually manage to fit "browsing" around the web ever so innocently into your busy regimen of working out, hanging out with your girlfriend, friends, school, and not to mention all that independent reading you must be doing.

      I mean come on Mike, that must be it, right? I'm sure you'd agree with me, because the only other possibility would be that you were typing things into google about depressed/suicidal teens. I'm sure though, that such a happy go lucky guy like you wouldn't look around forums trying to start trouble with people to make himself feel better, so I'll disregard your view about this forum being better than previous ones you've visited?

      " noticed that this forum is well organized, populated, informational and everything else positive I could imagine."

      mikeyk wrote:

      All though, I did notice something that strikes me as unsanitary, idiotic and repulsive. My topic of concern, teen suicide. I'd advise all you "emotionals" who may take my rant into concern, to just press "back" and ignore this. I may hurt some feelings, but honestly, I don't care. Majority of you will disagree with my statements, and moderators may believe closing this thread is appropriate. In my personal opinion, I am expressing my view on this topic. I may come off as a close-minded, arrogant, "he doesn't know how it feels," kinda-guy, but hear me out.

      not sanitary; unhealthy or unhealthful; tending to harbor or spread disease: unsanitary living conditions

      You know Mike, the first few things that come to mind when I think of "Unsanitary" is usually trash, sewers, or misprepared food. I guess, I'll trust your judgement though Mike since obviously you're and intellectual, and an ace at spotting other intellectuals, correct?

      The best part of your paragraph is the next part. You're "concerned" about teens committing suicice, and in the next sentence you tell them to "press "back" and ignore this". So this BEGS the question Mike, just who was your "little rant" here directed at? :lol: But I doubt that really matters to you, right, Mike?

      mikeyk wrote:

      but honestly, I don't care.

      Thanks for answering Mike.

      mikeyk wrote:

      I may come off as a close-minded, arrogant, "he doesn't know how it feels," kinda-guy, but hear me out.

      You have me confused now Mike, so which is it?

      mikeyk wrote:

      Are you kids honestly engaging yourself in self harm to ease emotional pain? I always brushed this topic off, because I think people who consider suicide and people who commit self mutilation to be idiotic.

      I can only hear so many, "My Dad calls me a loser because I play video games on my 300$ Xbox 360 that he bought me for Christmas," or "My life sucks. My boyfriend dumped me, my parents don't understand, and the kids at school pick on me," stories. Let me break it down for you in a perspective amongst people sharing similar views as mine.

      You know mike, I've personally never read anything about people cutting themselves over an xbox, but since you've heard so many people harping about it, it almost seems like a common occurence doesn't it? Either that, or you're just making shit up.

      I really have no idea how people can even come close to possibly justifying you as witty or intelligent. You simply put one outrageous thing in the front (which is clearly nothing you've ever encountered before) of your examples, and then listed the most circumstancial BS you possibly could of.

      My life sucks - This could mean anything, or simply just a larger category for everything you listed below. Perhaps the person saying this is making a slight joke about being a vaccum salesman.

      My Boyfriend dumped me - "After he found out I was pregnant, and my parents disowned me throwing me out onto the street, and now I have nowhere to go and nothing to eat"

      The kids at school pick on me - Columbine Massacre #2?

      Gee, Mike, enough of the vague suggestions, alright?

      mikeyk wrote:

      Reading these complaints are not a cry for help, but a cry for attention. Yes, you get picked on in school. Why? Because you cut yourself with a razor blade. It's not a matter of "Wow, I am doing nothing wrong. Why does everything think of me as an outcast?" Well, it's like being atheist and walking into a Church. You are different, and you are different by choice. Your plea for help and acceptance amongst society is repulsed by your actions, thoughts and ideas. That must suck? Right. We all know. You live in a society where "normal" is well, normal. Try abiding by what is known to be "normal" and maybe society will accept you.

      Says who Mike, you? Seems to me like you're the one pointing the finger and laughing at them, for being different as you seem to insist they are. Now here's the part where you actually seal the deal about being narrow minded as you said you would come across as before. Not to our dissapointment, you actually define normal, as normal. So what exactly is "normal" Mike, whatever you say is normal? Seems awful similar to racism and hate crime if you ask me Mike.

      mikeyk wrote:

      Yes, I understand. Not all people want to kill themselves because they are socially isolated, but a large percentage of you do. So, that is why I will discuss that matter first.

