What would/could you do?

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    • What would/could you do?

      Hey there. So this is my situation... Im a girl going out with an older guy and we've been going out for like, 3 years now.

      When we first started going out I had only known him for a few months prior, and several months after we started going out, things got pretty serious. About a year later we took some time apart because we weren't getting along very well and in that time i cheated on him 3 times, with two different guys. None of it was supposed to happen, and I never wanted any of it to happen, but one thing led to another and before I realised what I was doing it was too late.

      About a month later I couldnt bear to be apart from him any longer and we got back together. A month after that I confessed what I had done. Things were rocky for a while but they've sorted themselves out since then. It's been smooth sailing for a while but a couple of nights ago I made a big mistake.

      I was over at one of my close friends houses (male friend, btw) and we were watchin movies. It was getting pretty late and he put his hand next to my leg, then onto my leg... and I liked it... and I let him! Things progressed and by an hour later he was feeling up and down my legs, and around my ribs. And I didnt stop him!

      And the worst part is, this has happened 2 times before with the same guy! And every time it happens, I feel like crap aferwards for letting it happen, and he probably feels worse. And now I think he's ignoring me...and it's driving me insane. I cant get him off my mind! And dont get me wrong, I love my boyfriend, but when I'm with this guy, it puts so much doubt in my mind about whether I really do...and I hate that feeling. And now, I really don't know what to do! I seem to have no boundaries at all...and it's constantly getting me into trouble...I just feel so lost...

      So anything will help. And thanks heaps for reading all of this!
    • Re: What would/could you do?

      If you really like your boyfriend, it's only common sense to respect him and not let other guys feel you up. It can be difficult to stop yourself in the heat of the moment, but you have to. I don't blame your boyfriend for ignoring you, because he probably has some inkling of what you're up to. If you're going to have a boyfriend, you must stay committed. It's an unsaid agreement.

      Maybe you two can work something out, like being together but also seeing someone else? You have to talk to him about it. He deserves to know. How would you like it if he was cheating on you with someone else? Sorry for being harsh, but that's how it is.

      Support Leader,
    • Re: What would/could you do?

      mashedbadger wrote:

      Hey there. So this is my situation... Im a girl going out with an older guy and we've been going out for like, 3 years now.

      When we first started going out I had only known him for a few months prior, and several months after we started going out, things got pretty serious. About a year later we took some time apart because we weren't getting along very well and in that time i cheated on him 3 times, with two different guys. None of it was supposed to happen, and I never wanted any of it to happen, but one thing led to another and before I realised what I was doing it was too late.

      About a month later I couldnt bear to be apart from him any longer and we got back together. A month after that I confessed what I had done. Things were rocky for a while but they've sorted themselves out since then. It's been smooth sailing for a while but a couple of nights ago I made a big mistake.

      I was over at one of my close friends houses (male friend, btw) and we were watchin movies. It was getting pretty late and he put his hand next to my leg, then onto my leg... and I liked it... and I let him! Things progressed and by an hour later he was feeling up and down my legs, and around my ribs. And I didnt stop him!

      And the worst part is, this has happened 2 times before with the same guy! And every time it happens, I feel like crap aferwards for letting it happen, and he probably feels worse. And now I think he's ignoring me...and it's driving me insane. I cant get him off my mind! And dont get me wrong, I love my boyfriend, but when I'm with this guy, it puts so much doubt in my mind about whether I really do...and I hate that feeling. And now, I really don't know what to do! I seem to have no boundaries at all...and it's constantly getting me into trouble...I just feel so lost...

      So anything will help. And thanks heaps for reading all of this!

      If you have no boundaries, then I think it's best to not put yourself in tempting situations with other guys. If you can't control yourself then that may be the best thing. It's not fair to your boyfriend and if you have doubts about how you feel then you should really think about them. Think about why you are having those doubts and what's causing them. Figure out what you really want. Either learn self control and remain faithful, or let you boyfriend go and do what you want. If you really care about him, you'll need to make a decision so he doesn't get dragged along. Take time for yourself to think about what's going to make you happy.
      good luck.