      I'd really like to know where you get your information from Mike, seems like you're just making shit up again.

      mikeyk wrote:

      Let's say I enjoy killing little children, and eating their skin for breakfast (Not true). Wow, insane right? Why is that insane and looked down upon by society? Hm, maybe because no one does it. Maybe because society tells us what is right and what is wrong. Most suicidal people can agree with me, that killing children and eating them may be intense, and repulsive. Well, because it is. I think you could pin-point the, "child eater" in the neighborhood. Now, why does everyone make fun of me for killing children? Why do people think of me as an outcast? Because I am insane and I have mental problems. You are outcasted simply because you purposely act as an outcast to seek attention. It's not because you aren't "pretty" or "skinny" enough. I know plenty of fat and ugly people who have great lives and great friends. It is because you think these negative thoughts, and you believe that physical pain will take away emotional pain.

      So lets get this right, you're comparing a depressed person to a cannibalistic pedo. Now lets analyze your analogy.

      You're saying that nobody in society kills children and eats their skin for breakfast. We'll assume this is true, because yes this is incredibly outlandish and your arguement doesn't stand unless this is true.

      You're also saying that people are extradited in society for cutting themselves and being depressed. You beleive this to be true.

      Now, we also know that you've encountered A lot of people who cut themselves for various reasons, and that this is the reason why you're here posting.

      So you're on a website full of people who cut themselves because they're depressed, expecting to argue with people who cut themselves, and telling them that they shouldn't cut themselves because nobody else does it.

      mikeyk wrote:

      Now where is the logic in that?

      I beleive you took the words right out of my mouth Mike.

      mikeyk wrote:

      "But Mike, you can't compare someone who kills kids to someone to hurts themselves."

      Yes I can. Both situations deal with mental problems beyond belief. You tell me I can't compare the two, why? Because killing kids is sick and wrong? But yes, cutting your wrists is more sane. It's like a Christian saying, "Well we all know Santa isn't real, but God sure is." You argument has no bearing, and can easily be attacked by either party. I am not an asshole, I am realistic, and I am here to tell you why you are an outcast.

      I already smashed your analogy above. Based on "It's like a Christian saying, "Well we all know Santa isn't real, but God sure is", I can only imagine after you were done yelling at depressed people here, that you went to another forum to yell at religous people. This is the part that's REALLY funny. If you're to consider that you beleive people should do what society thinks as normal, did you ever take into account there's billions of religious people Mike, and that you're dissagreeing with them?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Zebra ().

    • Re: Are you all serious?... [Yes, I dislike all of you]

      mikeyk wrote:

      "Mike, you don't know what I go through in life."

      Actually, I do. I can bet that my life sucks just as much as your average wrist-cutter. I am not going to write what's wrong in my life, because it is my life, none of yours. Also, because none of you can help me. "I want to kill myself," then what do you the responders say, "Oh, don't kill yourself. That's wrong. You have a lot going for you." Your discussions are cries for attention, do not help. If you want to kill yourself, you should have no problem. I'm pretty sure any of you can drive your car off a bridge, jump off a building, eat a bottle of pills. But, no. Instead, you talk about killing yourself. Heres an idea, be normal for once, stop trying to seek for differences in your life, and live it the way it's supposed to be lived.

      Oh? So you know how everyone's life is, and what they themselves experience huh? Yet, you leave nobody the oppurtunity to prove you right or wrong by not sharing. So I guess since this entire paragraph is based off a comparison between you and the person who cuts themself in an attempt to demonstrate how much "stronger" you are than them. Since you've failed to provide any evidence of your relation to them, and simply passed it off as a minor detail, you might as well have just left this paragraph out Mike.

      mikeyk wrote:

      "Mike, why would I want to live like everyone else?"

      Because you are sitting on a forum online, talking about how bad your life sucks. So obviously, the way you are living now, isn't so fun. I can bet that the "average" life is a thousand times better then whatever you are doing now. I don't live an average life, I live a pretty exciting and multifaceted life, and I deal with the same problems most of you go through. "My parents divorced," "I'm not good enough for that girl," blah blah blah. Listen, your life obviously isn't that bad if you have access to internet and living under a roof. Look at people living on the streets... even them, whose lives suck more then ours, are at least sane and intellectual enough not to kill themselves. Here are some threads I have read a little before posting this....

      Mike, don't you remember that you already sent all those emotional people away who like to talk about how bad their life is? Don't worry though Mike, we all beleive you live a life only comparible to that of James Bond.

      mikeyk wrote:

      "My dad calls me a loser for playing video games, like guitar hero..."

      Are you kidding me? You are complaining because you are called a loser for over-using your video game console. Holy shit, does your life suck. I bet thousands of kids would love a 300$ xbox system. But no, you need to complain a little more, just to get that attention because yours parents didn't hug you enough.

      Some of these stories and threads are almost as ridicules as...

      "I'm going to kill myself. I asked my parents for a Nintendo Wii and they gave me a Nintendo DS."

      Crazy, right? I know. How are your stories different?[/quote]

      Yes, Mike, very crazy. Now stop making shit up.

      mikeyk wrote:

      How about you engage in social activities? Not sit alone at lunch. Spend less time ranting online (no contradiction intended), and go outside. Go read, gather information, work out, do something. Make friends... It's not hard. Look, I'm pretty sure if all you suicidal and self harming people gathered together, you'd have a nice group of friends... But no, you purposely isolate yourselves.

      Just because you write (no contradiction intended) doesn't mean you're not making a contradiction anymore Mike. It's like if I were to say, "No offense Mike, but you're retarded". The no offense part doesn't really take away the insult. Oh, and by the way.

      I reccomend you go look at you "Social Phobia" on wikipedia.

      Since you like reading so much Mike, I thought I'd throw some useful material your way. Maybe you'd like to throw me some, you know about where you get your facts. If you even really bothered doing any research or having any "common knowledge" about this subject, maybe your view wouldn't be so obscure.

      mikeyk wrote:

      Unless someone can give me a REAL reason to kill themselves, my perspective will change. No matter how many bad things happen in your life, you should be able to become stronger from it. Girlfriend dumped you? You now know what to do in the next relationship to have an even better one then before. Parents divorced? Now you know that something so heart-breaking can't even effect you. Pull yourselves together.

      Ask me questions, dispute against me, argue with me, seek contradictions, respond...

      I will be active on this thread.

      Yours truly, Mike (that asshole on the internet).

      So why did I decide to respond to you, I'm sure you might be asking.... well it's simply because I managed to be browsing around the internet and stumble upon something I found unsanitary, repulsive, and idiotic.

      Oh, and also a tip of my hat to Ghosthunter. I agree with almost everything he said.

      Oh, and I had to make two seperate post just to fit everything, my bad.
    • Re: Are you all serious?... [Yes, I dislike all of you]

      thanks zebra for putting mikey in his place.

      he is no realist.

      his comparisson's between killers and the depressed, and the generalization that all of the depressed are outcasts is hateful.

      Not everyone who is bloody depressed cuts themselves or is ostracized from society.

      And who're you, mikey, to tell me, or anyone else, what society is? Given your obviously slanted view, you aren't objective enough to make that kind of assertion. What are you, a sociologist? Well guess what, that's my major.

      Saying that all the depressed should be shunned, draws parallels to Hitler telling the public not to support (by way of business, etc) the Jews; telling the German people that the Jews do not belong in society. And you're saying that the depressed should be shunned unless they subscribe to what you define as being normal. They can't. And this, little mikey, is much like Hitler believing that the Jews should conform to the norm that he believed in or face eradication.

      Now, this little analogy may seem audacious to you, but so are all the little analogies you've been polluting this forum with over the past few days.

      Now you see, you aren't the only intelligent one on the site. Intelligent people open their mind; the arrogant never succeed.
    • Re: Are you all serious?... [Yes, I dislike all of you]

      i agree with you i feel no sympathy for those who engage in self harm or suicide, why should I
      [COLOR="Red"]Don’t pollute the planet. It’s where I keep all my junk.[/COLOR][COLOR="DarkOrange"]You say tomato, I say Lycopersicum Esculentum.[/COLOR]I GIVE REP TO PEOPLE WHO TELL ME THINGS ABOUT [COLOR="Red"]AVTOMAT KALASHNIKOVAS[/COLOR]
    • Re: Are you all serious?... [Yes, I dislike all of you]

      I can't agree more with everything you have said, Mikeyk. Your way of thinking is very admirable. I have a few friends that I know cut themselves (and some of them have actually announced it proudly!) and I hate it when they talk about how horrible their life is.

      I don't understand the concept of self-harm or suicide. Sure, your life may be pretty messed up (or really messed up), but think of how terrible other peoples' are. What about people who are starving to death? People who have no homes or family? People who have chronic illnesses and are fated to die? Shouldn't they be the ones to be complaining about how their life sucks?

      I understand many of you think of it as a way of coping and that's your choice, may I add I think it is a very bad choice, but why live unhappy when you can be happy? When your life is at its worse, isn't that when you should be thinking as positively as possible so you don't succumb to sadness?

      Even if I may be the only person who thinks this, I believe that striving for happiness is the point of life. I mean, what more could you do with your life?
      [FONT="Verdana"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Hey, I'm Melissa. Nice to meet ya![/COLOR][/FONT]